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Everything posted by SergioMomesso

  1. I had a bet with one of my flamer fan buddies that Burrows would atleast match his total from last year. Burrows did, my friend has to wear one of my Canuck jersey's for game one, plus buy a 24 pack for the festivities. i can't wait to drink the beer a Flame fan bought me while he is sportin a Nuck Jersey. Thursday can't come soon enough. Kinda weird how all of a sudden there are about five thousand new members on the Kings forum from Alberta. hhhhmmmmmmmm.
  2. who will be sportin a Burrows jersey on thursday? I will. whoot whoot.
  3. Grabner should start using his stick. They should room together this road trip. Anything to get Grabs going.
  4. 33 and counting. What bugged me last night was when MacTavish said " any player playing on the right wing of the Sedin's would be callling his agent to let him know about a big deposit in the account after a big season. " Burrows is sticking around for a while, not pulling an Anson Carter. Where is Carter nowadays? Burrows deserves to be there. I think Burrows make the twins better. Last year was the first year they averaged a point a game. Look at this year. Henrik 1.34 ppg. Daniel 1.32 ppg. It's not just a coincidence there ppg went up vastly. Burrows has alot to do with their production and vice versa.
  5. you from the north originally?

  6. 12 game to go. 8 goals in 12 with the twins is doable. no one else will be given a chance with the Sedin's now that Sammy's done for a while. 70 points is realistic too.
  7. you mean Kevin weekes not Steve weekes. Our goalie of the future.
  8. 40 is a long shot, but hey it can be done.
  9. well apparently guys like Mike Brown, jason Krog and Matt pettinger could have done just as good a job or better. i know Brown is in Anaheim, but where are them other two plugs?
  10. another game which Burrows turned around.
  11. stop checking out my woman, you bunch of perverts

  12. I ' m just joking around. I am pretty sure clutch changed his user name by now. I am a huge Burrows supporter from day one. I am the only guy in my small town to own any Burrows merchandise.
  13. Johnson is useless. there are 500 guys in the minors who can block shots too.

  14. let us see the rest of her.

  15. I saw a stat the other day. Burrows trails only Ovechkin in evenstrenght goals in the last 82 games played.
  16. trade him now while his value is still high
  17. back to back tricks baby. you can do iiiiittttt
  18. man I wish we would have gotton rid of him before we signed him last year. Burrows really sucked tonite.
  19. quite true. If Burrows would have been placed with Kes and Bernier n a checking role he would have been more noticeable out there. being the player he is, Burrows can't score goals on his own. Take Brooks Laich for example, when he's playng with Ovie or Semin, he gets points and when he plays on the third or fourth line , he contributes in many other ways. Same type of players. both can play a hardnosed game and put the puck in the net if playing with talent along side of them.
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