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Status Updates posted by Wild#9

  1. Hey, I haven't seen YOU in a while. Those 180 days have to be long gone by now, right? Or are you on this account forever now? Cause I still find it funny to have "MikkoKoivuIsGod-eh" on my friends list.

  2. Really? I didn't know that but it doesn't really surprise me lol. Yeah, we live up to the stupid/fat sterotypes pretty well, don't we? Almost like Canadians and their "eh"s? :P

  3. Haha if I brought a bomb on board, I'd be in Guantanamo Bay.

  4. Sureee I do, keep tellin yourself that.

    Lol I guess, but I have some Canadian friends so I think I would have heard about it by now. Plus, I've been to Van and I know for a fact I didn't get strip searched :P

  5. I'VE got problems? :P

    Haha silly Canadian, thinking your airports are bad. We're the United our-scanners-have-to-see-your-@$$-to-check-for-underwear-bombs States.

  6. Haha I Googled it once and it said it was a small horse...those are almost as scary as penguins.

    No fair, man. Where's your sense of adventure? (aka breaking the bank)

    Ok, but I won't give it to you. You can have the jail/stalking fees though.

  7. Nuh uh. Not me, I refuse. What's a Canuck anyways? An orca? lol

    Aw c'mon the whole point of taking me with you is you pay for everything. Of course I am. Screw the Lincoln Memorial and the White House, I wanna see Ovie :P

  8. No, I'm awesome for being a Wild fan and you're still foolish for being a Canucks fan haha

    Nice. Wanna take me with you? :P All I'm doing is going to Washington DC

  9. You wanna see a goalie's weiner? And you say Gabs and Demo are gay... :P

    Well, you are foolish, but that's not why. *cough* Canucks fan *cough* lol

    So, you're going to India huh? Why?

  10. Very true, but I think that would be a little beyond wierd.

    I didn't miss your point, that's why I was saying he doesn't get groin injuries anymore because he doesn't see Demo as much.

  11. Wha? Kings have more points than you. And the Avs...well no one understands the Avs.

    All goalies are wierd. They stand in front of pucks flying 95 mph.

    No, you tell me. You're the one who said it wouldn't hurt them. All I'm sayin is Gabby needs to relax on the groin stuff. See, you play the Wild a lot, so he was always injured with us. You don't play the Rags much.

  12. Yeah? Well GO AVS AND KINGS! (yes, I just went to SI.com to see who was around you lol)

    I do. And how about the other one, Khodobin or something? Yeah. I have no clue.

    Wrong. Then why are they always getting groin injuries? Don't let Gabs in Van, he's too rough. Calm down there, Gabby, or you'll be out another season lol

  13. Nah, I don't really care about our spot in the NW. What we need is a playoff spot. LOSE STARS AND WINGS! :P

    Spelled it wrong! Haha I CAN pronounce our real goalies names, just not all our AHL ones (who happen to have the weirdest names ever in hockey :P)

    Ugh just thinking about Demo gives me a headache! He's Gabby's lover. They used to live together, you know?

  14. Well it was true at the time

    Haha so much for your 7 game winning streak, huh? C'mon the Habs aren't even that good!

    Yeah, but impossible to pronouce. Same with our other AHL goalie...who's now our starter. This is messed up.

  15. Oh and PS that goalie's name is competely impossible to spell. Copy and pasted from Russo's twitter, its...Dubielewicz. No joke.

  16. Ha you wish! We're actually fighting (and losing) with the Lames for 3rd at the moment.

    7 games, wow. I think the Earth would implode on itself if the Avs won the NW. So, I can't believe I'm saying this but it's kinda nice to see someone halfway decent on top :P

    Oh you remember that Houston goalie, Dub-something, and I couldn't remember his name? He's starting for us tonight!

  17. Probably. I think the Wild should make the playoffs just so all you Nuck fans shut your mouths lol that would be wierd though.

    So, how are your Canucks doing anyways? I haven't been on CDC much lately. They're still 1st in the NW right? Or are you gonna be outdone by the Avs? :P

  18. I know! We're thisclose (again)

    True. It's the end-of-year finals that you really gotta cram for

  19. Oh yeah, you just keep telling yourself that haha

    I forget, what was that a response to? My memory kinda sucks

    Um do I want to know what you mean by that?

  20. It's not my fault your arguments were basically begging for me to turn them around :P

    Did you just use "Canucks fan" as an insult?

    I agree, I don't even like the number 5.

  21. my name would be Wild#5 right now

  22. Psh yeah Wild tickets are basically what I spend my money on. And GM Place must be pretty quiet if you can turn up the TV loud enough to feel like you're at a game :P

    You know, that's almost as insulting as calling me a Canuck fan lol

    See? Great method. Works every time. But it's wierd thinking that if Kim Johnsson had just scored 1 goal at the right time, my name would be...

  23. Doesn't Peyton Manning play for the Colts? I was watching a game once and I said "whoever scores the next touchdown is my fav player" and Manning got one. Haha great method, right? Well it worked with Koivu ;)

  24. No way! I need that money for Wild tickets, not new, expensive TVs haha

    Wait wait wait a minute here. I am NOT a Vikings fan. I'm a bandwagoner of there's for sure, but now they suck so I hate them :P

    Colts. No just kidding I have no idea, but I want the Colts to win.

  25. Yeah, I've been avoiding SI for a bit now but I say if we beat Detroit tomorrow, I'll take a peek at the West again. You're sure we'll pass em? Is that a promise? :P

    Oh exams. Fun.

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