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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. Still?

    I have a new picture and everything.


    Maybe I am her, I mean, everyone thinks i'm from Canada as it is.

  2. Some places are cool, I think it's one of them places you gotta go.

  3. well since I wanna emigrate then yeah, love it.

  4. That's one team I can't wait till we beat. Sid the kid is going doooown!

  5. Canada is way better than any place in Europe. Fact. I'd rather just go there, and stay there to be honest. I've live away from home for half the year at Uni, so it won't be much different to now

  6. They have been family holidays when I was younger these places. Except France, I went there with school. But we can fly in Europe super cheap, so going to holland and germany isn't gonna be too much. It'll all be paid by myself.

  7. Yeah they were awesome. I'm deffo gonna catch some of their games in future.

  8. for sure! that game was fantastic! loved it.

  9. Not many actually. Prefer to go to Canada haha! I've been to France and Spain. Gonna go to Holland (Amsterdam) and Germany (Berlin) in the new year I think and then save like crazy to come back to Canada.

    Which countries do you wanna go to?

  10. Suprised we're not losing by more.

  11. No i'm in the UK, I'm always in the UK :)

  12. We get 3 weeks off at Christmas but as I said the first 2 weeks back are exams. So it's all good.

    It's on, wooo :D

  13. 25th Jan is when teaching starts again. I'll only be in once a week though, and I have 2 dissertations to write, so i'll be busy still.

    Yeah I hope it's not gonna be a mess like the last game. If the lines are correct on cdc right now it doesn't seem too bad. I'm thinking Glass might get a sneaky goal in, being on the 3rd line with Wellwood & Bernier. Sedins up there for sure.

  14. Yeah me either, I usually wait till January to do actual revision. Like come back early and tackle it head on.

    I'm going for a marginal win. I've never really watched the Capitals so i'm unsure. How about you?

  15. Yeah, 3 times. Plan on being over next year, but 2011 for sure as i'm a bridesmaid at my cousins wedding. Should be fun.

  16. Yeah, our mid-terms are after christmas break, a whole 2 weeks where everyone takes their exams. I only have 2 on like the 2nd and 3rd day so i'll have loadsa free time. Then we go straight into Semester 2 at the end of January.

    Tonight was over-hyped. Gonna pack up my things in time for the game in a couple of hours i think.

  17. I think I'll have to agree.

    Um, next weekend then. I need a ride to Tsawwassen ... awesome. :P

  18. I will be the judge of that one.

  19. hey.

    how's it going?

    where in England are you from?

  20. Awesome!

    Canada and I will get on fine then haha!

  21. You're coming to England then?

  22. I went for a grand total of about 6. The sun shining and people being loud was a massive factor. Going home in the UK :) - my parents' house :)

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