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Everything posted by Joker

  1. Damn, don't make me wait too long. Lol.

  2. Let me get this straight ('cause I'm still a little confused), once I reach 10K posts, I wait for you to reach that too? Then we start the 20K posts race?

  3. What'chu been doin' on my profilez gurl!

  4. What'chu been doin' on my profilez boi!

  5. Haha. Okay. So, first to 10K and then when you reach 10K, we start the 20K race?

  6. 20K!? Holy crap. That's going to be hard for the both of us. But alright, I'm in. Should we start the battle now, or when hockey starts?

  7. Yes, lol. I want to be in that special group of people with 10K posts. =D No, white noise posts don't count. I have to do it the hard way.

    Lol. Nah, it probably took me like 10 mins. I'm a pretty fast typer, you see. Which means I type fast. I know! What the frack!? The reason I wrote that was to make a point, and no one read it. Now I'm pissed. Ah whatever, doesn't matter.

  8. Yeah, I guess. I had it toasted a few times, just never really liked it.

    Haha. Yes, we will see. But I just want to get to 10,000 posts the quickest way I can. So, anything I can do to do that I'll do.

    A nerd!? Wha!? Huh!? I'm not a nerd. Lol. I know it's CDC, but I like to use those things. It's just better, I think. Everybody's different right? See what I did there? =P

  9. I guess that's just a risk you'll have to take! Oh, and make sure your sisters in there, too. =P Jk. Lol.

  10. Oh, but you do! You just haven't realized it yet.

    Quebec City? Wha!? Huh!? When did you go there? What are you going there? Having fun?

  11. Woah, Pacific Coliseum...why does that ring a bell. Oh yeah, that Coliseum is in that Pokemon game for Wii (my brother plays it all the time. Lol.). Do they come up to you and are like, "Dude! Didn't you see me!?"

  12. Which isn't too bad. How about you?

  13. Sorry about the late reply, my internet stopped working completely for two days.

    Anyways, I'm not that much of a toasted kind of guy. To me, having my sub toasted isn't that good. Because the cheese melts and it mixed with the sauce and everything gets screwed.

    Yeah, lol. I donno, I might do that. But 100 posts a day is alot. I might do, maybe, around 50-70. Which isn't to...

  14. It's worth a shot though. So, should we?

  15. 'Cause Indians in India are gross and filthy. I wouldn't want anybody to cough on me there. Would you?

    Nice. I love when the sauce is warm, and when you take a bite there's like a bit of nice, warm sauce and meat with cheese in your mouth. Mmmm.... Lol. 8200 posts in a year. Sh-Should we do it? But sometimes my internet/CDC crashed and then I/we won't get that many post that day...

  16. Well, I like to call it Mumbai 'cause that's a better name than crappy Bombay. Don't tell me someone coughed on you. 0_0 You should get yourself checked out.

    Lol. Well, probably not that much, that's kind of an over-exaggeration. But, you know what I mean? Like probably 3500+ posts in all those seems more accurate. Oh yeah! Lol. That was pretty epic. Pizza subs are epic.

  17. By 'convince', do you mean fists? =P 'Cause I'd be happy to use mine.

    You'll never know you won't need it unless you don't at least try it. So, you in?

    Haha. Right. Your fan base is pretty low already, and your rep is even lower. =P (I lol'ed at that...out loud)

    No, I was just looking at your last update and I thought you were leaving me....and the kids...

  18. Whoops, I just checked on my TV. It's actually called, CW4Kids. Sorry about that.
  19. Well, I don't know what channel 'cause I don't live in Vancouver/Surrey. But it's on that WB4Kids thing every Saturday morning.
  20. A DBZ joke. Did you guys know that they started to air this show again, only on Saturdays, though. I watch it every Saturday.
  21. Lol. Okay. How about we start a new one. "How was Mumbai?"

    Haha. Yeah. That's how I got 5600+ posts. Most of those came from the GDT's. I wonder, if I post in most of the GDT this year, how many post I will get...

  22. Nope. You can't.

    Hey, where'd you go? I was worried that you wouldn't admit you love me. =/

  23. So you do have them in? Or don't. I didn't follow that reply.

    You've got a shot. But once I get into a GDT, the only way to stop me is by taking away my internet connect (it comes and goes usually). 'Cause I post like crazy man in those.

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