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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. They have a good rush D but true they are weak on pass D. Pats have always been an offense first team. Their Offense simply outscores the other team. Makes up for their D.
  2. GSP's post fight presser. talks about possible fight with Silva at 7:25 mark.
  3. Patriots starting to click on all cylinders. Just destroying the Colts today.
  4. GSP should be very worried about Hendricks. He's got world class wrestling. He won 2 national championships at OSU and lost in the final after going 56 -0 in his senior year. On top of this he's the best power puncher in UFC right now. There's a strong chance GSP gets knocked out by Hendricks.
  5. Well yes, of course size is a huge difference maker. Silva would outweigh GSP by approximately 20 lbs if they fought at a catch weight of 177 lbs. All things equal that in it self would be the difference maker. Another equally important factor is that Silva is a better fighter, period. Look what he does to his opponents. GSP's last 5 fights have been Condit, Shields, Koscheck, Hardy and Alves. Whats a common trait?, he couldn't finish any of them. None of these fighters could even be mentioned in the same league as Anderson Silva and GSP went the distance with them all. GSP would have a hard time taking Silva to the ground, in part because of the weight and strength difference and in part because Silva is very long and fast, he'd keep GSP away with his fists. Even if GSP got Silva to the ground he has no chance of finishing Silva. Don't forget Silva is a Jiu Jitsu black belt. He also has an excellent ground game. I think this fight would be a mismatch.
  6. Exactly, GSP can't fight Silva, huge mismatch. I think GSP vs Hendricks would be a scary fight. Hendricks has been knocking everyone out and after tonight I think GSP could lose to Hendricks. Hendricks is a world class wrestler and he hits like a truck. I think he might KO GSP.
  7. GSP has ring rust. 18 months off is a long time without a fight. Hopefully he does well and pulls this out.
  8. Dana is creating hype for this fight. GSP walks around at 185, Silva around 220. If they fight at 177 like Silva wants he will be 205 on fight night. That's an almost 20 lbs difference. I don't see GSP taking the fight at that difference. Silva hinted he won't come down below 177.
  9. I thought CoHo ordered milk at a bar, for some reason recall Bieksa joking about that. I may be wrong...
  10. TSN just anounced deal to air 190 Barclays PL games per year In Canada. Look forward to a lot more football on TV. http://www.tsn.ca/soccer/story/?id=408403
  11. Excellent observation. I looked at it over and over many times. I think he said "he got me" or "he caught me". I think he might have said he "caught" me because Kass did catch Sestito with a good shot sending him to the ice.
  12. Yep, I've been saying for awhile that it would be good for Kass to spend an entire season in the AHL. It did wonders for many players last lockout. I gave Spezza as an example. Bring him up towards the end of the season if there is one.
  13. Not a good start, especially because of the shoulder injury. Now he'll be out 1+ month.
  14. if "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry christmas!!!
  15. This is Kassian's best showing in the NHL. Sestito is a big dude and Zach beats him with a solid showing.
  16. I do recall hearing last year that MG and company told Kass not to fight and just concentrate on hockey. He still dropped them with Staubitz and showed well. Kass lost but Staubitz is an accomplished fighter. The kid did pretty good, especially considering he was only 20yrs old. Lucic, maybe not yet. I too would love to see that bout in a couple of years. I wouldn't be surprised if Kass drops them with Lucic the next time they play. Heck get it over with. If the kid does well it will boost his confidence to no end, if he loses its all good cus he's still getting his feet wet.
  17. Gosh every fan of every NHL team wants a Lucic. I bet Boston fans want another Lucic. Man, that would be awesome.
  18. Yeah, the comparison was between Torres and Neil. My contention is that Kassian is much more likely to end up a Neil more than a Bertuzzi. Torres is much much closer to Neil than Bertuzzi. So yeah I could see Kassian turn out to be a Torres. Your point about Torres being a higher draft pick than Kassian pretty much says what I'm saying. Lets not get ahead of ourselves and say Kassian will be a 40+ goal scorer and nearly a hundred point guy aka Bertuzzi. Like I said I don't see Kassian being the same fighter as Neil but he will be a better scorer. I think he'll better fighter than Torres and about the same scorer. Torres has scored 20,21,27 and 19 goals in the NHL. If Kassian turns out to be a 20+ goal scorer and willing to drop the gloves more than Torres I think you've got a pretty good player. But if we expect Kassian to score 20 to 30 goals and be the same fighter as Neil then you have a Lucic.
  19. I'd take a Hartnell. Hopefully Kassian will be a bit more menacing than Hartnell. I'd love Hartnell's scoring ability out of Kass.
  20. Wait, So you can accurately project that a 22 year old Hodgson will be a "top player in the league" for at least 3 or 4 years and maybe longer. But I can't project that a certain player will be a solid 3rd liner in the league? Weird..
  21. Intangibles my friend, you forgot the intangibles. Neal over Torres 7 days out of 7. Yeah I don't think Neal should be the "goal". But I think that's where it may end up. If I was a betting man I would say Neal is where it will end up. I think Neal is a bit more physical than Kassian will be at the NHL level but I think Kassian will be a bit more offensive. If Kassian is a 20 + goal guy and hits and fights like Neal, that gives you Lucic. I just don't think Kassian will be a Milan Lucic in the NHL. I would love it but I don't see it. But I hope I am sooo wrong. I would love it if Kassian can turn into a Lucic.
  22. Huge difference in Neal and Torres DeNiro. It would be a disappointment if he turns out to be a Torres. Neal I can live with. Neal brings a lot to a team but like I said I'm hopeful Kassian scores more than Neal. I think he will. If Kassian turns out to be a Bertuzzi in his prime then Canucks win the trade. Bert was one of the best players in the league for a couple of years, until the "incident".
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