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Posts posted by Baggins

  1. On 7/29/2018 at 6:52 PM, appleboy said:

    This is no longer a stealth renewal. 

    We have a guy who has no idea of how to run a team. He can draft well. I do wonder though if Brackett has been the most important person in this regard. With Jimbo making the decisions we will see a full blown out in the open dive to the bottom of the league. 

    We have a ton of cash tied up in UFA signings who will be here for 4 more years. We may have the worst D core in the league. 

    This year will be bad. Real bad.


  2. 24 minutes ago, Hutton Wink said:

    I thought that was from game 3 or 4, where the ref sent them both off when Danny swatted away his glove.  As I recall in game 6 nothing happened after the speedbag, nothing at all but humiliation.

    Game 3 he got a misconduct for a scuffle with Ference. Game 6 another misconduct for 'lipping off' the ref.....


    JUNE 13, 2011

    Bruins winger Brad Marchand uses Daniel Sedin’s head as a pinata during a scrum late in the third period of Game 6. The Bruins are up 5-2 at the time so Marchand has no concerns about putting his team down a man.

    “I took six punches,” said Daniel. “People are going to call us soft, but what can I do? We’re going to keep taking punches. That is the way we play. If the referees see it, I’m sure they’ll call it.”

    The referees saw it this way: Marchand received a roughing minor and misconduct. Daniel, for catching six, also received a misconduct.


    • Cheers 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Hutton Wink said:

    Two problems:


    1. Canucks got plenty of PP chances but couldn't score

    2. Marchand didn't even get penalized on that

    Marchand got a roughing penalty. Daniel got an unsportsmanlike for asking the ref how many times does he get to hit me before you raise your arm.

    • Wat 2
  4. On 29/08/2018 at 10:58 PM, dpn1 said:

    I believe that year in the AHL was a lockout year.  If the NHL played that year, he would have been with the Canucks.  please let me know if I am off on this.:)

    03/04 Kesler played 33 games in the AHL with 11 pts, and got called up for 28 NHL games with 5 pts. The following year he played in the AHL during the lockout and picked up 55 points in 78 games. Then in 05/06 he make the bigs out of pre-season with 23 pts in 82 games. Hard to say whether he would have been a regular or a call up in 04/05 but I think having a bigger role in the AHL that season helped his game. The AHL was a much better league during the lockout because a lot of the young NHL'ers played there that season.

    • Cheers 1
  5. 2 hours ago, N7Nucks said:

    Assurances? Of what? He came in out of shape before. Didn’t deserve 20+ minutes. We should be demanding assurances of him. We have a history of one fat slob coming over from Russia already. Lets not make it two.

     It seems he has that millennial sense of entitlement down pat.

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  6. 13 hours ago, Kootenay Gold said:

    Regardless of whether one is pro or anti Nikita, Vancouver holds his NHL rights and should he choose to come back once his contract is up in the KHL; it would be up to him to prove that he is better than some of the other D men on the team at that time. That might be a challenge with the high end D men that likely will be in the lineup with a couple of years experience behind them.

    The problem is in his last interview he said he would want assurances if he came back. That doesn't bode well. I doubt anybody is going to guarantee him 20+ minutes a game without coming in and earning it. Over there he's a big fish in a small pond and seems to have the ego to go with it.


    In the meantime, you're right, others will be coming on board making it even less likely to get promises about ice time.

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  7. On 16/08/2018 at 9:21 PM, Slegr said:

    The Tryamkin thread in prospects has been locked and this thread continues to be pinned. This poor forum is being mismanaged.

    Likely because it went from being about Tryamkin to a mud slinging thread. That typically results in a thread being locked.


    There's no reason to lock this thread at all. Although I'm a huge Burrows fan, with his retirement (plus the Sedins) and having no involvement with this team, the thread should be unpinned. It's time to move on to a new era just as the team has moved on.

  8. 20 minutes ago, WeneedLumme said:

    I would be very much surprised if most of his weight increase was not muscle. But bulking up with muscle does not automatically improve cardio conditioning, and can very easily degrade speed and agility, which is what seems to have happened here.

    You could see the difference in his face last year. He chubbed up. You could see it with Virtanen the year before.

