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Status Updates posted by moz

  1. I dunno, just annoys me.

    Yeah i'm looking forward to technology in the future, it'll be brilliant.

    I've not been to Langley I don't think so I dunno what that is haha. Watcha doing tomorrow? doing anything good for NYE?

  2. Almost a year :P We're like elders on here from what I have seen. Everyone seems to still be in high school.

    You have the same birthday as loads of people I know, including my Mum hah.

    Ryan Reynolds is a bit sexy though, so good choice.

    Are you really kidding? haha. I plan on doing just that myself, woo!

  3. Yeah I do.

    Why how dare? It's a joke, it really is. It's a free for all, your country doesn't want you? come here, get everything free whilst you're at it.

    Well I am 22, not far off 23. Technology has changed alot even in my time on this earth.

    My day was alright, not done much. You?

  4. I didn't!

    I've not been on here when drunk! high yes, drunk no!

    Some of it nice but the country on the whole is a joke. it's too expensive as well. You'll have to see for yourself I guess.

    Nah didn't take pictures, it was a school trip and I was 12 or something. We didn't have digital cameras back then :P

  5. Who invited you for clubbing? I'm confused.

    It's just beautiful, it's awesome.

    I've been to a war museum and cemetary in France, it was so sad.

    I wanna go to Berlin, that'll be cool.

  6. *get on the next flight out!!

    I need to stop sleeping days away too. It's getting really bad now, I stay up all night, mostly because of hockey.

    Have you got any NYE plans?

  7. I'm 22, not a kid :P if anything Bieksa to them is Bernier to me. He's priceless.

    Yeah he's been a bit of a liability, so maybe he'll come back better than what he's been like lately.

    I was just gonna go into Manchester with a friend, into China Town for some food. We decided it was too cold, so I stayed in bed till like 3pm.

    You can come if you want, get o...

  8. Why would I kill you about that comment? haha.

    My day was okay, plans fell through so I didn't do much. I have finally found someone to go clubbin with for New Years which will be good. How about you? How's your day going?

  9. Okay I will. I thought we were gonna clinch it, some really bad reffing going on. As long as win tomorrow it's all good.

  10. But other than that it's never really appealed to me. I fell in love with BC when I was 10, I have been biased about any place in the world ever since. Especially Victoria, love it.

  11. It takes 10 hours on a plane from Vancouver to Manchester via Calgary. It's not that bad.

    I'm not really interested in going to mainland Europe. I've been to France & Spain. I've been to Iceland, well Reykjavik airport on the way to Vancouver, but I don't think it count. I'm gonna go to Germany, Holland and maybe Finland before I move to Canada for good.

  12. Haha, it's a few hours to mainland Europe, depending on where you're going. If you go to Ireland it's one of the roughest sea crossings in the world. It was pretty bad when I went to France actually. Nothing like the calm crossing to Van Island.

  13. Your sig, is that the guy in MGMT?

  14. I'm not creeping if it's on the first page :P England is crap compared to Canada. I'd take the lakes, sea, mountains and breath taking views over this dump anyday. There is water yeah, the UK is an Island :P I've been all over England though, some bits are alright, but Canada wins for sure.

  15. That's it, I have nothing else better to do and no I don't hate you. Did you see the game last night?

  16. I am a massive creeper, or just nosey.

    I agree, I am a bit odd, dunno what I've said on here for you to think so though.

  17. Still joint first, well they were. Not seen the table or tonights score.

    London is so over rated. It's like 4 hours car drive away at least. I can only stand it for a short while. I go out in Manchester sometimes and Birmingham. Manchester is my nearest city :)

    What you been up to today?

  18. It doesn't bother me really. I can be up and about when I'm needed. Can't wait to move over there though, that'll be better. The rest of Europe is 1/2 hours ahead of us as well, so it'd be even later there.

    Yeah they lost 5-2, only saw the 3rd period, nothing happened in it.

  19. I'd say 8-12 hours. No way do I miss out. Sometimes it can be like 4-6 if I have class the next day but then i'll nap. I can function on 6 either way.

    I dunno, never watched the Spengler Cup before, it's just on TV here so i'm taking advantage of hockey on British TV.

  20. They're currently losing to Adler Mannheim. Gonna watch the WJC highlights later :)

    I dunno why, I just get into a habit of staying up late for hockey that i'm still up when they don't play. doesn't really bother me though.

    Interesting convo you two had overnight ... hmmmm.

  21. p.p.s. i'm odd?

    oh noes!1!!1

    i tekz d internetz so serius!1!1 deffos gnna go cry nw!1!1 FANX!!!!

    (if you actually understand that, I shall be surprised).

  22. p.s. why you cheatin? :(

    i'm sad now

  23. Awh I don't hate you ...

  24. They won 6-2 today but I haven't watched it yet.

    They're top of the table.

    He wasn't and I did :)

    You lot can all plot against me now, it's 5.35am. I'm going

  25. Wedding is off yeah.

    I forgot what the maybe/yes thing was about, i'm too lazy to scroll and see.

    Alcohol is awesome, it's needed everywhere. Maybe I have a problem haha.

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