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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. Wooooo, just when I call for it, the beast is loose.
  2. man what a game. Hawks need to start putting some point on the board. They are moving the ball but no points. Dams goal line fumble.
  3. 2 great games today. Really want to see Ray Lewis and the Ravens win. Even though RG3 is now one of my fav players I'll be cheering hard for the Sea Hawks. Been waiting for a long time to see a young Sea Hawks team with a very bright future. Going to be a great Sunday. NFL play offs and NHL is back.
  4. Webb starting for Vikings. Hasn't started all year. Odds just changed a bit more in favor of Pack.
  5. Pretty good game. I like to see a defensive game. Too many shootouts in the NFL now days. The game has changed a lot over the past several years. It's good to see this type of game once in a while. Only thing missing is the weather, some snow or a little rain would be nice to see in a game like this.
  6. Had me an awesome training session. Now get to watch NFL playoffs and eat food for rest of day. #feelgood
  7. Prince of Persia. Had it on pvr so watched it. Looked and sounded good on my home theatre so ill give it a 7/10. Without my theatre system pbbly a 5 or 6.
  8. Great post. I completely agree. Another thing is I take Jones at his word in this matter. He asked, why should Sonnen get a title shot? According to Jones Sonnen didn't deserve it. He should earn it. Jones also took issue with Sonnen taking shots at Brazil and it's ppl including kids during the run up to Silva fight. Jones didn't want to award Sonnen with a title shot for saying some pretty offensive things. Atleast they were offensive to the ppl of Brazil.
  9. Dana says GSP wants to fight Diaz. This is what I've been saying would happen. Best thing for GSP and he knows he'll beat Diaz.
  10. What a great game. RG3 is a super star. Now the Redskins have a chance at the playoffs. Would be great to see them make it.
  11. So far pretty good. Seahawks win and Patriots roll over another opponent. Brady and company rolling heading into playoffs.
  12. Pbbly has something to do with lack of defensive play or like Rey said taking extended shifts. I think Rey could be on to something. This is something I could see a coach getting angry about. Lack of defensive awareness would pbbly just get him benched.
  13. So a goal and an assist in 2 games and he gets sent to the room. Not just benched but sent to the room. Must be something serious otherwise the coach would just have benched him for the last period.
  14. Hmm, Interesting. Wonder what happened, according to playboi19 it seemed like McEneny was having a good game.
  15. Saw this one earlier today. I lmao and felt sorry for the victims of this prank. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N5OhNplEd4&feature=g-logo
  16. What a great day as far as NFL goes. Pats destroy another opponent and Cowboys lose. Love it! RG3 is my new favorite player, after Brady of course. Love this kid. #STUD
  17. Yes, I posted it above. Watch GSP's interview and read the article I posted with GSP's coach Firas talking about it above. As far as Jones vs Silva goes it would be a much better fight than GSP vs Silva. They are about the same walk around weight, approx 220 to 230. If they fought at a catch weight of around 195 lbs there wouldn't be as much of a difference on fight night. As I've been saying Hendricks and Silva are both bad news for GSP. Firas wants the next GSP opponent to be Diaz, whom I think GSP will beat.
  18. Now I understand your above post better. Yah, size does matter when you are fighting the best fighter in the world. If you opponent has 20 Lbs on you and he's the best fighter in the world to begin with you are SOL. If you are fighting some fat guy who barely has fighting skill and your skill is far superior then the fat guy is SOL.
  19. Don't argue with me, argue with GSP because he agrees with me, so does Firas Zahabi.
  20. So, pretty much it's like going to a Canucks game.
  21. GSP would fight Silva at 170lbs. http://www.sportsnet.ca/mma/2012/11/20/firas_zahabi_georges_st_pierre_anderson_silva/
  22. I think that would be the only way GSP beats him, get him to the floor. But Hendricks is a very accomplished wrestler. When GSP fought Koscheck he sued his jab and boxed all night. Koscheck is also a wrestler so GSP knew he would have difficulty taking him down. With Hendricks, GSP definitely can't stand and box with him and he will have difficulty taking him down. I love GSP, pbbly my fav fighter along with Silva but this is going to be difficult.
  23. Eagles have no O line. That's what the problem is. Feel for Vick, the guy takes hit after hit until he finally got injured. Who didn't see that coming.
  24. The whole world revolves around $. The only way GSP would fight Silva is for the money. He's a very smart guy, GSP knows he would get embarrassed by the Spider. If boxing money was on the table GSP should do it. If I'm GSP I would rather be embarrassed by Silva than Hendricks. The end result will be the same. GSP will get knocked out by either one but against Silva GSP can make millions of $ in a super fight. Be careful what you wish for. I think Hendricks will KO him. If you caught the Hendricks vs Jon Fitch fight you know how tuff this guy is. Saturday night was no fluke. All great fighters come and go. GSP has been great but I think Hendricks is the next guy at 170. World class wrestler and KO puncher.
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