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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. Long weekends are full of win. Especially when they kick off with a win by the Lions.

    1. ReverendMayhem93


      I have forgotten how to deal with victory...it's been so long.

  2. Right back at you.


  3. I had S & B tonight...think that means I should befriend you.


  4. Shifting gears now...hockey anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Let's just get Lois and Francine to live in the same house while Peter and Stan are deported to Somalia.

    3. Captain Bob

      Captain Bob

      Ovie, I'd pay monthly for a live feed of that house.

    4. HighwayToHell


      would have to be better than "drawn together" was.

  5. I get some of the best/funniest pm's. LH...straight to the point, don't pull any punches.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -DLC-


      I am facebooking this place all to smithereens.

    3. Captain Bob

      Captain Bob

      Pretty much, only I think I may be your only follower here.

    4. -DLC-


      I know. Good enough for me.

      Remember I told you - flakey Deb's at the wheel tonight.

  6. Feels pretty brilliant that she diagnosed her own car problem when it died in the Safeway parking lot last night, leaving her stranded in high heels with perishable groceries and a long walk home

    1. -DLC-


      ...now, if only she could learn to fix the problem without simply being the assistant who hands the tools to the mechanic friend.

  7. Love to see the fishermen finally getting a great run...best one in 100 years or so

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BedBeats™2.0


      Meant to say...i hate fine dining restaurants.

    3. Vigneault's Timeout

      Vigneault's Timeout

      Oh man, we bought 10 for so cheap, looked up a youtube video how to cut them, and spent the evening doing that on sunday. Had some before work this afternoon, and it tasting AMAZING!

    4. Vigneault's Timeout

      Vigneault's Timeout

      $12.00/salmon, pretty good deal, and I sat on my freezer for it to close.

  8. at 41-1. His real name is Archie...I've taken a lot of pics of him. He was the horse to beat two years ago, taking every major race. But I knew him when he was a "nobody". ;)


    (copy/paste it...it's easiest)

  9. I'm not a big "gambler"...never have done a casino/slots - no desire to. I work too hard to throw my $$ around. The track is my one indulgence (I never pay to play poker). And I sit some races out if nothing strikes me as a winning combo.

    And, although I really do bet the greys, this has been my favourite horse for the past 5 years. Bet him the first time ...

  10. No worries, Joe.

    And good planning there.

    I use mine very rarely..honestly, put $20 or so on the card and let others bet with it from my place if it's on TV. It's more of a fun thing than a "win" thing.

  11. And which Canucks book? I have 'em all I think.

    I'll keep an eye out for you (bought these sports books today: One Hundred Greatest Sports Moments; Walking With Legends/HNIC; The Meaning Of Puck). 11 books in all. I fail at self restraint in book/record stores.

  12. When we hit a game, I'll give it to you!

    (By then I'll have looked at it to death/be tired of it)


  13. Just promise me you won't go crazy and bet all your $ away...I'd feel guilty then for hooking you up.

    Moderation is the key. ;)

    (I mostly bet longshots because small payouts bore me...if I win, it's usually pretty big. With that, also few and far between)

  14. Try this one then:


    and go to the top where it says Join HPI

    See if that works. :)

    Sorry to lead you on a wild goose chase.

  15. That's the one.

    One of my favourite spots is the bargain table at one of two bookstores - Black Bond (they now have a bargain "room" in the back) and Indigo (which is where I blew off 40 minutes today)


  16. I like that Attack In Black song you posted.

    Very much so.


  17. No wonder I haven't been playing The Score racing contest...they didn't have it this year.

    It was a good one - cost nothing to enter. Made your pick (1) for each race and got the W-P-S $. At the end of race day, the 3 people with the most "winnings" actually got to keep theirs. :) Many people involved - came close, but no cigar.

  18. Hi Joe...back now.

    So here's the link for HPI:


    I signed up in person at the track but you can do it here.

  19. Debfail: it's not my birthday. But, if it's any consolation, y'all make me feel like it is. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -DLC-


      Furthermore, cheers. We like you that way.

      And I think we'll make this a CDC tradition - random unbirthdays.

    3. BruinsForCup2011


      I'd say I'd have one next but nobody would care cuz I post too much lol :(

    4. -DLC-


      We'd care.

      I post too much some days too. Today would be one of them. It's a good distraction. :)

  20. Heya,

    Thanks BB...one problem, my birfday's in October. ;)

    ;) Just a much appreciated CDC mix up. Although I bought myself a gift...a Prince book/cd set (21 Nights). Poetry, lyrics, photos, etc.

    On the ten buck table!! :)

  21. You can bet online or via phone.

    I got mine at Hastings, but will find out for you how you can get one. You can use it at most tracks (I even bet Australia on occasion). It's free - just have to deposit and you're ready to go! Plus you get points that are redeemable.

    Plus there's another deal...be back soon (3-2-1- racing)...later....

  22. Yes Joe....you can bet online or via phone.

    I got mine right at Hastings, but will find out for you how you can get one. You can use it at most tracks (I even bet Australia on occasion). It's free - just have to deposit and you're ready to go! Plus you get points that are redeemable.

    I'll get the info to you when I get back (just dashing back out again)

  23. Happy birthday to me...October is going to be a great concert month (does anyone else refer to the hockey schedule first, before buying tickets?)

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. -DLC-


      You guys are the best.

      I needed an August birthday too.

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Let's start celebrating half-birthdays, then.

    4. -DLC-


      I'm in.

      Honestly, the well wishes kinda made me feel like it is.

      So I think it's a great plan. :)

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