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Status Updates posted by Wild#9

  1. Haha for a prediction? What did you say? Maybe someone's just out for you. Next thing you know, you're gonna be followed down a dark alley.

    No clue. I don't Google things like that, you're the crazy one of the two of us! :P

  2. You? Getting negatives? Your rep is 222. I'm starting to think it's impossible.

    Lol did you Google "stats about American insanity" or something? BE HONEST.

  3. Thisclose to the best day of my entire summer.

  4. I was thinking "this would be a great time to disappear from CDC and never come back". You'd spend the rest of your life wondering if you killed me lol.

    Sorry no terrorist. I was really close to Canada though, I saw it. Pretty scary, being so close to all the crazy Canadians :P

    Oh PS I stole some of your cell phone coverage

  5. Oh I didn't really "witness" it, but there are tornados around here all the time. I've just never seen one.

    Oops. Sorry. I lived through that too. Damn I must be immortal. Lol. Maybe a car crash driving back to Det? Or my ferry could sink getting off this island?

  6. No clue. I think to myself every year "I should remember this date for next year" but I never do.

    Yeah, and it almost hit me AGAIN in Detroit, but it missed me for the 2nd time. Stupid storm.

    I actually drove up to the UP. Family reunion.

    Haha I honestly thought they were screwed about half way through the game, but I'm seriously glad they came back.

  7. *off

    Can't type today.

  8. I don't know, Russo says they're coming out on...Tuesday. I think.

    Same here. There was a tornado here too, not near me though. I never get the cool weather :P

    Good, I'm flying to Detroit tomorrow. Red Wings fans everywhere. Ick.

    I see you're a Lakers fan. My respect for you just went way up. :P Now I gotta get my donkey of the computer and watch em

  9. Well, actually, the humidity is gone now. Sorry, but I lived. But there was a tornado up north a couple of hours ago. I lived through that too! I'm doing pretty well with this living stuff, huh? Lol.

    By the way, I'm flying to Detroit tomorrow. Maybe my plane will crash, then you can have my things. I promise. :P

  10. Meh, same as every summer. Hot, humid, boring. At least the schedules will be coming out soon, right? What about up there in Van?

  11. Haha I KNEW you were going to make an American joke.

    It's actually not too bad here, but the humidity is killer. Ugh. I could probably choke just walking outside.

  12. Haha really? I love barbeques.

    Nuna what? Lol. That's the north-est one, right? :P No, what are the temps in India? Probably scorching hot.

  13. Yeah, plus you can have all those classic, Memorial Day cabin barbeques

    Yeah, that's pretty darn warm. But you do know that tempatures get colder the farther north you get, right? :P

  14. Good, I didn't really do much either. Drove up to Duluth for a few days but that's it.

    Haha well you ARE in Canada :P

    According to an online temperature converter, that's like 95-104 F so no, not that hot yet. We can get up there around July though. What about you guys?

  15. Haha thanks, I'll rememeber that.

    So how's your Memorial Day weekend been? I dunno about Van, but it's been pretty hot down here.

  16. Yeah Lakers!

  17. Haha that too! But you know what I've figured out? If you say something like "go ahead and give me minuses now", they don't. Guess they don't wanna make a Wild fan right lol

  18. Haha yeah, nothing like freaking out Canuck fans to lighten the mood, right?

  19. You can say that again. And I thought it was bad after a loss! But the stupid threads are pretty entertaining, you gotta admit.

  20. Haha ok. I'll try that "remembering" idea out:P

    Yeah, plus this place is always going crazy for about a month after you guys get knocked out of the playoffs. So I try and avoid you all for a while :P

  21. Wild#9

    Nah, I think Cal Clutterbuck suits you better :P

    And case you haven't noticed, I tend to disappear from CDC sometimes. So if I don't answer, I'm not ignoring you. There's just a limited amount of time I can spend with Canucks fans without getting Sedin-overloaded :P

  22. Ok I'll agree to that. But I'm going to forget, so remind me next season.

    And case you haven't noticed, I tend to disappear from CDC sometimes. So if I don't answer, I'm not ignoring you. There's just a limited amount of time I can spend with Canucks fans without getting Sedin-overloaded :P

  23. But what if neither of us are right? Like what if you say the Nucks and I say the Hawks and it's the...Oilers or something crazy like that?

  24. Wild#9

    Why in this crazy world would I give you a Koivu jersey if I can buy another one for myself? :P

  25. Ok, no usernames. I'll agree to the sig thing, as long as there's nothing about licking whip cream off people's nipples lol jk

    Now we just have to find something to bet on

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