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Everything posted by coastal.view

  1. so the usa should pay the global costs for the spanish flu ?
  2. well i think that the truly classy way to give is to do it without any need to publicize your generosity i think a lot more people are helping out who do so completely privately and are privately completely classy in those cases classy becomes integrity
  3. that is her vancouver olympic performance give it a listen and you will notice that aspect of this rendition
  4. well you do have a point but i think you might be a bit hyper critical when the offensive players are that committed to defensive play to ensure they are never scored on and never cross center ice as a result that will limit goal production
  5. but if you look at the underlying stats in those games you'll see a vast defensive improvement as well i mean they have not been scored on in almost 3 weeks now that is a remarkable improvement and you know it is not due to marky at all as he still has not returned to play a game
  6. they were slow in responding they preferred to initially monitor and had some views about "herding" that seem to have been a bit distorted
  7. i entirely agree the italy/spain situations are making me extremely saddened i fear, and forecast that the situation in the usa will rend my heart a combination of tragedy and stupidity so much could have been prevented by a nation with the most resources and capability but simply did not stood idle before such idleness and isolation was recommended (and before it was useful)
  8. true my post was grounded in irony not fact
  9. yes i think something about the occasion of this performance influenced my view though
  10. my favourite rendition of this song
  11. a musical interlude for those who need one
  12. i don't really agree we have 45% recovery total active cases are below 500 the recovery outstripped the new cases today so from a strictly numbers perspective there was in fact improvement don't trip over day to day variances need to look at 3 to 4 day indictors look at the usa steady increase in numbers daily in close to a 25 to 50% daily increase rate that is a completely different trajectory then here we will still see numbers climb steady here that is a fact in this pandemic but listen closely to what she is saying we have clusters that inflate infection rate confirmations and the vast majority of deaths are related to long term care facilities they have a good idea where the situation is going in bc and remain optimistic (relative to other places) on a side note i also think they are both tired dix especially, he looks worn down they need the rest of the weekend off i think you might see a more refreshed team at the update conference on monday
  13. have you thoroughly reviewed the constitutional amendment permitting gun ownership? i think not the right to hoard guns is explicitly set out particularly in a time of crisis i wonder when canada will step up and amend our constitution to allow citizens equal opportunity to hoard guns
  14. i disagree there is a wall to prevent that eventuality trump pronounced there is a wall so there is one you cannot factor in mythology to advance your position the wall will limit any scenario involving a mexican horde
  15. well it does make some sense because the virus is an invisible killer and travels in pacts that can number millions so if you are forced to deal with an invisible enemy you have to factor in waste because you cannot have a 100% kill rate when you are shooting blind so clearly that may entail or require more weaponery and a substantially higher volume of ammo they should clearly be an essential service as a result but there should be perhaps a 5 gun limit on semi automatic gun purchases and 100,000 limit on bullets guns vs virus guns win every time (if you have enough ammo of course)
  16. bc coronavirus update is at noon today here is a link if you are interested in streaming this
  17. i agree with the sentiments but at some point during a crisis like this one you have to rely on more knowledgeable people because we individually simply do not know enough about medicine the internet has allowed people to project greater knowledge then they actually have which is unfortunate as it creates a layer of misinformation i think it is important for people to remain critical but at the same time people need reliable sources of information and it is important once those are sourced to support them the bc leadership has proven to be reliable and the stats have supported that throughout so far and that really is the measure on which to compare the messaging since the start because the spin/bull crap will become apparent if the data starts to present a different message i think we are in good hands here
  18. damn you know that is the first step in hoarding beer
  19. i was wondering the same thing but i do recall dix saying this morning that they may be releasing information like they normally would at 3 pm but in print maybe there will not be a live conference about that today
  20. nice to see some optimism with substance these days if the modelling proves to be reasonably accurate we all need to show our appreciation for this leadership as well the nurses/medical people get the 7 pm clapping not sure if dix/henry are already included in that? they will deserve a 1x special recognition in my view i am very pleased to see these "forecasts" show that what they have been telling us daily has in fact been reliable, accurate, and true
  21. i do like him but i think it is a bit of a mistake for him to be giving out so much information himself he really should have a doctor/health authority release a lot of the information but i do appreciate that more things are much more political down south unfortunate really
  22. yes his feelings say otherwise and i'm sure if he was asked he let us all know that he has the best feelings
  23. sorry deb there is no explanation given they were doing a count down to the start of the conference which they do every day it said 7 minutes when i posted my first post on this when i went back to get ready to view it said 31 minutes on the count down clock so yeah our on hold lives getting burdened with yet another tier of being put on hold the holds are becoming exponential
  24. yeah ok doing it again (on the same page) my link makes it appear that the scheduled tv conference is delayed 1/2 hour i'll update if that changes so it appears now to be starting at 11 am
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