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Everything posted by cuporbust

  1. Ya , i agree ....those tights are hot
  2. Lol. I watched the wagon go by as i drank a beer. Fair enough though. Dont get ur capri pants in a twist. Carry on
  3. Haha. Indeed. It was a good second half i must admit ....for football. My buddies were laughing cause they know i hate NFL football and could tell i was enjoying it. LOL I didnt think i was that transparent
  4. Ive been drinkin again deb. I should probably not post right now. Lol. Drinking and posting ...not good. Lol
  5. Those feelings didnt happen at half time did they? If they did , u might be gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that Just joking realx
  6. 6 seconds of action , 2 minutes of ass pats, 5 minutes of commercials. rinse repeat. Half time..... Tweeeeeet . man in a dress lip sinc.... Everyone has a wet dream about brady....... More ass pats. Commercials .... Some dude saying pass rush this brady i love you ......6 seconds of action .... Awesome
  7. Hahaha. Well played. I think i see hair on those hands. If ur guna lip sink ms/mr gaga , at least shave the thing first. My god i hate football.
  8. Now i can stop pretending to give a (fill in the blaaaank) about football and get back to real canadian life. Thank god i only have to listen to one day of recaps on 1040 until they focus on something i give a (fill in the blank) about again.
  9. My mustache ... I mean mistake. What is cool is she /he now has his/her own bathroom at most establishments until she / he decides if she/he is a he or a her. No need to stop acting like a lady/gentleman.
  10. There isnt a superbowl thread ? Lol. I really wanted to talk in depth about gaga s adams apple
  11. Guess we will find out. That's what everyone said about Kassian when he was a rookie
  12. He is a d man on a weak team. Maybe put the blame on the guys up front. He got a pp helper. Its rediculous to expect even an offensive d man to be responsible for that
  13. I'm really excited for this kid.
  14. Ya the more I look the happier I am. Lol. Knee jerk was disappointment at 5 , but he is a VERY good prospect
  15. Oh my God. Not unhappy with the pick, not happy with the spot
  16. Yep. And that's what the did with Schneider too. Granted , different management , but it tends to be the way most teams develope young goaltenders. They almost always take longer then anyone else to secure roster spots
  17. Ya he's making up for the deadline. So far so good. Lol
  18. I am so crazy excited. I really thought he'd go back. This is the best news we've had in a while
  19. No but 220 pound players trying to knock you off the puck are
  20. Exactly. So maybe you shouldn't post like you know something others don't. Nobody has a clue what's going to happen , except for maybe demko.
  21. Proof. What u have as evidence of this
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