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Posts posted by avelanch

  1. I thought a player wouldn't have to pass through waivers again as long as the call up was less than 30 days or 10 games.

    unless there is a new provision in the new CBA that i don't know about, that's only for when the player clears waivers and isn't sent down to the farm team right away.

  2. Am I the only person (of course I'm not, but it sounds more dramatic this way) who feels Matthias has been nothing short of completely useless so far this season? I don't see what some people seem to see in him aside from his size. He's speedy, but doesn't seem to really do anything with the speed. He's not good enough defensively to be a defensive specialist, he's not good enough offensively to play top six, he doesn't win draws...

    I just don't really see what he brings to the team, at all.

    I'm not saying that I expect Bo to steal his job. If Horvat doesn't show that he's more than slightly better than Matthias, I fully expect him to be returned to Jr. as it wouldn't make sense for him to stay up for the slightest of improvement to the lineup. In that case, I would be more than happy to see Horvat returned to the Knights for another season of development and playing in a leadership role.

    I'm just confused as to what Matthias' role is supposed to be on this team, I guess.

    you're not the only one:

    Shawn Matthias: "I would say it's my best game of the season because I've been pretty crappy the first eight games." #canucks

    • Upvote 2
  3. whether or not he goes back to the OHL after the world Jrs would depend on how he performs in those 9 games in the NHL. you can't just throw him back to the OHL if he makes your team better with him on it. you can't have hard and fast rules preventing all prospects from playing in the NHL until they play out their entire junior career and a couple years in the AHL. life isn't black and white like that. everyone says "that's how the red wings do it" but that's because they had the NHL team that allowed them to do that, and they had late draft picks that needed that development, and they are going to have to change that eventually, as their NHL team isn't as strong as it used to be.

  4. Do they ever reset? I have 2 lingering from at least 2-3 years ago..

    On topic: looking forward to seeing Bo in action tonight, hopefully he's on one of the first two lines and gets ample opportunity!

    you can petition a mod to lower it if you feel like you deserve it.

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