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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. Another beauty drive by Brady coming here ?
  2. drive it down their throats Tom edit, that was a weird post.
  3. Yeah, I guess with what Kaepernick did to GB yesterday you certainly have a valid point.
  4. Yeah doesn't look like it did from the replay. But the official has to see clear evidence that ball did NOT break the line to overturn the on field call. Other wise the on field call stands.
  5. lol. I hope so too. Not interested in being raped in any way what so ever....
  6. Oh yeah, they are definitely champs. Just last year they were in the super bowl. NYG were very lucky to win. I Like I said in the post you quoted i believed it would be very difficult for SEA to get to SB because even if they won today next week would be very difficult. I do believe Pats have a much easier path to SB right now with Broncos' defeat to Ravens. The Baltimore Ravens (my 2nd fav team left after Pats) are very tired. They've played 2 playoff games with 1 going to 2nd OT. I don't see them beating the Pats. Edit: And I don't believe in magic or tooth fairies or voodoo or other super natural things, like jinxing something or someone. I believe in Tom Brady
  7. I guess there will be some adjustments but I wouldn't expect too much. Game plan changes from week to week in the NFL. Teams make adjustments every week depending on who they face. The NFL is purposely a passing league right now. There have been many QB's who like to run for many many years , some include A, Rodgers, M, Vick, Steve Young, D Mcnabb, Cunnigham. So these guys have been around for a long time. It's still the pocket QB's who are most successful Brady, Manning, Rodgers and Drew Brees are among pbbly the best 4 QBs in the NFL.
  8. TD Pats, Nice. Brady can smell another Superbowl, his path became a lot easier with Broncos losing yesterday.
  9. Lets go Brady, need a TD here on this drive
  10. I'm really happy with SEA season. They have 4 rookie starters, 9 who made the roster. Great Defense and this off season they can work on the O line and receivers. I didn't expect them to win the Super Bowl this year anyways. Patriots will win the Super bowl. (hopefully) I want Brady to get 2 more rings before he retires. Love the guy. Seattle's success was a bonus this year, They'll only get better as they are a very young team.
  11. frack, this doesn't look good
  12. c'mon boys get a stop and go home
  13. Got the turn over, now time for the drive and make this a game.
  14. 13 Pts. One more good drive and 1 turnover gets you right back in the game
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