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Bertuzzi Babe

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Bertuzzi Babe last won the day on February 2 2013

Bertuzzi Babe had the most liked content!

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    http://CDCCensorship has eaten the URL
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    Dancing on the fine line......

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Bertuzzi Babe's Achievements

Canucks Second-Line

Canucks Second-Line (9/14)



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  1. It's GAME DAY!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!! Here we go and what a ride!! (Now what to do for the next 9 1/2 hours?) :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bertuzzi Babe

      Bertuzzi Babe

      I know!!! Nap thing sounds great but I know what you mean about level of anxiety thing - more like a can't sit still, too much energy thing!

    3. Shift-4


      I hear you Heretic!

    4. Bertuzzi Babe

      Bertuzzi Babe

      Heading out to go pond-dipping with a group of 3-5 year olds - maybe I can pond-dip myself and kill a few minutes! Auggghhhh, it's only been 41 minutes, can it possibly go any slower than this???

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