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Posts posted by Baggins

  1. 4 hours ago, WHL rocks said:

    I agree with you Baggins.  I'll take the physicality.  


    It's very difficult for officials on ice because of the speed of the game. 


    I posted on here about lack of physicality a little while back..  


    For me as an old school guy the game needs physicality.. 


    I so feel the Boeser hit was from behind and it caused wip lash. I think that should be a penalty. Doesn't have anything to do with head shot. 


    Now Boeser does need to be aware of his surroundings but a player facing the net on the blue line getting that hit I don't agree with..  

    I agree with you on the Boeser hit. There should have been a penalty on that play imo. But no matter how many sets of eyes are on the ice things will get missed, or will see it differently in the moment. You have to allow for human error, there's no way around it without making everything reviewable. Which of course would really slow the game down with coaches constantly demanding reviews.


    People keep saying the players need to be protected, from concussions in particular. I'm an old school, old timer. The way I see it the players are aware of the risk and are paid very well to play. Therefore they've accepted that risk for the money they receive. I prefer the physical game as well. Therefore I accept our players can get hurt in the process as well.

  2. 12 minutes ago, WHL rocks said:

    I think the league and many fans including me think the game was getting a bit soft. Lately they are trying to bring a bit more physicality back into the game.. 


    A defenseman rarely gets hit behind the net anymore. Forchecker pulls up time and time again instead of finishing the check. 


    Problem is more of these types of hits against Stecher vs TBL and Boeser vs WPG are creeping back into the game...


    The NHL has to bring physicality back into the game and I'm all for it..  it's was getting a bit soft for my point of view as a decades long NHL fan. 


    But can't have these "borderline" head shots.. 

    The only way around it is to ban all head contact as they have in Europe. The result though is less hitting. You can't have it both ways. In the NHL head contact on it's own isn't illegal. It's how it happens that determines legal or not. There's always going to be a fine line there. So you have to decide whether you want the physical play to continue, and accept injuries can happen, or or ban head contact and accept a less physical game as a result.

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  3. On 12/24/2018 at 11:35 AM, spur1 said:

    Yes an interference call was warranted. 

    The rest was not as it was clean otherwise. 

    The simple truth is it would have been a clean hit had it been timely. As it was late it's actually a cheap shot on an unsuspecting player. As I said, by the rule book, a suspension was justified. I just thought 4 games was rather harsh given it was the finals.

  4. 10 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

    That's idiotic blasphemy to try & be a league-apologist for that corrupt 2011 shyte. I doubt you're truly a fan who wants to see Vancouver win Cups.


    I'm done with your boorish crap Baggins..you make the ignore list.. cya

    oh, oh, I'm hurt.

  5. 1 hour ago, xereau said:

    Rome's hit was 0.6 seconds after the puck left Horton's stick, and it was North/South hit.  Clean.  The league is a joke.

    Which is actually a late hit making it interference. The league got it right. I thought four games in a SC final was harsh but the call was correct and a suspension justified.


    The joke is homer glasses blinding people to the actual rule book. Which happens with pretty much every fan base.

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  6. 13 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

    Don't think this riggeddeckleague will ever be straightened out. Everywhere Yank interests go, they ruin or exploit..the whole world over. So tired of it.

    If it's rigged why do you bother watching year after year after year?

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  7. 4 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

    So @Baggins you're fine with Stecher getting a head shot, & no call from DPS? Are you a league apologist, perhaps secretly against the Canucks?


    The basis of this thread is the league treats Van matters differently/inconsistently. They have historically..& they're STILL doing that now.


    So do you disagree?(be clear now, not evasive).




    I wasn't sure it was a suspendable hit at the time it happened. That doesn't mean I like the hit. It's just, as the rules are written, head contact on it's own isn't illegal and suspendable. How the contact is made determines that. Something that is largely ignored here.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

    Well, I'm no lawyer to debate these things..I'd say it looked like a distinct dribbling move I saw by Diego Maradona, one game back in 1983.


    The whole thing seems hopeless(NHL in general), anyhow. Not sure exactly where the trubs started, but it feels increasingly more biz than sport. I've long felt they've prioritized the US markets over the Cdn ones, & have been quite sneaky in doing so. This has gradually evolved over seasons/decades.


    Then say(for sake of discussion) it's true, the NHL PTB have basically kept the Cup in the States. Who would dare complain? It's such a $ gravy train for so many people(not only players & owners), no one will ever upset the apple cart.(sorry to digress back to some of the original post-laments)..in truth, didn't really care about today's call that much, either way.


    In sum, when goals go in like that first one today(WTG Marky!), everything else gets rendered more moot than Motte!

