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Everything posted by SergioMomesso

  1. That’s just too funny. Blatant interference and the crowd loses it
  2. No way he’s giving up his spot on the roster. I never realized how steady he is and can make a good outlet pass
  3. EP40 ain’t gonna let a 2nd overall pick show him up.
  4. Fans freaking out over a love tap while our guys are getting hooked and interfered with all game.
  5. And I bet most Av’s fans would say the same about not taking Hughes over Makar. I’m ecstatic we got Hughes and would be the same if Makar was a Canuck. But in the end, Hughes Petey duo trumps Makar and Martin Kaut (17th overall 2018) any day of the week.
  6. Their tying goal was as lucky as it gets. Most shots tipped up high end up in the corner or over the glass.
  7. Cmon fellas shut er down until the insurance line rolls out for the last 1:30. We all know what happens when the opposition pulls the tender.
  8. Haha the ref section is hilarious. no way that goes down at Rogers Arena. They would get the boot before warmups.
  9. I hate the even up embellishment call. Why not just call the dive?
  10. Another nice back pass to put Fantenberg in a tough spot.
  11. Remember when some analysts said Dobson was the next best Dman available after Dahlin?
  12. It’s the JV18 effect. What a shift by the third line.
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