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Everything posted by SergioMomesso

  1. How about 2 straight playoff busts and a season from hell to follow it up. Why not do themselves and the Csnucks a favor by signing for a shorter term or smaller cap hit. No team will make a trade for them with a 14 million dollar cap hit for four more years .
  2. Hard to believe Daniel won the Art Ross only 2 1/2 years ago. Talk about a complete drop off in production by a so called elite player .
  3. First Saturday night game I've not bothered to watch in over 15 years. This break is good for both the team and it's fans.
  4. Burrows 0g in 25 Booth 0g in forever Sedin 0g in 15 14.3 million in Salary. 0 goals in over 50 games combined. I'm no math major but something is not adding up.
  5. I was ok with re-signing the twins. But not for the 7 million per year they received from MG. How could everyone but the powers to be not see their decline in play. Even your average Joe who doesn't know what an off side is, can see the twins aren't top tier players anymore. I see us going no where with the twins leading the way.
  6. Yet another dismal effort by our top guns.
  7. Our highest paid players need to produce. Simple as that. Sedins, Kesler, Burrows, Edler and Garrison need pick their game up in a hurry or we are not making the playoffs. Those guys are getting paid to put the puck in the net. Especially on the PP
  8. Exactly. Get on with the youth movement before it's too late. Guys like Edler, the Sedins, Bieksa and Garrison are expendable. More losses mean those guys may waive their NTC for the right situation. I'm done with trying to convince myself we have a team that will compete for a cup. MG wanted a reset and the only way to do it is to make a bold move that changes the identity of the team from the core out. We are not going to win with our current core anytime soon.
  9. Looking forward to 4 more years of rapid decline in play from Daniel Sedin. Elite players can play with anybody. Daniel is not creating anything in the offensive zone. I am sad to say MG may have made a mistake signing the twins to an extension.
  10. The only player on this squad that is playing to his potential is Luongo. This year feels like the 07 season. Luongo standing on his head with no run support whatsoever.
  11. My god. 5 goals scored in the last 3 games against teams that everyone else in the league is lighting up. Unless MG brings in a legitimate sniper. It's miss the playoffs or another 4 and out.
  12. That's exactly what I thought Burr was doing. Nothing is off limits for him. Reminded me of when he scooped up some snow with his stick and offered it to Mike Richards.
  13. Can't wait till the next Phoenix game where we kill more 7 min penalties.
  14. I have zero respect for this so called "heavy team ". Especially Jordan Nolan. If my memory is right? I do recall Sestito cranking a King last year in his first game as a Nuck and Nolan challenged him. They both had a spirited fight. When the shoe is on the other foot. Nolan turtles . What a b1tch
  15. Sure glad to be travelling Friday night while the nucks take on another powerhouse. Hanging with the big boys just to squeak out a loss is getting to me in more ways than one. I need a short break before I end up in a padded cell.
  16. C'mon boys big third period. Kassian looking good after the boot to the face. Yannick Weber does not look out if place.
  17. I wasn't hallucinating . That was the worst hockey I've watched this year.
  18. Did you catch the PK Suban incident? Ron McLean didn't defend his precious referees when PK called them out tonight. He sure didn't hold back when Burrows had his Auguer incident a few years back.
  19. We are still missing 3 important pieces that would have helped this game. Any updates on Edler, Burrows or Stanton?
  20. On the plus side. It sure was nice to see a skill player on the other team get plowed over for once. I still don't know why that was a penalty. If that's a Sedin on the receiving end. Guaranteed no call
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