    Since the Habs won how many Canadian teams have been a legitimate contender and for how long each time? Answer that and you answer the cup conspiracy question. Once past that Habs win US teams simply bought their cups until the cap came in. Since the cap how many Canadian teams have been a legitimate contender? One. We were in the contender class for what 3 years? Compare that to Chicago and Pittsburgh being in that class for a decade or more. The longer you're a contender the greater chance of actually winning. Even then the both had their first round exits. Being a contender guarantees nothing. Being a contender for a lengthy period certainly increases your odds significantly. The Wings were a contender for 12 years and won 3 times. The Av's for a decade and won 2 times. Strange coincidence, they had two of the highest payrolls in the NHL. When Dallas won their cup they were among the highest payrolls in the west as well. Conspiracy or owners willing to buy a cup?


    At one point the Rangers had the highest payroll in the league and failed to make the playoffs. Maybe the league just had in for them because they won in '94. A conspiracy I tell ya!


    You keep going on about Canadian teams not winning the cup while ignoring the lack of quality Canadian teams during that time. You're just ignoring the obvious for your own hoopla. Ultimately I'm just not buying what you're selling here.

  9. 2 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

    Another example as the NYI player gets to hackey sack a frackin puck into the net!..yawwwn.(what else is new?)

    Did it really look like a "distinct" kicking motion to you? To me it just looking like he turned his skate and it went in off his heal. As I said in the other threads, the problem with these calls are they are really a matter of opinion as opposed to something as black and white as a puck crossing a line. Is it the same guy making that call in TO for every game every night? Probably not. Meaning opinions will vary and the calls will too as a result. Imo they should take using your skate to score out of the game completely. There's a reason there's a stick in their hands after all.

  10. 14 hours ago, VegasCanuck said:

    I agree. I like how he's playing, I think he gets one and they will start to flow for him.


    He really doesn't look out of place out there.


    I still think he needs time in Utica getting big minutes with PP and PK time. Megna didn't look out of place. You need to provide more than that to stick in the NHL. He's still a fringe player.

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  11. 11 minutes ago, Battlemonger said:

    Agreed. Greener has been working with Goldy quite a bit too, the same as he has done for Virtanen. Once Goldy and Greener get things figured out, I think Goldy will be fine, the same as Virtanen. Green sure is good with the young guys, no doubt about it.

    Is 'fine' enough to hold onto a job? Goldy is 23, waiver eligible, and has 80 NHL games under his belt. Green, and Willie for that matter, both worked on Goldobin's game away from the puck. He's certainly made strides in that department. The problem I'm seeing now is his play with the puck. I'm not sure if it's a lack of vision, or awareness, or simply that he's overconfident in his actual ability. But he's making some absolutely terrible passes and plays lately. I'm not so sure you can coach poor vision or awareness out of a players game. You either have it or you don't.


    Honestly I'd take Baertschi (if he were healthy) on that line over Goldy right now. He's as much a liability with the puck as he is a threat lately. This is something of a make or break season for him here and he needs to be better.

  12. 12 hours ago, Kootenay Gold said:

    Not sure but these stats I can tell you about Goldobin: His 1st and only goal so far came from a PA (primary assist) by Pettersson. Goldy has 1 PA and 3 SA (secondary assist) on Petey's goals. Petey and Goldy both had assists for Granny's goal vs COL, Nov 2 and also Virt's goal vs BOS, Nov 8th. They seem to work well together so why all the negativity about Goldy? If he is still not finding the net by mid Dec I would maybe change my mind about him but right now I think he just needs confidence to rediscover his scoring touch.

    I thought the first 5 games he looked good. I was actually impressed. He's been slowly going downhill since imo. It seems more and more he's trying to make passes that just aren't there leading to odd man rushes the wrong direction. When he gets a pass to a player it's not on the tape and the player has to work for control (if he even can). Goldy has talent, you can see that. It just seems rather inconsistent. I often find him frustrating to watch. Good play, bonehead play. Good play, bonehead play. Rinse, repeat.

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  13. 30 minutes ago, Psycho_Path said:

    Finally looked, and in those same games the opposition has had 27 powerplays (mind you, we had 18 and not 17 as indicated in the broadcast). Now that's not a measure of impartial reffing (penalties called vs infractions actually done is), but it sure highlights the issue. What a joke.

    One thing I've noticed through the games is the number of high sticking penalties we've had. There'll be the odd mistake their but it's one of the few that the refs don't let go uncalled. To a slightly lesser degree slashing doesn't typically get a pass either. We havve gotten away with some of the other calls though. But we really do seem to be having an issue with high sticks game after game. And of course those can easily wind up double minors as opposed to other calls.

  14. 11 hours ago, WeneedLumme said:

    To me, context matters. I guess maybe you didn't see that game, if you think the situation leading to Keith's elbow was comparable to Bure's. IMO "tough" means the ability and willingness to take abuse and to dish it out in return. Which is what Bure did.

    You know what they say about assumptions.


    I wonder what you guys would think if that was done to Gino, or Cooke, or Burrows, or Torres, or any of our tough annoying guys through history.


    It was cheap, it was dirty, & imo chicken ....

  15. 5 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

    You may be right, B..the guys on the radio(post-game) said it seemed an accidental car crash. Hard to see these things on my lil' pc screen.


