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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. I'm sure all your other ladies and gents give you back your confidence :)

  2. Yeah, make him cry proper tears.

    I want rivers!


    Sooooo ... what's next?

  3. Okay you pass the sensitive test.

    He is yours, all yours.

    Have fun at your party, I would say don't get too drunk, but I bet you won't even have alcohol :P

  4. The lion king is one of my fave films everrr!

    Did you cry when Mufasa died?

    Dude, do that and I cut you up. mwahahaha. He's cheating on you too though :(

  5. I don't mind the little, i'm shorter than most of my friends haha.

    You're trying to cheat on icey :(

    lets make him cry, okay.

  6. Alright then, husbandy. (doesn't really have the same ring to it, pah).

  7. I don't know anymore really.

    You can be a bit then I guess.

  8. sadly not. sorry.

  9. You're not sensitive then :(

  10. Your boyfriend is little icey there!

  11. Maybe is sitting on the fence currently.

    Not decided if it's a yes yet.

    Did you cry when bambi's mum died? this is the sensitive scale.

  12. If you actually do then lets get married. You can finish your boyfriend and I can get my visa. Either way it works out for me, so I win.

  13. If I knew what either of you looked like I'd pick a side.

    At the moment I'll mock you both :P

    Mr Sensitive!

  14. Haha.


  15. Oh okay.

    I'm sure I can allow that once.

  16. Are you a man?


  17. I've never heard of Snagit. Maybe it's just as good?

    I'm so crap at bowling.

  18. Well I can't message you from no computer can I :(

    Don't be sad, do you want a tissue? :P

  19. Why're you sad?

    Oh I know what you mean now, they do that here on Fridays in some places. I always play with the barriers up 'cause I suck at bowling!

    Yeah just find it, crop it, alter it, change colours. Done.

  20. Sounds like a pest, give him a slap, show him who's boss.

    Sounds like a good game. I might watch the highlights online later.

    I dunno what kind of bowling that is :/

    I make them on photoshop, nothing fancy, can't be bothered with that sorta style / i'm not a massive fan. I just like altering the colours.

  21. Thought you was out with your boyfriend today.

    I'm good, you?

    My night was awesome. I watched last nights game ealier, wtg Raymond! :D

    What do you have planned then?

  22. What is that smell? is it you?

    It's going grim though, drank waaaay too much last night :( gutted. How're you?

  23. I'm not ignoring you :P I wasn't online yesterday, I went out and got drunk. Missed the game :(

    You ok petal?

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