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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. LMAO where did you get this, off the Net? or make it youself??
  2. Kaepernick. This kid is special. 172 yds 2 TDs in air 163 yds 2 TDs on ground
  3. Kaepernick has 107 yards rushing already. Amazing
  4. Being a SeaHawks and Pats fan I would love to see them in the Super Bowl. But this Kapernick is giving me a scare, if the Hawks win tomorrow the next game is going to be very difficult regardless the opponent. Forget about the blowout win agains SF in wk 15
  5. Thank You. Like I said earlier: Manning passer rating 88 Flaco passer rating 116
  6. Broncos have a top 3 Dfense in the NFL. Their Dfense is the reason for winning the Conference. PTS 18.1 (4th) YDS 290.8 (2nd) PASS YDS 199.6 (3rd) RUSH YDS 91.1 (3rd)
  7. Probability of scoring TD while starting at your 23 yd line with 2 min drill is approx 20% Not 5% as you falsely claim Like I said earlier, 2 min offense is practiced like a PP in NHL is. In the NHL last year Canucks led the league with a 19.8 PP rate.
  8. He threw freakin INT in OT that set up the winning FG. He had absolutely NO reason to make that pass running to his left throwing to the middle. That was an enormous mistake on his part.
  9. Game ending play was the Manning INT in OT, not the safety not being able to catch up to a receiver in regular time.
  10. Passer Rating. Peyton Manning 88 Joe Flaco 116 Similar could be said of Ravens Defense. They let a guy return 2 Punts for TD returns setting an NFL record for longest in history with 90 yards. The game doesn't end with 2 mins left. That's the most exciting part of the game. That's the NFL. The 2 minute drill is what it's all about in the NFL. Teams practice the 2 min drill like NHL teams practice the PP or PK.
  11. Listening to Ravens post game on Baltimore radio. They are pretty excited over there. Press Conference on right now.
  12. Me too, I like the Ravens over Manning regardless if RL was retiring or not.
  13. Sure it does, Peyton threw 2 INT and lost a fumble. Offense produced only 3 TD's, The other 2 came on special teams. Ravens offense produced all 5 TD's
  14. Now he's in range,, In my wildest dreams please win it for Ray
  15. Brett Farve moment. running to right throw across to middle of field INT
  16. cmon boys lets get a 3 and out right here
  17. wooooooooooo!!!!! waht a play clutch catch
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