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Posts posted by falcon45ca

  1. 8 hours ago, Bure1994Mclean said:

    Captain America: Civil War - 9.5/10. So many different characters and the pacing of their introductions was excellent. The movie had a really strong comedic side to it, brought by Spiderman who was probably the funniest, Antman, and the chemistry between Bucky and Hawkeye. Two particular scenes of the movie stick out to me, one involving Antman, - those of you who watch it will know which, and a twist involving Iron Man and Bucky. Overall, a very enjoyable movie which I felt was just as good as the Winter Soilder which I feel is probably the strongest of the Marvel movies.   

    So stoked to see this flick!

  2. On April 28, 2016 at 8:45 PM, Dral said:

    Is it wrong that I keep checking back for sexy tattoos... and keep leaving disappointed?

    Here ya go buddy






    Wasn't sure which you preferred, so I covered both bases ;)


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  3. 1 hour ago, J.R. said:


    Awe Monty... :P


    Only part I really didn't like was: 

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    THE dog scene in the hotel bathroom.


    I understand why they did it for the purpose of her character...but JEBUS :sick::(


    Otherwise I was giggling throughout at the absurdity and awkwardness of it all. It was like a Wes Anderson movie on steroids :lol:

    That was one of the hardest scenes to watch, it totally yanked me out of the flick. It was a good, but very strange film. Definitely not for everyone.

  4. 20 minutes ago, thejazz97 said:

    I think they're Moose Jaw, but I'm not for certain.


    Are you lead vocals? :P 

    I play bass in all of the bands, but I do lead vox and bass in Smoke Wagon & Accidental Blackout.

  5. Just now, thejazz97 said:

    Haha no worries mate. I was just wondering. My buddy's good friends with a band called Highwind, so I was wondering if it would be that one at all :P 

    Blue Rare is the blues band I'm in, Mitch Romancia & The Heart Attacks is another blues band, Smoke Wagon is a cover band I'm in, & Accidental Blackout is another one. 


    Is Highwind from Saskatoon? Don't believe I've seen/heard of them before.

  6. On April 16, 2016 at 9:46 AM, CaNuCkSLoUiE23 said:

    I still have a muffin top, so I was hoping to drop down to 195-200. Just looking to lean out. I've been lifting weights so my upper body has developed quite a bit. 


    Should I start bulking now and continue to try and lean out to lose the belly?

    You can't bulk & lean out, doesn't work that way. Also, muffin tops are irrelevant, some people store body fat there regardless. What's you're actual BF%? Use some callipers, try and get a sense of you're real BF%, not nitpick where your body stores fat.


    You say you're 6'5 and you want to weigh less than 200lbs?? Dude, you'll be a bean pole that could get knocked over by a sneeze. Lou is over 200lbs and he's 6'3. At your height and the weight you want to go down to, you're gonna make Ryan Miller look like a bodybuilder.

  7. 2 hours ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

    this would be a good thread to post in. i'm thinking of getting a tattoo done. it's video game related, so im wondering if you guys knew a place that (in vancouver, burnaby, new west) i guess specializes in geeky stuff *it's not a triforce logo or something like that, but something more personal for me. price isn't much of an issue, but if i were to want to name a price, i'd say anything between 150-200 per hour for something not too complex but i'm willing to shop for what the artist thinks its worth and im willing to do sessions and not do it all in one day.


    i have a few friends who recommend this and that and their tats are great and all but its hard to choose a place on something thats hard to take back, since you're trusting your body to someone. i've never had a tattoo done so im a bit skeptic on everything since everyone recommends someone different

    In my less than professional opinion, I'd get a list of artists that people have recommended to you & then just start cruising their Instagram, get a feel for what their styles are like & then pick the one you feel fits your tattoo plan the best. Most tattoo artists nowadays are very active posting their work on Instagram, far more than on Facebook or their shop websites Make up your own mind about who's art you like. Do you have images of what you want done, like pics of the characters and the poses you want them in?


