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Posts posted by avelanch

  1. He gets up to 2 weeks and no it doesn't count towards his 9 games.

    I think he will most likely be called up after a week from the sounds of things.

    conditioning stints are for one week intervals, at the end of the first week they can apply for an extension of one more week (max 2 weeks per stint), but since his 1 week includes 3 games and he wasn't out for that long odds are good that he'll be back at the end of that first week.

  2. Avalanche where are you?

    If a player is on the injured reserve list of course a replacement can be called up, it could have happened as soon as Bo was placed on the injured reserve list.

    Sorry guys I don't look things up just from memory so I am always prepared to apologize if wrong.

    he's not on the IR, I'm not sure if he ever was. and even if he was, he couldn't be sent to utica for conditioning if he was still on the IR, he'd have to come off of it to be assigned.

  3. it's not about loyalty in the NCAA, as you are guaranteed to not play over 4 years and you want to do what's best for your development in that limited timeframe. it's not about pulling a kesler, it's about doing what's best for his future.

  4. i feel like he's forced into focusing on d-first because of their horrible goaltending so he can't gamble or lead the rush as much as he did last season. i can't help but feel he'll leave the team after this season, or maybe even midseason if this keeps up.

  5. What's up with our offensive D. prospects?

    Subban is tearing it up but all the rest are tearing me up... Tree has 1 point in 17 games, Forsling has 2 in 11 games, Hutton has 0 in 4, Mceneny has 2 in 7 games.

    The first 2 are playing in men's leagues but are getting minutes...hopefully it starts to happen for them soon.

    hutton's been forced into a more defensive role now that their goaltending has gone into the crapper. their 2 senior goalies graduated last year and their current crop of goalies are horrible. hutton is the only nhl drafted d-man on his team so he has to take up the slack. honestly i can see him leaving school early (possibly mid-season) if his team doesn't turn it around.

  6. About one week out? He'll play 3 games in Utica (22, 24, 25) and then be back in time for Washington on the 26, though they may want to wait for Carolina on the 28

  7. So college players can't wear the logo of the team they have been drafted too, but are free to wear ones for other teams? A bit of a weird rule...

    they can wear whatever they want to buy for themselves. some people just like their old hats.

    also, just to be clear, my original comment was a joke.

  8. shore is still there, but byron and vesey are the only other nhl prospects on the team, and they are all forwards. one third of their team are freshmen and none of their goalies played for them last season (2 are brand new and one didn't play last season; the season before last he played in a grand total of 6 games and had a record of 2 wins and one loss, with .881 sv% and a 2.83 GAA)

  9. if Maine doesn't start helping hutton i wouldn't be surprised if he opts to leave after this season and just finish his degree virtually/during the summer. It's got to be frustrating for the kid.

  10. so no matter what Hutton has to play at least 1 season in our system? (Utica/Vancouver)

    no, hutton could still refuse to sign after finishing his 4th season (if he leaves after his third we still have his rights for another season) but he wouldn't become a FA on july 1, he'd have to wait until Aug 15, after all the FA frenzy is done and most camp rosters are pretty much set. NCAA players that used to take advantage of the loophole did so wanting to cash in on the feeding frenzy that is July 1st. much less teams will be interested/have room on August 15, which is why it's less of an issue. I'd be surprised if Hutton were to try to go FA though. he doesn't seem like the type.

  11. I thought you can't do that anymore?

    schultz (or McNally) could still pull a schultz (one year minors before going to ncaa and the leaving school at the end of his 3rd ncaa year not signing with his drafted team and then becoming a FA on july first) what CANT happen anymore is a drafted player going straight to ncaa and then after your third season becoming FA on july first after not signing with your team.

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