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Everything posted by coastal.view

  1. but you seem to assume that no information gets out of that country that is not in fact true cell phones and internet (and dark web) leak information from china we have video of enforcement efforts in wuhan included welding front entry doors of buildings to keep people from going out there is only a limited amount of complete information containment that china can do if there was a lot more to the crisis in china information about it would have leaked
  2. i'm not sure i buy this unless you attach some intention or plan to the virus infection originating in china and then spreading globally that does not seem to be what happened what does seem to have happened is this virus originated in a wuhan open market and once is became noticed in the local population chinese authorities tried to contain information about this problem and maintain a position of denial they also then turned to a position of containment of the virus but that pivot was too late as the virus already got out despite this china persisted on the path of containment and appeared to actually achieve this outcome in a small geographic area of the country so world ended up dealing with the virus going through their populations and china has not .. except for a small sector of their country and i'm curious about their plan to deal with this situation, that almost their entire population is still vulnerable to the virus i can only see waiting for an effective vaccine as their option
  3. but the virus infection method is fairly well documented and the way to avoid getting it is also clearly set out maintain social distancing when out wash hands thoroughly upon return disinfect surfaces to deal with any virus containment and you should be fine if you are totally isolated then going out does increase risk but there are other risks in life other then the virus and no one stays home permanently to avoid the risks of living so stay safe but don't let fears totally control your life reasonable care for safety should keep risks to a reasonable minimum
  4. but that makes no sense unless the bulk of their population is already immune they basically have a big problem with their remaining population their country is in forced isolation globally as they cannot risk allowing anyone with any virus shedding potential into any area of their country that has not already been exposed they in fact have made their country very weak as they are sitting on a ticking time bomb their own population is extremely exposed to the virus coming back they need to jail their own population or wall in their whole country that does not give them superpower potential in my view
  5. so on the china situation i'm just curious they basically managed to isolate the virus to a small area of the country so that means a huge majority of the country has not been exposed and is completely vulnerable to any exposure at all at some point in time the virus will go through the remaining population like everywhere else unless china continues to keep it out of the country this approach is not really sustainable unless borders remain closed indefinitely so is their plan to just hang in there until an effective vaccine is developed? so they will keep things the way they are for another year or so still since that is the minimum time frame to develop such a vaccine ? and should a virus get into a new city there will we see a wuhan repeat ? entire city in lock down with military presence to ensure compliance?
  6. i agree and look at the coronavirus issue what was/is the biggest difference between the usa and canada on this issue testing and why ? testing protocols and kits in canada are managed at the provincial level and provinces could decide when to get on this and bc got on it early other provinces a bit early . some not early enough though in the usa all testing protocols and kits are managed through the cdc (center for disease control) centralized in washington they wanted to develop their own kit, their first effort was flawed states were not permitted to do their own testing or get their own kits no state could test as a result some states broke the law by testing (washington) until cdc finally relented and allowed states to do more on their own on testing (and also finally got a test as well) (there are poorly reported rumours that cdc through the military finally shipped in 1/2 million tests from italy overnight 1 night) so in the usa no testing could happen as long as cdc did not allow it that is the main reason why usa is so far behind during this crisis state medical authorities were basically banging down the door of the cdc wanting to get moving on this issue
  7. so you are saying he is no longer a rookie gm? sweet, the lion has spoken, now we can move off that label for him can you clarify please whether green is still a rookie coach? would solve so many disputes on here
  8. jirke lumme - such a smooth dman - go watch the 94 run if you forget how good he was nominating - andre boudrias (my first venture into this poll and i note the lack of dmen so far) edit: ps - is it completely inappropriate to nominate shane churla's noggin at some point?
