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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. I'm missing the internet in general. My laptop is broke, should be getting fixed/a new one in the next week.

    I'll watch the other games in the library if possible but I didn't last night as I have an exam today. In like 30 mins actually.

    Hmmm. Maybe I shouldn't of logged in hah!

  2. Search her name.

    Was it her?

  3. I know yeah, same here. He's a dirty little cheat!

  4. Awh :P

    Icey is lying, he's no way a 'chick magnet'.

    How's things? You got the game on?

  5. nothing on it

  6. turn off slow, please!!!!!

  7. Back to Uni tomorrow. I live there, i'm currently home on Christmas break still. I have 2 exams, 1 Tues and 1 on Weds then exam period carries on until 22nd January, so I might come home if i'm not slowed in at Uni haha.

    There are complete douchebags in again, I might have to get espn360.

  8. washing machine, need to wash the rest of my clothes.

    Haha I'd ban all the douches!

  9. Don't blame ya, I would watch it on TV if I could. Can't pack now, stuff is in the machine (i'm so last minute).

  10. Your avatar is Nadine Coyle isn't it?

  11. Last time I napped at intermission I missed the rest of the game ha ha

  12. haha awesome. Are you on there later? I dunno if I should since I gotta pack and go back to uni tomorrow. Then again I could just nap and then go to bed early tomorrow. ugh. Why does it have to be against the flames :(

  13. See, someone else says so!

    Made me laugh.

  14. Mister. Wiggles?

    Sounds like a name a posh old bird would call her cat.

  15. I think you should mod me if you can.

    I hope that prat isn't gonna be on again later. He will be next week though I bet.

  16. please throw off butt boy.

    surely you can do it!

  17. I think customs musta eaten it.

  18. I have no idea :/

  19. Yeah.

    I dunno, made it a while ago.

    What is it a crime to be a member on both sites? nobody told me.

  20. ha ha. are you chattin? obvious who i am.

  21. I think we have the same feed ;)

  22. Awh, aren't you cute. Alright then, sleep well :)

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