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Status Updates posted by Sanford

  1. Haha, Its there for a reason :D

  2. Hahaha, Its there for a reason. :)

  3. Have you changed your view on Ryan Johnson yet? :D.

  4. Sigh... Back to the insults again? Well I reported.. hopefully something can be done to your immature antics.

  5. My apologies then.

  6. GET OUT! You are making a bad name for us - reps out here.

  7. Canucklelion... I never compliment the bottom 6 because they never had a solid game.

  8. Good for you on hating Rypien :). Welcome to the club? Have you turned to the darkside yet with Johnson?

  9. Disgusting... You made my little sister look at it you sick piece of crap.

  10. Well I reached my -100 negative plateau! Obviously I'm very proud of myself... special tanks to Beat Beats and Champion of Nothing to make it all possible. Love you guys.

  11. GOD DAMN IT! I guess you were serious when you quoted me >:(

  12. Grats on being a community leader! You deserve it :)

  13. Hah Enuck... I guess you're winning the negative rep race now :/

  14. Bionic posts 200 post a day and get esteemed... I barely post 3 and I get negative reps :()

  15. Hey Enuck, don't you have that sig of Phaneuf and Iginla hugging each other? That was funny... if you still have it sent it over :D

  16. Thanks for the complement :D. I feel special. Screw positive reps..

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