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Posts posted by Baggins

  1. 1 hour ago, Keenan's Moustache said:

    I wonder when the terms of the NMC fall off...... if I remember correctly (I may be wrong), NMCs carry until July 1st of every year.  If that is the case, wouldn't he need to be protected for the Expansion Draft? 


    Also, he has an NMC, but does that mean he has an NTC?  An NMC means he cannot be placed on waivers or sent to minors (or be eligible for Expansion Draft for that matter), BUT doesn't mean that he cannot be traded, which is the purpose of an NTC.  Does that mean he can be traded, since his contract has an NMC, but doesn't appear to have an NTC? *edit*  Just verified that an NMC includes full-NTC, unless otherwise specified (thank you CapFriendly!)


    I will try to look into this a little deeper, but if anyone has any insight, can they please enlighten me and/or others, if that is possible.  Thank you in advance!

    The only difference between an NTC and a NMC is being sent to the minors. No Movement means exactly that - the player can't be moved off the team in any way without his permission.


    The last expansion Vegas could offer a contract to a teams pending UFA and if the offer was accepted that player would count as their selection from that team. If the pending UFA turned the offer down they had to select somebody else from the team. So essentially Edler being a pending UFA, is self protected without being protected by the team.

  2. I fully expected him to win but not by the landslide he did. There's always those homer tyype media guys, like Bieksa, Edler, and Ehrhoff getting votes some years when clearly there are three much better D in the league in any given year. I liked all three but couldn't honestly put any of them in the top three in any given season.

  3. 9 minutes ago, EdgarM said:

    The problem is that players who are probably going to decline in production during the contract being discussed , puts a false value on their true worth. Hence why players get bought out such as Perry. Although Edler is probably worth the money now, if he signed a longer contract, we may have got stuck with an improperly assessed contract and we would have the problem of trying to get rid of him in 3,4 years.

    Teams fall in the trap of paying too much for a player and hence messing it up for everyone else. Who knows how a player is going to perform in 7-8 years(See Chicago).

    I think Edler 's contract is great as it allows to the team to continually pay him what he is worth no matter how long his career is.

    I honestly think he would have got considerably more on the open market with two year deal. In fact I think he could have had a higher cap hit on a front loaded 4 year deal on the open market.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 11 hours ago, vancouverbucsfan said:

    @Bagginsyes that is the uniform the team wore in their days prior to heading to the Pacific Coliseum. Regardless what difference does it make whether Western Hockey League or early entry into the NHL? It was part of their jersey history! The team is named after Johnny Canuck the hockey playing lumberjack, not a damn killer whale that looks constipated! They did don a JC jersey at one time.

    The difference is it's the "50th" anniversary of the NHL Canucks that's being celebrated. Has JC been used as a primary in those 50 years? No, as I previously said. But if they were going back to pre-NHL days, and the teams origin, the logo should simply say "Canucks" on it as that was the original Canucks uniform.


    We get it - you love the JC logo. Many don't. JC is not being used. Get over it..



    • Upvote 1
  5. 18 hours ago, vancouverbucsfan said:

    @Bagginsenclosed is a photo of the teams history wall which I took a photo of on a recent visit to Rogers Arena. So tell me what do you see in the photo? If you said “hey a picture of the team in the 70”s in a Johnny Canuck uniform” then yes you guessed correctly! The team wore a Johnny Canuck jersey in their earlier existence when they played at the PNE agrodome prior to moving on to the Pacific Coliseum. So to all of you reading let me ask you when someone says the word “Canuck” does a constipated looking orca whale come to mind? Would you not all agree that a Canuck is more of a Canadian lumberjack hockey playing type? Just saying. This picture is in the teams main staff entrance next to the team store at Rogers Arena 


    Pretty sure those JC's are pre-NHL photos.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 23 hours ago, granpappy said:

    i don't really understand why so many dislike the johnny canuck logo but . . . to each his own. the thing is, jc was a part of the original concept of what a canuck was; a hockey playing lumberjack. it used to be so simple. so it was just really disappointing that there was absolutely no acknowledgement to jc for the 50. nothing. in fact less than we had before. a plate of spaghetti, a whale and a very amateur stick in rink which looks like a kmart special turned inside out. with so many brilliant examples on the net this is what they come up with. the stick in rink concept shown a few posts ago smokes the aqualini stick in rink in my opinion. if aqualini had a business acumen, he would have at least tipped his hat to jc and offered up a t-shirt or hat with a good quality design. these would likely sell & that would be revenue. that green jersey with jc they introduced a few years ago was such a piss poor design, no wonder so  many have a hate on for anything jc. a barren jersey and a lumberjack with plastic blades. savy advertising acumen at its finest . . . not.


    could you imagine though, if we were called, say, the grizzlies or seals & we had a logo of an orca? how cool would that be. i think seattle seals sounds good by the way. how about if we were called the mountaineers & we had a logo of a windsurfer because there are those visible in the bay. what if we were called the blues & we had a logo of green evergreens because we are quite well known for that here. that is the paradox posters like tigerheart are so passionate about. it really makes our uni's a joke but the best anyone can do is mock him or present countless ridiculous arguments justifying why a whale is a good logo for a team named after a lumberjack. 


    ah well, at least we have an awesome nickname. i admittedly, i didn't really appreciate it when i was a junior but now, i think it is one of the greatest sports names. likely though, we will lose canucks one day in order to be the orcas to match with out logo. people will think we are a water polo team with a haidai artwork drawn by a white man. very sad.