    As far as getting the work done in sessions, how big a piece are you looking to get? Where do you want it? What's your pain tolerance? I personally like getting it all done in one sitting, I like having the finished product right then, but it's more painful. For bigger pieces getting the outline done and then colour fills later is pretty common.


    Getting your first tattoo is the hardest. I drew mine and had it around for over a year and a half, showing it & telling people I was going to get it done real soon. It wasn't until someone gave it to me as a gift that I actually bit the bullet. It can take time though to fully realize what you want & what's important to you in life that you want to permanently represent it on your body. I have 7 done over the course of 9 years, but 6 of them have come in the past 2 years.

  8. 22 hours ago, CaNuCkSLoUiE23 said:

    I've been stuck at 213-214lbs for like 7 weeks. Still doing 18 hours+ of interminent fasting and eating about 1500-1800 calories a day.  

    Would the best option to change it up be HIIT?




    Btw, I'm 6'5. 

    What kind of calories are you getting, what's the macro break down?


    If you're able to do 20-30% carbs, 10-15% fats, and 55-70% protein at 1500-1800 calories and still can't drop any more weight after 2 weeks, then carb cycling might be a good option.


    Also, what's your BF% at now? If you're at or below 10% then stop, you can really mess up your metabolism by going too extreme in your calorie reduction.


    HIIT is a great way to drop weight fast, especially if you don't normally train that way. If your calories are too low though, it's also a great way to really really mess yourself up.

  9. 3 hours ago, JimLahey said:

    Yeah I can. Been doing wipers, leg raises & the exercises NPF mentioned above. It's all just boring after a while.. But better than nothing I guess.


    The good news is, that with 99% certainty my wrist does not need surgery and will be healed by mid-May/late April so I can start with my wrist rehab and likely getting onto the elliptical or bike (not doing it to a moldy, smelly cast).

    Honestly I rarely do core specific exercises anymore. Squats, deadlifts and bench are all you really need...if you're doing those three with good form your core is very engaged...though I do enjoy Russian Twists with a kettle bell, I find them fun and relaxing!


    When in doubt, plank it out.

  10. 5 hours ago, Scottish⑦Canuck said:

    I've gone from 145 pounds to 152 in the last couple of months. I'm noticing a slight improvement in muscle size, but I'm also noticing a bit of a gut appearing on me for the first time in my life.


    I don't want to overdo it with the cardio as I'm trying to bulk up a bit, but at the same time I'm really not keen on carrying a belly around with me. Advice?

    You can't bulk up & lean out at the same time. If you want to lose a bit of belly, you're probably going to lose size & strength. I'd do cardio over calorie restriction, at least you're using your muscles!

  11. On April 5, 2016 at 11:40 AM, JimLahey said:

    Does anyone here have a bodyweight core workout(s) they follow?


    Right now, I have a broken left wrist and two mangled knees (think my left LCL & right meniscus, waiting on a doctor's appointment) so I am extremely limited in what I can do but need to do something!


    Anyone have a bodyweight core program they've done before? I'm limited right now and want more variety than the usual plank, side plank, sit-up/crunch, etc...

    Are you able to do leg raises & windshield wipers? Not on the machine, but laying down? There's lots of variations you can do that'll hit lots of different areas and should provide some boredom relief from the typical core workouts you mentioned.

  12. Just now, CaptainCanuck001 said:

    It's a great graphic novel probably my second favourite behind Sin City.


    The movie isn't too bad either

    I've got the Sin City collection, amazing stuff. I love Frank Miller's negative space work, and I liked the V movie, it just wasn't as satisfying as the comic. Still pretty good flick though.

  13. 2 hours ago, R3aL said:

    Ah fantastic to know. I may look at him for something in the future now.


    How far ahead is he booked! 


    Yea if you know what you want just make a date with him and stick to it!!

    Not super far, I just checked his Facebook page and in February he was booking in April & May.


    I'm gonna email him next month and book with him, enough waiting!

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