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Everything posted by coastal.view

  1. no doubt it is tough but it is still important to maintain some balance there is nothing wrong with being outside we need to get out these days cuz so many are home bound the critical issue is maintaining social distance and hand washing upon our return home just because people are outside does not make them non compliant close grouping outside is canada is a huge country with vast open spaces even within cities there is a lot of space other countries do not have the same luxury so we might be able to do more outdoors then what we have seen in other countries remember the only way the virus is known to clearly spread is by transfer from people in close quarters and by viruses on surfaces that is what everyone needs to be vigilant about whether they are indoor or outdoor
  2. i appreciate it is problematic but if you see something you are in fact the best option to address it if you see it on tv don't fret about it those people are being exposed by tv they in fact are being dealt with
  3. i appreciate your posting but i think this post is a good example of what the real problem is regarding this virus we want to point to our leadership to do more when in fact we all have to do more they have given us information and recommendations that will work we have to implement this where we see others not doing so we need to remind them there is not a large enough enforcement force available that can do this and even if they could they are going to show up 5 or 10 minutes later when the incident is historical we have been told what to do there is not much else our leadership can do it is up to us now stop expecting them to do more when we have all done what is recommended that will be the time to review much more critically the minor shortfall in our leadership in the meantime that energy is focused in the wrong direction
  4. so just a few minutes ago i was viewing a video news conference of governor cuomo he is telling new yorkers to brace for 9 months of virus restriction issues this is the first lengthier time frame i have heard not sure if he has access to special information or this applies more to nyc due to its unique circumstances and heavy virus outbreak china is already coming out of the virus issue though in the past day or 2 are reporting new outbreaks (which they say are imported?) but even with the new outbreaks in china (these numbers are very low) it does seem china has greatly resolved the problem in their country does anyone know anymore about this ?
  5. this is silly you did not understand my initial post and now you wish to criticize my understanding of your post go re-read my post another poster has already clarified this for you read his post as well
  6. wow demanding citizens what are you doing about this crisis? how about she save her resources for when things get really bad you bored and missing your daily stat update ? what impact on your life will missing 1 day of stats really make currently ? it is so easy for people to find ways to criticize which are so damn superficial
  7. exactly you think nyc folk want govenor cuomo to show solidarity to trumpie ?
  8. i have still not heard from the ioc or japan that the games are being postponed if there really was that much solidarity about doing so why is there this delay? they should have announced shortly after canada grandstanded that would have shamed canada for trying to shame those apparent reluctant leaders i don't think we are going hear from the ioc or japan about this for a while still
  9. come on someone has to go first to show leadership canada did not sure why that is grandstanding nba cancelled first due to real internal concerns every sport was going to do the same it was only a matter of time but the nba went first and they rightfully get credit for that
  10. i have a larger generator and jerry cans i'll boost my neighbours
  11. not sure what you are talking about really ? singapore has a population size fairly close to bc oops misread the stats will reread them
  12. bc gives its reporting leaders a day off each week sunday so they will not be reporting today we'll get information again tomorrow likely in the morning.. i am not sure of their schedule tomorrow yet
  13. unclear but likely they are immune to what they had or they could not have recovered how long this immunity will last is unknown presently but generally immunity does persist
  14. quite a few people have recovered from it which means they had to have built up an immunity or they would not have recovered that is a source you can rely on
  15. but canada did get active immediately first case in bc was diagnosed on january 15 how is that even remotely the same as what has been going on in the usa trump only got on board about 10 days ago wa state has been dealing with their situation on their own for almost as long as bc has been testing and tracking so some states did get out well ahead of trump
  16. if you can manage to do that maintain social distancing i'd say wup them good
  17. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries a chilling comparison between canada (1 case) and usa (795 cases) are the critically ill cases usa is going to be extremely different then canada nyc is absolutely exploding with cases now.. they have 5% of the cases world wide now maybe you can let me know where you are getting your numbers ?
  18. too vague bc medical authorities have a better detailed plan i'd suggest following their lead
  19. this is from yesterday? or the day before ? the usa stats are so troubling they are exploding exponentially the daily increases are astronomical they are currently 20x canada (should only be 10x) and this will get much much worse down there
  20. herd immunity and how it properly is achieved https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-herd-immunity-and-how-well-build-it-against-the-coronavirus-2020-3
  21. i do not think you understand the concept without vaccines it is not a concept but a death wish herd im·mu·ni·ty noun noun: herd immunity; plural noun: herd immunities the resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination. "the level of vaccination needed to achieve herd immunity varies by disease but ranges from 83 to 94 percent"
  22. i guess i need to review again what the netherlands is actually doing but this is not what herd immunity is herd immunity is based on vaccines being available where there are none, this concept does not work what it amounts to without a vaccine is basically doing nothing to fend off the virus but just counting who gets ill and letting the virus run its course not sure why a country with a modern medical system would do little to fend off a deadly virus i'd think its citizens would expect more boris suggested a "herd immunity" approach and was beaten down by his citizens
  23. this makes no sense be clearer ? your analogy does not work
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