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Posts posted by falcon45ca

  1. 20 minutes ago, Master Radishes said:

    Ugh. Are we about to get more roleclaims? I'm just going to go to bed.


    Zfetch's statement "This is not a vanilla game" is wreaking havoc on our ability to scumhunt.

    You get a role, you get a role, everybody gets a role!!!!


  2. 3 minutes ago, Kazmanian Devil said:





    Sorry, I don't see that as downplaying. I see that as legitimate reasoning. Still have yet to see any good explanation   beyond the cockamamie "Kryten was a special more powerful than Doc or Investigator" as to why Kryten and not one of the 2 role claims got MK'd.

  3. 41 minutes ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

    Given Falcon's sketchy vote on Heffy, his playful downplaying of it when confronted, and his attempt to cast shade on highly regarded players for what were clearly joke posts, I'd say he's my #1 choice for a lynch right now. MH deserves one too, though.


    unvote vote Millennium Falcon

    Downplay? Please show me where I downplayed that vote.


    Also, my scum leans on BW & Al also stem from their history with the beloved vet Kryten...I doubt newer players selected Kryten for the MK. I believe their comments to be Mafia sass.


    The Millennium Falcon is a beloved starship that helped take down not one, but two Death Stars & was instrumental in destroying the Star Killer. 


    I'm TP, & I made the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

    How are those comments scummy? I don't get it at all

    Aladeen wouldn't vote Kryten even if he KNEW he was Mafia & it would win the game for the Town? You don't find that scummy?


    BW has a scum read on Kryten, yet refuses to vote for him round 1? That's not the BW I've come to know, who's ruthless as TP in lynching scum, regardless of personal feelings.

  5. On July 31, 2016 at 11:18 PM, Zfetch said:

    The game has NOW started

    First nightfall at 10PM PST: Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016.


    4 minutes ago, Alain Vigneault said:

    FWIW...KH's last visited was Monday at 12:19 AM.


    What time did the game start?


  6. 19 hours ago, Beluga Whale said:

    You're on my list but you know I'd never lynch you round 1.




    On August 1, 2016 at 0:59 PM, Aladeen said:

    kryten - I wouldn't vote for him if I knew he was Mafia and lynching him was the only way we could win. :wub:



    Odd comments from experienced players. I believe that the Mafia consist of at least a few experienced players who have played with Kryten before, and selected him for the MK based on previous play with Kryten. 



    • Upvote 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

    You seem awfully sure Kryten was a Vanilla TP. We didn't get a result for what role Virt had in the nightfall why do you assume Kryten was Vanilla? 

    I think it's more likely that Kryten was MK'd due to his experience as a player, rather than was investigated by a KP who hit a TP special right off the bat that's even more powerful than the Doctor.


    Or am I nuts? 

  8. 4 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

    Doc is less useful when we can't pm as I can't knowingly protect other specials unless they've publicly come out.

    :huh: That's true of virtually every special...are you trying to say the Mafia would rather hit Vanilla TP than hit specials because they're less effective without PM's?


    Even though a Doc without PM's isn't as strong as one with PM's, it's still a powerful role that can really hoop Mafia if their MK targets get saved.



  9. 20 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

    Or maybe a third option is that Kryten was investigated by the actual KP and had a better role than me or KH and they killed him for it. Sheriff, JOAT, BG, Jailer, Lookout, Retributionist, Mayor and even the doctor... are all potential roles that are more powerful than the investigator. 



    KH claimed Doctor, so scratch that one.


    I find it very suspicious that Mafia left the two role claims alone and took out Kryten. Especially given one was a Doc claim.



  10. 23 minutes ago, One one two said:

    This is a question scum would ask.

    Nope, just trying to get information. You voted for a player who you think is TP because you're worried they might be changing their strategy from past games, did I understand your post correctly?

  11. 6 minutes ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

    Neither do I.


    If members of the Mafia said things like that, why would they MK Kryten then?


    Falcon is scummy

    Sometimes the Mafia are cheeky as hell.


    Awe, thanks Kaz, but I'm TP to the bone bro. Hard. &^@#ing. Core.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Intoewsables said:

    I don't follow.

    I find it strange that, I think 2 at least, players addressed not voting for Kryten no matter what, or words to that affect, & then Kryten gets hit. Especially when you have a player claim Doc and another claim Investigator. 


    I believe it's called foreshadowing.


    Seriously, does no one else find it strange that 2 players role claimed & neither got MK'd?



  13. 9 minutes ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

    That's not really relevant. Bandwagons like that don't form without Mafia being on them.

    The bandwagon?? When Zfetch did the vote count it was myself & Kryten voting for KH.


    Wow, what a wagon. 2 votes, both by TP, one confirmed. Huge wagon. The best wagon. There's never been a wagon so big, ask anybody. People tell me, that was the best & the biggest wagon they've ever seen. Huge. Amazing. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

    All the people on the troll conversation with stamkos look shady as hell.

    That's interesting, because even ignoring the fact that you are also in on this chat, you called Stamkos a dupe, which seems more egregious to me. Trying to throw some dirt on TP while you flounder for a defence?

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