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JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo

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Posts posted by JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo

  1. 1 hour ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

    Rivalry + the fact the media blows Peyton and will take his word for anything but will take out the pitchforks when anything is said against Brady/Pats...can you imagine if the scenario was flipped yesterday, the game was in NE, the Broncos tablets stopped working, and we scored all our points within that time frame? Happened against the Steelers in the regular season and people were all riled up...now imagine it at a playoff game in Foxborough. Madness would have ensued but because it was in Denver, not a word said.

    ....and cmon now, Cam is a boss. To be completely honest, he only comes off as a douche because he's black. Not stirring the pot or trying to be racist, but it's the honest truth. If he was white and did what he did, none of the media would question him and would say it's just a passionate QB doing what he loves and having fun. Well, it's the exact same thing with black Cam except the sad reality people judge based on colour. ARod used to celebrate quite a bit, never heard anything about him a thug or douche did we lol. It's just because of his colour but Cam is a guy you can't hate on. He does all the right things.

    I have never seen any QB do a 1 minute dance routine in the endzone after a touchdown. White or black that guy's a douche. For the record I am not a fan of A-Rod either. 

    That being said weren't you and Pats fan the guys hating on the Seahawks because of Sherman and his bravado? Maybe it was just Patsfan. Seems hypocritical to me.

  2. 6 hours ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

    Frack man. There goes the season, and to Satin Manning which hurts that much more.

    ...sucks a fracken EXTRA POINT cost us this game, like such an odd way to lose out of everything...Brady wasn't good early on and that cost em too. Wasn't himself at all. 4th quarter he turned it up but too little too late. And that oline was pretty terrible but not to pin the blame solely on them.

    ...don't know why never kicked the FG the last time...time before made sense but after when they got down there should've kicked the 3 and won with the TD at the end...but hypotheticals are nothing but a fantasy. 


    Looks like I won't be going to SanFran anymore. Only wish now is to whoever makes the SB to destroy Manning. The only thing/Nothing would be more satisfying to see him tarnish his legacy going 1-4 in SB's and and keeping him out of the discussion as a great, though he played a heck of a game today. And would love to see Fitz get that ring anyways or see Davis from Carolina finally win it.

    Why do you hate Peyton so much? Just curious. To me he seems like a stand up guy who displays exceptional character on and off the field. I am by no means a Broncos fan but he is definitely the lesser of two evils when it comes to this superbowl as Cam is often a total douche.

    That being said I don't think the Broncos have a chance. Mind you I didn't think they had a chance today either. I saw the Cards beat down coming though. 

  3. 1 hour ago, oldnews said:

    That opening drive TD really set the tone for Denver imo.

    Brady could generate very little through three quarters - nothing on the ground, the odd 5 and yac with little else and 2 for 13 on third down conversions.  A gutsy effort when their backs were squarely against the wall, but just not effective for the first 45 minutes.

    I don't like Peyton's chances at all with Carolina coming at him - which they undoubtedly will.   I think he's going to taste a whole other level of heat (all over again lol). 

    Carolina's just too balanced on both sides of the ball imo -  it's hard to see this playing out well for Peyton's last fail.

    42-8 Panthers :ph34r: 



    just sayin

  4. 20 minutes ago, 87Crosby said:

    Lockette has more return yards than all of Arizonas offence. And Bruce Arians isn't going to be happy with anything in the game today. Missed kicks, bad punts, shaky offense, bad defence.

    No e.

  5. Don't forget Denver's D-line is one of the best in the league, maybe the best. They had Rodgers running for his life and he is more mobile than Brady. Dont know how Green Bay's O-line compares to the Pats but I wouldn't be as confident in the victory as some in here. 

  6. lol @ Seahawks. Entertaining to see how quiet the bandwagon has gotten in general already :lol:

    Nice to hear the Patriots bandwagon is still going on strong. It's so loud you can hear it clear across the entire continent where the team is based.

