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Everything posted by SergioMomesso

  1. Exactly. Even though our PP scored. It still lost the game.
  2. When are the Sedins gonna dominate a contender?
  3. 2 coverage miscues and 2 goals against.
  4. Yup game breakers with another half ass effort.
  5. Another great performance by Lou. Just to be wasted.
  6. If they play against the Kings the same way they played the last two games? Expect a beat down. This month will tell us if the boys are a contender or just a pretender.
  7. Sedins have to be better. I counted about 15 odd man rushes for TB so far
  8. Ugly glaring mistakes. Only down by one. Let's take it to em in the third
  9. Gotta call up a LH dman. I think Sauve gets the call.
  10. Torts better have pushed them hard the last few practices. A must win because it's not getting any easier next month.
  11. How about no dirty looks at people who are cheering and having a good time
  12. We are a different team this year. Torts will keep em going. We win 5-1 Daniel x 2 Garrison Higgins Richardson Matt Cooke for the bad guys
  13. look whats going on in other cities. Fans getting beat and killed. But Lucic takes a couple of love taps to the chin and now everyone hates Vancouver again.
  14. Like anyone gives a rats a** about the Canucks and our fans anyways. Oh no now Lucic has dis-owned us. What are we to do?
  15. That's exactly what I was trying to type but only wanted to do it in less than three sentences. I'm with you all the way . The emotional highs and lows of being a die hard fan is what I watch hockey for. And I could care less what people think and say about it. Cause when and if we win the big one in my lifetime. I will make sure the guy behind me at the Rog will have to get on his feet because I'll be standing the whole time.
  16. Kassian was mocking Gagner and his broken jaw. And the protection piece he was wearing. But the Oilers made sure he will never hurt another Oiler again. They yelled at him very loud. I was even scared.
  17. I don't think the Oilers played bad. Our boys just dominated them front head to toe.
  18. Hughson "that's what's wrong with their power play. They weren't using the right guys ".
  19. Oilers played a tough game last night. It's imperative our boys get the first goal and build a bigger lead from there. It would be nice to have a comfortable lead going into the third to be able to roll four lines the rest of the way.
  20. I hope he builds on his strong effort tonight. Zack just has to keep his feet moving. With his size and hands. He should be a force every night with or without the puck.
  21. Twins are looking lethargic at home lately. They better wake up because the Bruins d will slap em around like little school kids.
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