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Everything posted by Wild#9

  1. Yeah, but not if its in the case thing I bought for it. Trust me, I've done it. :P

    Well we certainly didn't damage their stats last night. I'm beginning to think Backstrom's gone off the deep end lol

  2. I forgot if I replied or not...I don't like I did.

    Yeah, it's pretty much like a huge iPod touch, but it's way easier to watch movies and go on the internet with. Plus the games are cooler.

    BTW we're one point behind you again :P

  3. Hey if you guys lose and we win, we'll be tied with you for 1st in the NW. Unfortunately, my laptop is broken and I suck at typing with my iPad, so I won't be able to rub it in your faces. Sorry. Disappointing I know =P

    1. EB²


      BUT we're gonna win and you're gonna lose so dont be disappointed

    2. BruinsForCup2011


      lol yeah. And then you'll be 4 points back! Disappointing I know :P

    3. SpinDrive
  4. My stupid (or smart I guess) iPad autocorrected "thisclose"

  5. Hey we are this close to being tied with you for 1st in the NW

    Maybe you have. My laptop is broken right now so I'm typing on my iPad but I'm slow at typing with it...so I can't go in the chartroom tonight. I'm sure they're just crushed :P

  6. Not wierd, just that you have no life :P

    I got mine my first try too. The people I know that failed sucked at parallel parking.

    It was because some guy in the chat room cursed you by saying "shutout". I think his name was Darkie, you can go kill him now.

  7. So...you're saying you'd accept a 3-2 loss?

    Yeah, GDTs get kinda stupid after a while. They're too fast for me to follow.


    Do anything cool for Halloween?

    PS I'm warning my sister that she's got a stalker in Van :P

  8. Was Paranormal Activity 2 supposed to be scary?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      seeing real ghosts is much better.

    3. TrudeauVoter


      there was a scene where a ghost was shown in the second one

    4. BruinsForCup2011


      Are ghosts supposed to be scary? Even if they did exist?

  9. Lol did you honestly log onto to CDC at 2am just to wish yourself a happy birthday?

    Okay you got your present from me last night. I hope you enjoyed it cause I didn't :P

    Seriously though, happy birthday! Everybody knows the best birthdays are 16, 18 and 21. Did you get your license yet?

  10. So when you do well, the media covers it and ends up jinxing you. Looks like you're screwed. :P

  11. Haha you still think they're not as puck controlling? Wow that game sucked. But I guess we had it coming, right?

    I heard Rypien pushed him away too.

    Neither do I. When you go into a game positive that you'll win, that's when you lose. And then you just look like an idiot.

  12. Went home for dinner with my gf and parents, and found my 17 year old sister watching a Jersey Shore marathon with her friend. FML.

    1. Ashleigh


      Well, she's 17. So be easy on her. :P

    2. PowerIce


      Umm, what's her number? We need to hook up! ;)

  13. What can I say? You know me too well.

    That wasn't luck, Luongo just never plays well at the X. C'mon didn't you see his stats before the game? And lemme just say you guys have a unfair advantage now...your building, our 2nd night of a back to back, our best players are just getting over/still are sick AND you're going up against our back up!

  14. Haha right. Cause the Vikings fans hate Favre now.

  15. I thought the Sedins (along with your back up goalie) were the few highlights from your team last night, on ice anyways. I thought it was kind of wierd that Henrik turned and walked away from Rypien when he was grabbing the fan. Don't you guys always get some hype though?

  16. Sometimes it isn't. But I'm pretty happy with some of his decisions lately and the "ZOMG FIRE RICHARDZZ" articles have stopped anyways.

    Nice game last night, eh? :P

  17. Way to be a professional.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EB²


      He wasnt acting professional, so what people make mistakes. We're human.

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      are you human ^ lol jokes :P

    4. Wild#9


      relax people it was a joke

  18. C'mon it's the Oilers. We always beat them. We're actually not playing that bad at all. Good-PP, faceoffs. Bad-slow starts. What about your Nucks?

    Unfortunately, he doesn't have any taste in sports teams and likes the Vikes. Nah, if it was regular season I might but not pre-season.

  19. Probably. When your country has trillions of dollars in debt, you try not to think about how much it spends. :P

    No, man I'm not saying that and I'm not even saying that I want him to be. I'm just saying that if we get off to another horrible start (which we aren't so far), his job is definately in danger.

  20. Oh you got me. I'm really a closet Canuck fan.

  21. Haha that's true. We're not very popular, but that's what nukes are for. :P

    A few years?! No way. One year. And one year is over. They should know his system by now, and Russo has been writing all these articles about how much pressure Richards is under. If we continue to suck, it'll be his head. :P

  22. Haha good luck with that, terrorist. :P What are they like in Canada? People have told me it's as bad as the US but I guess not?

    What's new...hmm...well I think our coach is going to get fired. Yep, you heard that from me first.

  23. I gotta say, I don't get that hyped up about pre-season either. Just nothing at stake.

    You just now learned how to stop? What kind of Canadian are you?? :P

    Haha thanks. I didn't watch it either. They're in Finland so the time changes make the game at 11:00am central. And my boss doesn't exactly enjoy letting me sit around watching Wild games.

  24. Wow someone's excited about the preseason. How are the Nucks doing?

    But no snow=no ice. And no ice=no hockey. AHHH WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO ALL WINTER??

    Ouch. That's quite a commute.

  25. Well..okay bag searches count. But not for you :P

    Yeah, same thing happened to me. That's the TSA for you. They're kind of entertaining though, just to see which one is the most uptight of the most uptight group ever created. You say "quite an experience". How's the security in Canada? Cause that's pretty normal for us.

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