  7. It's still the rule tho

    There are many rules/penalties that are let go if they don't affect the play multiple times a game. In this case, if there was a Lion in the vicinity trying to make a play on the ball then it would have been an unfair advantage to the Seahawks and the penalty should have been called. As there wasn't any chance of a Lion recovery, the outcome of the play was not in doubt and thus the infraction should not be called. Like I said, on the Wilson fumble that led to to the Lions only touchdown there were two illegal contact penalties on Seahawks players that were let go. Apparently Trent Dilfer posted them on his twitter account. As Wilson had no chance to make the play they were not called. If the penalties were called the outcome of the game would never have been in doubt and the batting would never have been an issue. It's still a rule though, right?

  8. Why do you think I am a Hawks hater? xD (if you are curious I have no love or hate for ether the Hawks or Lions. I am genuinely unbiased towards them).

    You are also missing the point. Yes it was a great defensive play leading up to it and yes it was unlikely a Lions player would have gotten it but it was still against the rules to bat the ball. You can argue that it is a dumb rule but it is still a rule and the NFL has already acknowledged that it was a botched call and should have been a penalty.

    As far as no one knowing the rule well that is relevant to you. This actually came up a few years ago when Troy Polamalu dove at a fumble and punched it into the endzone from like 10-15 yards away. For what it is worth I am on the East Coast so maybe it wasn't known by "everyone" on the west but it is a rule I knew and have discussed with people years ago.

    I am not even knocking the Hawks in this I am just stating the obvious.

    1. Was it a penalty?

    - Yes. The NFL admitted it was the wrong call.

    2. Would the game have been the Lions to lose if they scored a TD?

    - Yes. Outside of the fact that the Hawks only mustered 13 points and only 3 in that half... How often do teams in general drive 80 yards in less than a minute and a half when the defense can anticipate pass plays?

    If that makes my opinion "invalid" in your eyes I can't do much about it but it seems like your homering hard. I made my remarks based on facts, percentages, and no cares about ether team. I am not bothered by sports teams losing xD

    I apologize if I mislabelled you. I guess I misread what you said about the Lions dominating the Seahawks. I overlooked the part about their defense in the second half which I would be inclined to agree upon. I assumed you meant the overall game as anyone who thought the Lions dominated any part of that game, with the exception of their defensive line, would have to be hating as the only real domination in that game was by the Seahawks defense.

    That being said I think there is still bias in your interpretation of the rule, and the outcome, and I still think it is you that is missing the point. Trent Dilfer said it best today when he stated that refs are there to enforce the Spirit of the rule, not the letter of it, right or wrong. They are given the mandate to make subjective calls as they see it. It happens every game, 30 times a game, when penalties are not called when they don't affect a play. He gave an example in this game as well. When Wilson fumbled the ball, and it was taken in for a score, there were two blatant illegal contact penalties on Seahawks receivers. As Wilson was under duress ,and never could have made a play anyway, the penalties were let go and the score counted. It happens every game, multiple times a game and as such you can't pick and choose when to enforce rules to the letter of the rule when they benefit your viewpoint.

    In the case of the batted ball, he suggests the ref knew the rule. He had his hand on the flag and even discussed it with the other refs. They decided that under the circumstances, the ball already heading out, no Lion being close to the ball, and KJ being easily able to recover or run through the ball knocking it out, that the rule being broken was not significant to the outcome of the play and the a penalty should not be called. And it was the right call in my opinion and many other non seahawk fans as well.

    As for you knowing the rule, I call BS. Your example is not even close as the ball was fumbled on the field of play and batted into the endzone. Everyone who follows the game knows that rule, as well as not being able to knock the ball forward ala the holy roller rule. This ball was already in the endzone and on its way out. Trent Dilfer didn't know the rule. Neither did Pete Carroll, John Gruden, KJ Wright, Steve Young, Ray Lewis, the announcers, the booth, or the entire Detroit Lions team. But somehow some random fan did because he is out east? Not buying it one bit. Please provide an example of ever seeing a play even close to comparing to this one if you can. I highly doubt you can without google. Maybe not even then. As I said, Earl Thomas did it last year and it wasn't called a penalty and was never discussed afterwards.

