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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. There's nothing else to do around these parts, I was just greatful for them being on tv, in england.

    My brother plays that CoD game on his ps3.

    My saturday sucked more than yours!

    Okay 6.20 it is, i'm off, enjoy your evening x

  2. p.s. I was a bit mean, sorry x

  3. I was going for 6 but I had to have a break after Canada's 16-0 win.

    I obviously meant aside from missing me, that one is pretty standard.

  4. I don't know anything, me.

  5. Why would you be a jackass?

    I swear i'm totally missing the point of everything today. I blame it on the 5 hockey games I've watched since 3pm!

    I'm gonna go in a min, only 'cause i'm home at the parents house and they'll be getting up soon / will moan I haven't gone to bed. Brilliant.

    What you up to the rest of the night?

  6. I was expecting some exciting seedy story.

    You fail at expectations.


  7. PowerIce is lame :(

    Soz, I pay attention to nobody at 5.53am.

    I'll try better tomorrow, I promise!

  8. way to go on avoiding my last message!

    I do and I don't. My cousins fiance is an oilers fan, I like to rip him when we win. :)

  9. Well I asked him, bet he says no though haha. I can't believe the time hah! Glad we won, wooo.

  10. Apparently you know all about street workers...

  11. Haha, for real?

  12. I don't think I'd get much more haha, maybe 20p

  13. haha, i'd probs get 10p.

  14. Yep, got it on now.

    I'm not mean really :P

  15. :(

    I think you're lying.

  16. Awh :(

    How low is it? So I can work on being better for when I next decide to be mean :)

  17. Shame!

    I'm gonna have to find my plane ticket another way. Hmmmm.

  18. I'd like to think so.

    If you were to do that I'd book myself on a flight to Vancouver, Surpriiiiiiise!!!

  19. Fair enough.

    It sounds like I go shopping for guys on CDC. For the record, I don't. haha :D

  20. Yeah, sure have.

    And all those memories I don't remember.

  21. haha as if filter works in the profile too ... female dog, you can probably guess that one :P

  22. I am well jealous. She hangs out with hot guys and gets to tour the world. female dog.

  23. Well put it up and i'll be the judge. Like Judge Judy but better.

    There is no guys as themselves on your friends, except the dude with the body pic, which is a bit gay since this place is mostly guys. (no offence friend if you read this).

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