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Everything posted by CaptainCanuck001

  1. If it's true EE is seeking 5/125, than he can walk for all I care.
  2. According to Heyman, Jays and Fowler are still apart on talks. And that EE is apparently looking for 5/125. Edit: also worth noting, Passan is saying that Nippon are going to post Otani after this upcoming season. Edit 2: Davidi saying that is EE signing with Jays is looking less likely by the day, and Moreland is a real possibility for 1B.
  3. I just think that the UFC doesn't want Khabib vs Conor.
  4. Could see Khabib vs Ferguson for the #1 contender. With Conor maybe fighting Nate again at 155
  5. UFC strips Conor of the 145 belt, Aldo becomes champion. Holloway vs Pettis for #1 contender.
  6. In other news Stevie G retired today. One of the greatest one club men to play.....
  7. Shhhh. Everyone deserves to play in it every once and a while.
  8. If Celtic can play like they did against City, they have a great chance.
  9. Have fun Lateralus. I wanted to ask your opinion on RB Leipzig. I know a lot of my German friends hate them.
  10. 3 points lost. Dominated the 2nd half, got our goal, than sat back. Don't have the killer instinct to put teams away. We won't get top 4 this season the way we are playing.
  11. Didn't EEs agent been on recording saying that he is a 1st baseman now? Morales is strictly a DH, but it does dampen the light of EE signing.
  12. What a horrible call by the Bombers coach.
  13. I'm sure if Conor wants to defend both the UFC will bend over.
  14. Tonight was a clinic, no doubt, but Conor is jut establishing his legacy. He's not at the top level yet, if he can defend either title a few times no doubt he will be up in GOAT status. And about GSP, were his fights the most exciting, no. But he constantly dominated the fight, he made division 1 all-American wrestlers look like amateurs.
  15. That's fair enough, but IMO what someone does in the cage to me is more important than what you can do on the mic. I'm a huge Conor fan, but he needs to start defending his titles.
  16. In or out of the cage entertainment? Cause Anderson and Fedor were just as dominant in the ring and entertaining.
  17. Maybe. GSP, Fedor, Anderson and Jones are still better for now.
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