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Everything posted by 'NucK™

  1. In my (somewhat realistic?) dream scenario, those changes would be made in the offseason. - trade 2-3 of Miller, Horvat, Boeser, Pearson for ~20yo players + a few 2022 draft picks, before this year's TDL - let Green tank this team to a top 5 pick - have a solid, busy draft (~8 picks, on top of the top 5 selection) in order to restock the cupboards - fire JB and Green and replace with veteran coaching staff and a GM that can keep Aqua's hands to himself - inject acquired, now 21yo, players + the top 5 pick into the lineup and hopefully start trending upwards - following year, inject hopefully some more hits from this year's busy draft into the lineup (so, 2-3 guys on ELCs) - Stanley Cup?
  2. Oh for sure.. my comment was made under the assumption that if we go the route of a "retool" it would be under a new GM/coach
  3. This is what I'm sort of starting to shift my hopes to... if we can acquire assets for guys that you don't see being here 1-2 years from now, and those acquired assets are younger players who are entering their prime in 1-2 years, then we might actually be able to actually achieve a (relatively) quick retool that sees are more competitive 2-3 years from now, while also somewhat restocking our cupboards via this year's draft.
  4. Seriously... maybe stop "looking for the play" you want, and just get the puck to the net?? Not to mention your shot is 10x better than your playmaking ability Boes.. stop thinking about "Petey on the other side"..
  5. I honestly don't even care enough at this point to even bother speculating lol... but yes, definitely possible, and "maintenance day" is probably the exact excuse they would use.
  6. ?? he brought in Schmidt & Holtby for $10.25mil when he could've had Tanev & Toffolli for ~$8M..
  7. Yeah, I don't get it.. again, the RESULTS speak for themselves.. what is there even to talk about? Of course.. but you can't just forgive the GM for allowing the owner to meddle and not letting him do his job (if you're saying that's the excuse some people have for still supporting Benning). If we do that, then JB can do no wrong, because every bad decision, you could just assume was Aqualini's then..
  8. Because a good GM is a better evaluator of what the right decision is, than we are... I thought I made that clear in both my previous comments.. it's absolutely hilarious that you guys evaluate JB on what you yourself would've done.. he isn't being paid millions of dollars to achieve the same results that some guy who watches the games and chats on Canucks Talk would... c'mon
  9. A better GM would most likely still have Toffolli and Tanev around, and no Pearson.. and when JB is literally the reason we are relying on those 3 players to produce, how is he not responsible??
  10. I'm with you about getting rid of Green first, but that doesn't answer my question about how you can possibly still like JB.. his job is to provide us with enjoyable, competitive, hockey.. he has failed.. and even if you still think he made all the right moves, the results of said moves speak for themselves.
  11. How? I still stand by many, if not most, of JB's moves.. but I'm not a professional,1 of only 32 on this planet, GM....and it's a results based business, so how could you possibly still like him?
  12. Oh right... my bad, I totally overlooked the fact that Millsy isn't listed and was just like... man, we suck in the middle even worse than I remember.. lol
  13. So basically Green clued in that Pod-Petey-Garland is a good line... but is too scared of Bo's temper tantrum to pull Pearson off his line.. so the result is two of our best forwards playing with probably the worst C in the entire league... fantastic..
  14. The reason the organization should be worried is that season ticket holders this year can't sell their tickets for face value (even close to face value actually). Which, if this season continues on as it has, I can guarantee will mean a huge nose dive in season ticket sales for next season. Team sucks next year too? Then you will see season ticket holders listing their tickets at/below face value again next year, and Aqua won't see much revenue from single-game tickets either.
  15. To me it's a situation where Aqua has meddled his way into this mess, now he needs to fix the problem and hire people who are not "yes men", who he can trust to run the team w/o his involvement. Aka.. he needs to meddle a bit more to find the people who can make him stop meddling.
  16. The current DJ seems to forget at times that he is playing at a hockey game.. some of the low energy music he plays is just cringe to sit there and listen to, and doesn't match the atmosphere of a sporting event whatsoever
  17. Took something? Like some kind of meds you mean? I mean obviously it's possible.. and I don't mean to say anything with certainty other than the fact that the looks no stronger out there than he did 3 years ago.. which unfortunately is not a good sign no matter the cause.
  18. What do you mean "if"? He looks the same out there as he did in Oct 2018.. when his lack of strength could be excused as he was only 20... it's been THREE YEARS since then..
  19. Perhaps an offseason of barely training? Guy has literally declared himself as a superstar (via the $7.35m bridge deal he negotiated), but is still a weak 170lb twig out there... and he's 23 now FFS
  20. that's a sign they can say is vulgar and inappropriate.. what is their reasoning for confiscating a "Fire Benning" sign that isn't just them trying to suppress the opinions of their own fans?
  21. this actually sounds like a brilliant idea.... everyone wear whatever jersey you have that isn't a Canucks one.. seeing a crowd dressed in merch that isn't his own is sure to make Aqua
  22. there were even people who had discreet "Fire Benning" signs (like clever ones that only after folding would say that), and they were confiscated.. so yeah, no more freedom of speech in Aqua's establishments I guess
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