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  1. Elliotte Friedman stated the Canucks are frontrunners for OEL.. How do we afford him? and do we need him? 

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    2. Rounoush


      ^ Not necessarily. Sutter, for example, can go the other way to free up some cap and Arizona could also take some of the burden of the money themselves.


      Do we need him? We do not but it would still be nice to have him if the price is right. The fact that he wants to play here is cool.

    3. -AJ-


      We only really afford him if say say goodbye to substantial UFAs/RFAs. It makes sense that if we get OEL, we say goodbye to Tanev, so there's one, but we'd likely have to also consider holding off on others that need to be paid like Stecher, Gaudette, Leivo, Fantenberg, and Motte. Not all of those maybe and none of those are huge money, but added up, that could be $5M - $8M possibly. We already know Toffoli isn't staying (probably), but that was almost already a result of the existing cap issues. Virtanen would be possible if he was already qualified, which means we're stuck with him unless we trade him.


      Aside from that, they would need to take on cap in return, which would make it a little easier.


      Personally, I don't think it's worth it, even if they take a little bit of cap in return, but I'm willing to be wrong.

    4. BoKnows


      Is it possible that they can retain only the cap and we pay all of the salary?

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