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Posts posted by avelanch

  1. I agree completely. I'd love to see a 19 year old draft, rather than 18. I think teams would have a much better idea of who players are going to be at 19, as oppposed to 18

    how would switching the draft age to 19 work though? one year would be comprised solely of all passed over 19 and 20 year olds... it'd be the worst draft year ever.

  2. I see Sestito on waivers regardless at this rate. If Sestito's even our 13th forward, that means none of Horvat, Shinkaruk or Jensen made the team. If they keep playing the way they have, at LEAST one of them is starting the season here.

    Bye Sestito.

    sestito is FROM utica, it's only natural he goes home to play this season. bye bye boxing hobo on skates.

  3. Aww how old is she now? Are you planning on growing her hair out?

    18 months, nearly 19. we will be growing her hair out, she just got a trim and she has a baby bob right now. so cute.

    then again, i think she could pull off a couture hairstyle too:


    i have to convert her crib to a toddler bed today. i had to drop her mattress to the lowest setting on sunday because she climbed out of her crib and fell to the floor, and last night she once again climbed out of bed, but no crash to the ground so she must have slid down. so now we have to babyproof her room/closet and convert her crib. she's so dang tall, she definitely doesn't take after her mother in that regard.

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  4. B, C, and D are probably all true. I don't talk about other people very much out loud.

    Edit: It was also a little exaggeration on my part. It just feels like I've had quite a weird number of gay dudes express interest lol.

    you know that if a gay dude says hi to you it doesn't mean he wants to jump your feminine bones... right?

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