    As for the outcome had the penalty been called. Well I guess it's all speculation at best. Given the fact that the Lions offense could only muster one field goal all game, a touchdown was not even close to a guarantee. Not to mention the Lions had a chance to get the ball back with time on clock. Remember what happened then? A 50 yard pass to Kearse, that's what. I get it though. The odds would have been in the Lions favor and had they scored it most likely they would have won. It's all moot at this point. The right call was made and the better team won. Homer out. xD

    • Upvote 1
  9. I wouldn't call it ridiculous. Detroit would have easily had the advantage in the game if that call was made. It would have been 1st and goal from about the 6 yard line. If they scored a TD yes the Hawks would have gotten the ball back but they would have needed to score a TD against a defense that hadn't allowed a TD to them that entire half and in general was dominating them.

    It isn't guaranteed but it is very far to say the Lions probably would have won if that call was made xD

    Once again, I think you (and some other Hawks haters) and I have a much different view on what dominating is? To be honest I think that comment disqualifies your opinion.

    Making the call would have been ridiculous as it would have negated an unbelievable play by BamBam on a technicallity. The result would have been the same regardless of the "bat" as there wasn't even a Lion in the vicinity. What would have been ridiculous is if the ref had made that call. The spirit of the rules in the NFL is to prevent a team from gaining an unfair advantage. This was certainly not the case here.

    Futhermore, Nobody knew the rule except for some old school ref who brought it up 10 minutes after the game. None of the Lions coaches or players questioned the call. Neither did the announcers or anyone in the booth. Obviously KJ didn't know it either or he would have jumped on the ball.

    Earl made a similar play last year where he caused a fumble on the goal line and pushed it out of the end zone and no one even "batted" an eye. Why bring it up now?

    Two weeks ago the Hawks recovered a fumble against Green Bay after an interception, with the game on the line, and it didn't even get a review. Where was the outrage on that one? This is just another excuse for Hawks haters to piss and moan about a team that has been better than theirs as of late. Pats fans know what I am talking about. Then again, Pats fans that are outraged by the non call are probably just enjoying the negative attention being on someone else for a change. I for one am kind of enjoying it.

  10. #NFL tells ESPN Lions should have been given the ball goal to go in Seattle. Back judge makes wrong call in same end zone as #FAILMARY. Wow.

    Uh oh...another fail by the refs in a Seattle game

    I had to look this up on ESPN as I had no idea what you were trying to say in your post. Is "goal to go" a regularly used term? I dont think I've ever heard it. That being said, had Wags just fallen on the ball or let it roll out on its own the result would have been the same so it's a non issue imo.



    I seriously laughed at your post. Not because it's witty but the exact opposite to be honest. Nobody is saying Brady isn't a great player so there was no need to get defensive. If you really think he would even survive a game behind that o-line, much less win one, you have no concept of this game.

    • Upvote 1
  12. This ^

    Holy hell our third string QB beat the worst team in the league better ditch our starter.

    Jennings hit more long throws in one game than Lulay does in one season. He scrambled to avoid pressure and threw accurate balls on the run unlike Lulay since 2011. Face it, Lulay may be done this year, maybe for good. He hasn't looked good since the injury. Jennings gives us hope at least. I don't think many believe he will make the Lions a championship team this year but I think most believe he gives us a much better chance than Lulay.
    • Upvote 1
  13. Jiggs, pears, gooseberries making up for Mak not returning back to this thread lol.


    I can't quote the part of your post that mentions it but I read about other QB's messing with ball pressure before. The difference, according to the article, is the others over or under inflated there balls prior to the refs checking them, not after. I don't know if there is any truth to that.

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