  9. good things interest rates are basically 0 now so don't really have to worry about them gaining money from this (well unless they have debt with higher interest and they are using these funds to off set that debt for a period of time)
  10. this is a pretty good video it spells out a variety of scenarios and shows how social distancing and hand washing is a very viable option
  11. well i agree about being suspicious just wish the messaging came from someone more reliable then boris (herd immunity approach) johnson he is in trouble on this issue and is in serious deflection mode i'm going to hold off assessing the china true numbers situation until a true expert speaks to that with solid arguments (better evidence) to support that but i accept that more then likely the numbers offered by china so far under reports the true situation there i find it curious too when looking at the uk numbers that one could easily reasonably suggest that the uk numbers are inaccurate in terms of cases in that country by a multiplier of at least 4 (compare their death rate to their cases rate - it suggests the infection is more widespread in the uk then what they have reported) and if that multiplier were added (or if testing caught up a bit more with the true situation in the uk) the uk would be passing china in total cases so i can kinda of see why boris is sooo worried about the china reporting issues
  12. hey that is a pretty solid top 10 not much to quibble with about that group might alter the order .. but what do i really know well done cdc
  13. let's not over simplify things just because you prefer some aura of mistrust about our local authorities people in each region want to know what is going on locally tv stations report locally and have a local audience the local health authority would be the go to person to report on what is going on locally that person would have the greatest detailed knowledge of the local situation that is why dr henry is relied on in bc you are correct in inferring that governor cuomo and the new york media does not rely on her reports (or all sorts of media outlets in the usa) that is all too obvious to me i think it is silly for you to even bother to point this out not sure why you think medical authorities who speak more generally on the covid19 issue would be an authority on what is going on in bc
  14. well maybe by then we will have self testing kits available and people can make that decision based on those test results
  15. a musical interlude if any one needs one "If you get to the end of a vocal and you’ve got nothing more to say, but maybe the guitar has” - Mark Knopfler
  16. the issue is that whoever administers the test has to remove and dispose of or have cleaned any gear that was coughed on before moving on to the next test as the person who coughed could have the virus and contaminated the gear so the next patient cannot be exposed to that risky gear
  17. again i appreciate your response but you have not really added anything meaningful i already told people to use their own best judgment you really are not prepared to say anything more then that even after being explicitly asked
  18. and to think i was impressed by evel knievel
  19. i appreciate your responding but without providing a bit more information on why you distrust him no one will have any idea where you are coming from if there is something i need to know about him regarding this crisis i welcome such information
  20. i am careful about posting and links regarding covid19 other then who, bc authority, canadian authorities but, bill gates has a lot of insight and wisdom about these medical issues and sounded warnings about 5 years ago his messaging is a bit more positive then faucci or the unhappy trends we are seeing in the usa he stresses the importance of testing of developing self testing kits... and the risk to poorer countries governor cuomo is now echoing the need for self testing kits a pre requisite to return to work here is a link to a recent bill gates interview use your own best judgment in how you assess what he has to say
  21. i think the idea of testing is a bit misunderstood it is not necessary that everyone be tested the testing happens relating to tracing activities and hospital admissions (so they are certain what they will be treating) the outcome for having symptoms is always the same if you are unwell and have any symptoms stay home for 14 days this does not change with testing (or testing results) it's not really presently an issue of test shortages though being prudent on how tests are used is wise as more could be required later there is a cost for each test, there is an additional cost to process each test to get results so there are financial reasons as well to target testing there is also a health risk for administering each test a health official does the testing it almost always results in a cough during testing that creates a health risk to that person and also requires a change of protective equipment for each test so there is health risks and health equipment issues as well not trying to be picky here but testing is not really fully understood this issue has been explained many times by dr. henry in her updates but it warrants repeating
  22. and mers ? send the bill to the middle east ? just why are countries of origin responsible ? and what about countries that recklessly incubate and become massive epicentres due to inaction the usa for instance on the coronavirus shouldn't they end up being responsible for the biggest share of the bill since a bit of investment in prevention could have massively reduced the spread in that country
  23. almost everything any authority ended up doing could have been done better i think we can all accept that as reasonably accurate not sure why at this time the focus is on minor or lesser errors/mistakes these are evident feels a bit like nitpicking or a method for people simply to express their personal unhappiness unless there have been bigger mistakes made before that are hampering the current situation let's deal with these mistakes once we are past the current crisis i think jimmy has already posted this earlier i think this is wise if we can do better in the future by learning from this crisis, great the current effort and energy needs to be on what we are doing now and how we can best move forward not sure why there is not equal or more posting about the good things that have been done locally there is a lot of support of the clapping response directed to doctors/nurses/etc nightly less positive commentary towards the key decision makers (those tend to be targets for negative stuff) the trends look reasonably positive here so far so good things could still take a downward turn but more likely they will not let's try to stay postiive and stay safe social distance and hand wash, disinfect surfaces get out and enjoy the sun (responsibiy)
  24. well tally up a detailed invoice then i think NewbieCanuckFan may be willing to present it to bone spurs and look after all the collection details
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