  9. On 30/06/2018 at 6:38 AM, Boudrias said:

    My numbers could be corrected but I think Hutton broke in at 185 pounds and his weight went up to 215. I agree that is a lot of weight in a short time. I suspect the thought process was that he needed to be bigger for puck battles and heavy play in front of the net. His challenge, IMHO, is how he transitions his conditioning. If he can improve his muscle and stay in the 210 area I have hope he can improve his play. I have not given up hope on Hutton. That said the d-depth could overtake him.   

    The fact he was criticized for his conditioning last season tells me it wasn't muscle he put on.

  10. On 29/06/2018 at 11:19 PM, VegasCanuck said:

    Very true, but he did prove that he can handle NHL level talent at the Worlds a month ago.

    Two points to keep in mind though, the worlds is on a bigger ice surface (more room) and those teams tend to be built more speed/skill than the heavier more physical NHL teams are. I won't be surprised if he starts NHL next season, but I also won't be surprised if he starts with an AHL season.


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  11. 13 hours ago, Boudrias said:

    IMHO Hutton has to up his physical game to stick with the Canucks. It will be interesting to see his weight come September. I think he can play at 210 but his mindset wasn't there for most of the season. His offense has to be viewed as a bonus. His d-zone coverage has to be more physical.  

    Extra weight isn't good if it's pure fat. ;)

  12. Just now, WeneedLumme said:

    I'm sure they would be willing to, but if he wants to turn pro, which it seems he does, I am sure we will see him in camp.

    I didn't say he wouldn't be at camp. He could still turn pro and play in Utica. I'm just not sold they'll through him in the deep end at his current weight.

  13. 15 minutes ago, messier's_elbow said:

    I’m getting the vibe Hughes will make the team and be our top Defenceman by years end. 

    I actually think they may give him another year to add some muscle. Not a bad thing in the big picture.

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  14. 18 hours ago, combover said:

    He might not have the instant superstar some on here believe but he was better than pip squeak Larsen right from camp even an out of shape Tryamkins was more effective than Larsen(wasted  pick)  they didn’t ask him to go to the AHL and learn how to actually play.

    I don’t blame him for not going to the AHL Benning gave him the contract that clearly stated he didn’t have to. 


    Don’t blame him one bit for leaving the Jim Benning wonkie wille circus but I still have hope he’ll come back and be a solid second pair dman along side  OJ. 


    Pip squeak Larsen led all d-men in points in the KHL this past season. Goes to show how good the KHL is.  :lol:


    Maybe Try gets in the lineup sooner if he had agreed to go on that conditioning stint. The equivalent to a road trip. The big baby.

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  15. 2 hours ago, HorvatToBaertschi said:

    I think you’re wrong. Tryamkin had a better season than Stecher in my eyes, and that’s not even a knock on Stetcher, who was a revelation. Tryamkin came in, and was instantly a threat on every team’s radar. Stecher got more points, but Tryamkin got recognized mch more. Its pretty simple, you dump the puck in, who would you rather see retrieving the puck while you’re trying to forecheck? Tanev, Stecher or Tryamkin? I know my answer... So do Reaves. Jenner, Smith, Benn etc.. and they’re all power forwards...

    I think you're comparing to the wrong guy. Stecher was used more because of his offense. It's Tanev that got the defensive minutes. Again, Stecher better offensively and Tanev better defensively put Try #3. Try was better physically than either. The biggest problem I saw with Try, his physical game was inconsistant. It's great to have a physical D but if he's not the best choice offensively or defensively he's going to be in that #3 role on his side. That fact he wanted it handed to him, rather than working to earn it, is a red flag. That red flag is waving higher as far as I'm concerned. Born out among his reasons for going home and now wanting assurances if he's to return. As much as I'd like to have him on the team he's no Chara at this point to make demands of role and ice time.


    He's definitely NHL calibre, and could have made Tanev expendable, but he didn't want to earn it. I honestly think if he had re-signed (and showed up in shape) Tanev would have been moved during this past season and he would have had what he wanted - top minutes. It's a shame.

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  16. 1 hour ago, CanucksJay said:

    I think the difference is that Green holds players accountable and bases their ice time on their performance. 

    Has WD done that, Tryamkin would still be here. 

    In tight games if we were down one Stecher would see increased ice. In tight ones where we're up one Tanev would see more ice. Who should Willie have taken ice time away from: Stecher, who was better offensively, or Tanev, who was better defensively? It seems to me ice time was based on performance. Unless of course Wille shouldn't have been trying to win games.


    I don't think Try would fair any better under Green than he did Willie.

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