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Status Updates posted by Wild#9

  1. Ok I'll try it in these limited characters. 1980 US hockey team (made up of collage kids) plays Soviet team, which hadn't lost a game in like 40 + won gold everytime for the past decade or so. During the Cold War so it was huge deal. US wins. Country is united and happy again. Voted best sports moment of the century. Disney makes movie (great movie btw). The end. Didja catch all that? :P

  2. Wait. My sarcasm detector is broken. Was that last thing sarcasm? Cause if you don't know what the Miracle on Ice was, man have you been missing out.

    Lol well you're right. And you're evil.

  3. Lol. No. Not THOSE twins, the MN Twins. Ya know? Baseball?

    Yep, considering he's worshipped over here, I'm guessing Canada hates him.

  4. Ooooh it's all your fault lol. That was an awesome game btw. Miracle on Ice v.2 finish too.

    Woah. What? I can't even figure out what that's supposed to mean, let alone think about it lol

  5. No, not the WILD! The Twins! Cause I don't really care about them.

    No, actually Ohno stumbled a bit, lost all his speed and was in the back. But he passed 2 Canadians in the final lap to get bronze and become the most decorated Winter Olympian or something crazy like that. It was pretty awesome.

  6. Fine. Or maybe they should just tank for a year or two to get some more great players.

    Darn. It was an awesome race (well for us it was lol). Lucky bastard, getting to go to these events :P

  7. *a bandwagoner

  8. Yeah, I'm bandwagoners of both, but the Twins never seem to go anywhere but the 1st round.

    And since you got your fun, I've gotta ask: did you catch the mens 1000m short track speed skating race?

  9. Haha that's my specialty. Making Canucks fans' head hurt.

    Doesn't matter. We have Kesler. If you diss the US, you diss Kesler :P

    If you know such a hot girl, why aren't you dating her? lol

  10. No, I'm not saying I'm happy that they're gone. But there's nothing we can do about it now, so why stress over it?

    Lol are you kidding? Timberwolves? Around here, we consider ourselves to have 3 pro sports teams. That's how much they suck.

  11. Maybe I'm stalking you...stalking me

    No way, man! Big black SUVs just scream America. And we have Shaun White and Apolo Ohno and Lindsey Vonn...and KESLER!

    I knew an annoying girl named Amy in middle school and she ruined my opinion on the name. God, she was annoying.

  12. Meh not really. When you've let Marian Gaborik go for nothing, losing Demo doesn't seems so bad. Plus,those two were a bit too...Sedin-ish (yes, that's an insult) I don't remember either, but for some reason I think we let him walk.

  13. We'd die of boredom. And yes I am sure, because I haven't seen any creepy white vans around.

    Yes, really. We are awesome. We have big black SUVs and LA and NY and Obama and nukes.

    Lol I can't help it, its just...Amy. Hmm why do I get the feeling I shouldn't have told you that?? :P

  14. Yeah, yeah I know I'm just playin with ya

  15. Haha we'd be bored all the time, that's what. Plus, you don't know where I live so good luck

    Psh no you're jealous of our pure awesomeness

    Lol. Amy. Hello, Amy :P Well, Mikko was named Missy by Kurtis Foster so it could be worse. (and yes, that counts as an embarassing thing)

  16. Hm I dunno I gotta think of some that are of non-Koivu people. But you know what would help me think? Things about Canucks :P

    Damn it you caught me!

    Ooooh I'm so offended lol all Canadians hate Americans cause they're jealous

    Haha its a pretty good icebreaker, huh? (or eh lol) Well mine is Taylor so I get to keep my name, now yours.

  17. Oh but I will tell you that there was one kid who went to like all of them and asked "If you were a girl, what would your name be?" every time. Good times :P

  18. No way. Unless, of course, you want to tell me something bad about the twins...or Kesler or Burrows or anyone else I hate lol

    I don't know, it's just a guess. Japan has all these wierd brands.

    That's for sure and you know what my dislike is? The Canucks :P

  19. Oh c'mon. Weak excuse. Aren't you Canuck fans supposed to be experts at making excuses why your teams loses? :P

  20. Lol oh those aren't even the good ones. Good thing you don't pay any attention to the Wild cause just the little things they say at the Hockey Unplugged's (answering fan questions) are full of jokes you could make :P

    YUM! It's good. Maybe the Canadian kind is different.

  21. That's no fun, the nights when you play the Wild are the funnest times around here. (For me at least :P)

  22. Lol that sounds convincing. I think I'll keep the Koivu ones to myself, but since everyone makes fun of Cal anyways, he used to (still does?) love Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus.

    Lol it's mac and cheese. Not Kraft Dinner! You wierd Canadians and your food names. And that stuff is delicious btw

  23. Lol then I'll be spending a lot more time around here

  24. Yeah, I've had it from time to time too. And I think I've picked up too many embarrassing facts about the Wild players. I'll shut my mouth now or these will come up in a future argument I know it :P

    Lol. Seriously, anytime someone here posts "eh" or "Kraft Dinner" or some other funny Canadian phrase, I laugh to myself.

  25. More than half. Everyone does. But I hate McDonalds. I literally cringed when Clutterbuck said it was his favorite food. YUCK!

    Fat is worse, but "eh" is easier to make fun over on the internet, eh? :P

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