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Everything posted by SergioMomesso

  1. Kass may not get his chance to play in the top six anytime soon the way Higgins and Santo are playing. And you know Daniel ain't giving up his top line spot. So Kassian is in a battle between Hansen, Booth and Burrows for that last top sux spot. If he doesn't start putting up points consistently. He might just end up bouncing from the third and fourth line all season long. He has to make things happen even with his limited ice time.
  2. Trade bait at the deadline for a Sami Pahlson, Bryan Smolinski type player. (Sarc)
  3. When is the last time our boys put in a solid 60 min at home? I think the first home game against the Oilers .
  4. Kassians forecheck consists of pointing at both dmen and taking the wrong route every time . Every successful team has young players step up and deliver. We all know what we are gonna get from the vets. Anythibg by the youngsters is a bonus. And Kassian is that young guy the Canucks need to be good now. Not in three years.
  5. PK depth will hurt. Means guys like Weisse and Booth will be killing penalties. It only works for so long before they get exposed.
  6. Botchford just tweeted that too. Is post it if I knew how .
  7. Just watched the tying goal and I noticed four mistakes. 1st-Booth can't get off a shot from the face off win 2nd-Edler goes for the hit when he should have laid off and played the puck. 3rd-Booth is the first forward back and should have covered the front of the net or supported the dmen down low. Instead he thinks Edler is gonna play the puck hard around the boards and turns to the boards. 4th- Kesler should have stayed with Richards instead of commiting to the pass block. That goal was text book breakdown from one end of the ice to the other. After watching it four times over in slow mo. Even if one of those 4 mistakes didn't happen. That goal does not get scored.
  8. When waiver pick up minimum wage Mike Stanton is your best dman. Something is terribly wrong. I may not be thinking straight after that debacle but does anyone else here think Alex Edler played yet another sub par game.
  9. And we have power house CBJ coming on Friday. I can\t wait till we crap the bed on that one too.
  10. wow. Reality has just set in on where our team is. That was pathetic. Not one player stood out tonight.
  11. Another scoreless period. What's new? The boys look brutally slow tonight.
  12. 3 straight games of outplaying the opposition with 3 straight losses by scoring only one goal. Simply put we need a legitimate game breaking sniper. And if that is going to cost us Edler and either Hansen or Burrows? So be it. I'm tired of watching guys miss the net or blasting it right into the goalies logo time and time again. With the exceptional play of Stsnton. We can afford to dangle one of the other 3 LH dman for a top six forward. I think Edler is the guy who will fetch us the best return. With the other 2 guys being BC boys. It may be tough talking them into waiving their NTC. All the guys I would love to see in a Nuck uni are probably not going anywhere anytime soon. (Sharp, Skinner, Eberle, Neal)
  13. Even the Oilers have scored as many goals in their last game than the Nucks have in their previous four. Absolutely zero finish on this team. David Booth with another fine outing. Daniel Sedin riding Henriks coat tails again. Edler fumbling the puck in his own end is nothing new.
  14. Can the pp get us into one game this year? We should be up by 2 or 3
  15. Burrows has to get that monkey off his back. I would be really happy if Booth scored. If we score mure than one goal. We have a good chance winning
  16. Wow Garth Snow sure is betting on Vanek signing in NY. That is a massive overpayment for a non guarantee. If TV bolts for Minny in July, this trade could top most of Milbury's grade A moves in his hey day as their GM.
  17. Time to ask the Sedins and Kesler to waive their NTC's. Conner McDavid looks like the real deal for 2015.
  18. Just wait till southern Ontario gets another team. Saturday night double headers will start 2 hours. With 2 of the 3 games coming from the east.
  19. The Snitch with The Rock 7.5/10 Much better than I anticipated. I thought the Rock was gonna lay the smackdown on the Cartel but he did it in a non-violent way. Not the usual Rock type movie but I enjoyed it.
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