    50th anniversary of the NHL Vancouver Canucks. The JC logo has never been used by this team other that the JC head in a V as a shoulder patch. Why would it be featured as opposed to logos actually used as a primary?


    There's no need to change the name of the team as a the Orca forms a C for Canucks just as the stick in rink does. All the whining and lame excuses in the world isn't going to change that fact.

    • Cheers 1
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  7. 16 hours ago, CanadianRugby said:

    So, there's no point in draft picks because you don't know right away if they turn out?  Quick, lets trade 10th overall for another Linden Vey.  200 NHL games played is nothing to sneeze at.  


    Also, Kings had top picks and 2 cups.  Pens had top picks and 3 cups.  Hawks had top picks and 3 cups.  Let's ignore what has worked the best in the cap era because... Atlanta?  

    Never said that.


    Altanta had top picks.... no cup. Let's ignore when it doesn't work. It's not so much about top picks as it is some elite talent and the team behind them. Two top picks don't winb cups. Teams do.

  8. 2 hours ago, wai_lai416 said:

    Can you read? I said no one wants to sign with Atlanta and you posted 2 players that was drafted there and had no choice.

    Um, you also mentioned their terrible drafting....


    On 6/14/2019 at 2:51 PM, wai_lai416 said:

    in Atlanta's case they were terrible at drafting.. Patrick stepan 1st overall Lehtonen 2nd overall etc etc.. 


    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Alflives said:

    Good post Baggins.  I think we get nostalgic about the uniforms from when we were young.  I was 20 already when the Canucks came into being, but I do have a certain affinity to the original stick in rink.  I think the skate people are a tech savvy generation, so they voted more than people like me would (don’t have Twitter)  The Orca should be the most popular, especially with the under 20 crowd, and that’s the group who are the most techie.  Where are those young fans?  I think the Canucks need to be aware they are losing a young generation. 

    I'm not much younger than you Alf. Yet I hated the Stick in Rink from the time it was unveiled. I thought our logo blew after seeing Buffalo's logo first. Friends of my age group are split on the Stick in Rink. Some like me see it as bland and boring, while others like the simplicity. Different taste.


    It's not just twitter, although you're right about our generation not being nearly as active. I don't think the over 40's can be bothered with all the online voting or going back multiple times in an effort to get what they want. I don't even have data on my phone. It's just a phone for talking and texting. When I go out I leave the internet behind. 


    The under twenty, as I said, often have a short attention span. The Orca has been around too long for them. Change for the sake of change - shiny and new is better. I'd wager money if it was a poll of "under 20's Canuck fans only" the winner would be "something completely new". Then of course they'd disagree amongst themselves whether it was good or not. 


    I disagree that they're losing the youth though. They're either Canucks fans or they're not regardless of the logo. Because even the youth wouldn't be able to agree on what the look or logo should be. Do we cheer for the logo or the team?

    • Cheers 1
  10. 1 hour ago, CanuckGAME said:

    This "its CANUCKS not ORCAS" Argument had been old.


    It's not getting old.  Its been old.


    This forum is a pretty good indicator of how the fans feel and the Orca is overwhelmingly the favorite logo.  No one besides a small small group of OLD FOGGIES. Want the logo to change.


    And NO ONE besides maybe 2 or 3 people on this forum want a ****ing CARTOON LUMBERJACK on our Crest.


    It doesnt matter what happens. No one will ever be happy. So just stick with what we have,  which is a great Jersey.


    If we switched to JC most people would be furious.  If we stay with the orca only you small group of guys will care.

    You do have to give him credit though. For more than 12 years, ever since Aquilini first announced a uni change, Tiger has been tirelessly lobbying for the JC logo while dragging out any and every lame excuse he can make up to dismiss the Orca logo. In uniform thread after to uniform thread without fail. Despite a new rendition of uni's just being revealed, sans JC as even a shoulder patch on the alt, he's still pissing into the wind believing his piss will suddenly change the reality just unveiled, or make a difference on the next update a decade down the road. 

    • Cheers 3
  11. 5 hours ago, wai_lai416 said:

    That's because no one wants to play in Arizona or Atlanta. You can have all the top picks if you cant sign any players to play with them of coz it will fail and in Atlanta's case they were terrible at drafting.. Patrick stepan 1st overall Lehtonen 2nd overall etc etc.. 

    Heatley, Kovalchuk…..

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