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Posts posted by ChuckNORRIS4Cup

  1. Honestly at this point it doesn't matter who's in or who's out, results are what matter, and that's on the coach to get the best out of his players from the start of the game to the finish. Watching last game it definitely didn't look like he was getting the best out of his players there was no drive in the players, it almost reminded me of the Leafs a year and a half ago when they sent a message to upper management and stopped playing for Babcock.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, EdgarM said:

    I am just getting tired of this team losing ,and now, we have a great group of players and they are playing like this? 

    From what he has done to Jake's game, to playing LE, to sitting OJ, to demoting Hogs it is just going down hill fast. 

    Hughes needs to be played less, and vets need to settle things down but thats not in Greens plans.

    We will be the 1 dimensional team we have always been and its sad because we have the potential to be so much more.

    I'm definitely tired of them losing and being bad for this long, the toll is adding up, changes needed to be made, it's just not working, but there are some potentials, but also no room for being stronger which hurts.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Devron44 said:

    Last year was a big step even if it was a dogfight to the traditional playoffs when the season ended. I don’t think that should be ignored because of this start of this season 

    Dogfight... They were given a gimme chance to get into the playoffs after losing a playoff spot earlier in the season once Markstrom got hurt.


    And on top of it over the last 2 years so many games were played where you literally could say we shouldn't of won that game if it wasn't for Markstrom bailing this team out, they're just not as good as you think they are sorry.

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  4. 15 minutes ago, DIBdaQUIB said:

    If I'm aquaman and I see this, my finger is on the trigger.  JB is responsible for the coaching group, personnel and contracts.  Product socks and with the lines green is throwing out there, he is obviously out of ideas and just throwing $&!# at the wall hoping something sticks. 

    I'm sure he is, but he's also part of problem imo as well, he isn't a fan of experienced GMs because then he has no say and he doesn't like that.

  5. 6 minutes ago, SILLY GOOSE said:

    This is such a bad fan take.  


    First, players don't care where they are in the line up-THEY WANT TO WIN.  Guaranteed given the rut their in I doubt any player on the roster cares what line they are on if it results in a win. 


    Second, TG probably feels more comfortable with LE in a match up role, which frees up Hoglander on the third line to get (a) better match ups (b) spark some secondary scoring.  


    Yeah, SMH :picard:.  This is @canuck2288 level of bad


    More like the worst fan take is still trusting Green :lol:

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  6. 2 minutes ago, EdgarM said:

    I am glad others are finally seeing it. That refusal to really get creative with lines are very similar. Megna and Chaput were WD's "pets" as was Weber. They played no matter what. 

    The inability to adjust to games is similar as well. Does anyone on the team have the OK to "bang and crash"? Does the same players get 20 minutes a night icetime , even if they are slumping, while others(Hogs) gets demoted? 

    There is "No Marky" to bail him out and I am so glad it has become more obvious to everyone now. 

    I gave Green the chance for 2 years but once the 3rd started is when I started turning on him. Heck I left this site for a year because Deb didn't like me calling out green in the gdt, I saw it then and nothing has changed since he's just not good enough, just sucks some people have a hard time accepting it unfortunately. 

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

    I'm glad people found the comparison with WD, as well as demoting/scratching players, namely Juolevi. Although Green has a much better roster than WD ever did, his systems need an overhaul because he's underachieving.


    I really don't understand how people continue to defend Green, even though he's done nothing to make positive adaptations.


    You know what's funny?


    Since WD and Green have similar stats, it may be that they both have misused Eriksson.

    The thing that blows my mind is the amount of praise Green gets over Willie Desjardins, but the reality check is Green is no better then Willie ever was simple as that. 

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