    I jumped on this opportunity to refresh my conspiratorial(2 rulebooks!) thread..as I hope it'll trickle consistently,  then burst into a WATERGATE!-level Intl fiasco..just playing my part in pursuit of fame, $ & perhaps a Nobel? :^)


    Anywhoo..always seems our boys on the receiving end of these fender-benders...

    After seeing it a couple of times now it did appear to be accidental contact. Manning even tried to hold up when he saw Stech. In trying avoid Stech up he straightened up, and Stech not being particularly tall, really caught it in the head. I really don't think it was intentional at all after seeing it from a couple of angles.

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  16. 1 hour ago, WeneedLumme said:

    That's the comparable is it? So Daniel had been dumping an endless amount of cheap shots on Keith, breaking the rules with impunity, with the apparent permission of the refs and the league, until Keith had had enough and finally took matters into his own hands? Because that is what would make the situations comparable.


    IMO, taking abuse from another team and then, instead of relying on someone else to take care of you, dealing with the matter yourself, is indeed tough. Also, just IMO, risking his hands fighting Churla as you suggest would have been very stupid, considering the massive difference in the value of Bure' hands compared to Churla's.

    Of course it would be stupid of him to fight. But there's nothing 'tough' about a blindside elbow. It's just chicken.....


    Keith felt Daniel caught him with a cheap shot. Was he 'tough' for his elbow? It really is the same thing.

  17. 4 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

    Sure hope Stecher's okay.


    Another highway side-swipe unpunished?..Manning's a dirty punk.

    Looked like an accidental collision to me. I'd have to see it again from more than one angle to be sure.

  18. On 10/30/2018 at 8:27 PM, Elias Pettersson said:

    Overall he had it all including toughness.  Just ask Shane Churla how tough Bure was.

    'Tough' would have been facing Churla and dropping the gloves. Throwing a blindside elbow is just cowardly vengeance. Do to think Keith was tough with his elbow to Daniel or was it just a cheap shot? That's the comparable.

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  19. 9 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

    I believe I'm in there, promoting him heavily, too.  Going to go back and look.  I remember because my son and I had talked about him and he'd linked me to some of his highlights...that got me stoked.  Then I saw him at the prospects game and that escalated.


    With that, my reference to Bure was in relation to the excitement factor and having a player that has us jump up out of our seats.  The brilliance.


    Not in style of play, although, I've been pleasantly surprised by EP's tenacity and his ability to stand in there when challenged.  For a slight player, I thought he'd use being elusive more so than physical play, but he does both.  Deadly combination, as he really doesn't shy away (at all).

    Last Saturday I was out to watch the game with friends. My comparison was he's the first individual player since Bure that when he gets on the ice I sit forward waiting for something to happen. There's been lines since Bure that I did that with (WCE, Sedins/Burrows) but no other individual player. Benning hit it out of the park with this kid.

  20. 2 hours ago, HerrDrFunk said:

    Jesus, both of those guys in blue shirts at the end made me want to stab myself in the ear drums to make it stop. I hope that Canucks fans routinely send them reminders of that video every once and awhile. 


    Most of the vloggers pronouncing it "Peterson" was amusing as well. 


    I think it'd also be funny if the end of the video was updated every once and awhile as Pettersson racks up points and accolades. 

    To be fair Benning said Peterson when he drafted him. :lol:

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  21. On 10/4/2018 at 9:25 PM, Trebreh said:

    look at the game vs the Laffs, Kadri and Reilly with two questionable hits late in the game in a blow out and no penalties. 


    how was the Gudbranson hit any different from the Reilly hit on Hansen? Henrik gets blindsided by Kadri, no penalty. 



    Having touched the puck maybe....

  22. On 22/09/2018 at 6:38 PM, higgyfan said:

    Manny struggled for 7 years and played for two teams before finding his home with the Jackets.  I'm pretty sure he was considered a bust by NYR and  Dallas, considering he was a 7th overall pick.  A late bloomer indeed.


    I doubt Gaunce will ever play C in the NHL, but he may find his scoring touch enough to get 25-30 pts,  and along with his defensive acumen, he very well could be a regular in the NHL. I don't know if he can achieve that playing for the Canucks, where he is mostly assigned with defensive coverage along with linemates that have little offensive upside.


    Arch may have better net presence than Gaunce, but he doesn't have anywhere near the consistency.  How may seasons have we seen Arch join the team, guns a blazing, only to fizzle out after a dozen games?  I Gaunce doesn't make the team, I doubt Arch does either.


    Guadette is not in competition for Gaunce's position and will likely head to Utica for awhile.


    Manny made the NHL as an 18 year old. That rookie season he played 73 games and had 8 goals and 8 assists. More goals and assists than Gaunce has at 24 in 112 NHL games. At 23 (the same age as Gaunce last season) Malhotra played 56 NHL games and had 12 goals and 13 assists. Gaunce can only dream.

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