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Twilight Sparkle

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Everything posted by Twilight Sparkle

  1. agreed so i guess i was way off regarding punk according to this thing this is our main event for the ppv
  2. so it's pretty much a guarantee if punk can work tlc, it won't be a clean win. oh well. i really don't see him losing to the rock at the rumble. with the way this whole angle is going, the shield interferes in that match too. i just know it'll be interesting to see where this all goes
  3. so i guess i didn't miss anything tonight, again. didn't get to watch the show since my roommate wanted to watch some stuff. how was aj vs tamina? thats really the only thing i wanted to watch. all i know was aj won and thats all i care about but how was the match itself? decent for a divas match, or get up and take a leak?
  4. was nikki the one who got the implants? not sure if the bellas left on good terms or not, probably not, so they might ignore the real tmz story for the fake one - More outside segments - Multiple wrestlers going after titles (storylines, within storylines) - Cliffhanger to end Raw (I remember watching Raw, just for the ending. It made me want to tune in next week.) And most important one: i would really scrap night of champions because i feel that's another gimmick ppv with "every title on the line" bit. i mean whats the point if only 1 title really changes hands and it's a title no one cares about? replaced with bad blood. bad blood just has to be october. i kind of like the idea of freeing up february and july. help build something for the big 2 there. i would give unforgiven to september since december is all armageddon i really dont know why the E wants to milk us with expensive ppv's if no one's buying them. their big 4 (i wouldn't even regard SS as one of the big 4 anymore. when's the last time we had a decent 1 within the last 10 years?) are their only guaranteed money makers ambrose was an indy guy. nuff said lol but i watched all of his fcw matches. he has talent. great on the mic. doesn't exactly fit the typical wwe mold of being jacked up and boring
  5. heck if papa shango didn't get buried by warrior, it would have been nice to see something like undertaker vs papa shango at summerslam '94 or something, instead of... i don't even like paying regards to that match. what better way for a character to go out by facing taker in a buried alive match. now that would have been cool for the first ever buried alive match and with those two characters, it would be fitting. i don't think a normal casket match would do it justice. there's just so much they could have done with taker and shango. and godfather is friends with him anyways (not sure when they met) but i'm sure they would have created something amazing. instead they had to feed him to the warrior
  6. he even looks like a bond villain lol i remember that bit, it was dragging on. in today's WWE "holding the show hostage" does more harm than good. the show is boring enough as it is
  7. true. and just minor detail, i love antonio cesaro's theme song
  8. it'll have to be an interference of some sort. there's no way they'd let punk get a clean win over ryback. i don't even know what match it is. chairs match? (what a stupid concept) tables match or tlc? that's how much attention i paid to raw. not a single attention was given. i phoned it in when tamina squashed i guess it looked like alicia fox
  9. horrible raw all the way through. complete garbage. the whole shield thing is the only thing keeping me interested at the moment
  10. liked how crosby handled the question about roman hamrlik's comments

  11. really cool article on the godfather. you guys should check it out i really loved papa shango. one of the most interesting characters ever
  12. the longer the lockout drags on the more respect i have for bettman. scary isn't it

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Sad not scary . He is the main reason why we have had 3 strikes in his time as commish.

    2. SterlingArcher


      He's just a rep for owners. I blame nhlpa

    3. nuckin_futz


      There haven't been three strikes. There was 1 strike and 2 lock outs. Major difference.

  13. i mainly visit caws.ws wwe forums. they post stuff from all of the "insider" sites but they speak more highly on lordsofpain and pwinsider. i don't have an account on there, i just lurk. i like our wwe community than to go converse elsewhere. i'm not much of an "IWC" guy. we have a lot of guys here who are good to talk to about this brand of entertainment
  14. got this of ddp's youtube. awesome jake update, something on honky tonk man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx4QrqpAOSI&feature=plcp
  15. he was going through the list of everyone he beat defending the title. i think it may have been the big show? triple threat at summerslam? not sure why they would edit that out so a cole error? lol
  16. would have been a pretty damn awesome RAW if it were only 2 hours. miz vs. otunga didn't even have to happen. the stuff with cena and ziggs were awesome. bringing some much needed chaos back to the show, but of course it's overshadowed by a drawn out show. that whole kissing bit, i think we all knew this was going to happen at some point. i was kind of shocked though at how aggressive it was. i was sitting here like okay, didn't see that coming. bit of edge and lita kind of material in there. then ziggs calls her trash then all hell breaks loose. thats how it should be. hell during that locker room scene i thought aj would latch on to ziggs after what he said lol i was like sweet bringing some excitement back to raw. i really don't remember much else. sheamus vs sandow was kind of... just there. loved show's mic work though. khali and hornswoggle squashing primo and epico didn't need to happen. at all. ever. please, not again. loved the punk celebration and ryback getting attacked again. can't wait to see whats up with the nxt guys. i can already tell dean ambrose will be a star out of that group. was watching some of his fcw matches on youtube and an awesome work with william regal. the biggest highlight for me, at least, has to be the commentary during kane/bryan/rey/sin cara match. titus o'neal said something in regards to jerry's heart attack (come on jerry, have a heart) and after that cole was ALL over them. hilarious banter
  17. loved his sweet chin music at the end lol super kick was a bit off, but if he's picking it up as his finisher, i'm all for it. don't think anyone even uses it atm. pretty decent raw show so far, i'm behind wade barrett. good, clean victory. totally bossed kofi
  18. i'd love ziggs to win too. hell he could be the first person to win the title without cashing MITB in (assuming that he wins the rumble, #1 entrant. a man can dream). how badass would that be. i'm surprised they've kept that thing with him for this long. what was the longest time someone held the briefcase? i dont think someone held it all the way to wrestlemania. they all seemed to cash it before survivor series. however, i'm not a fan of the money in the bank thing anyways. makes the royal rumble look like just another gimmick ppv
  19. ziggler's transformation into hbk is nearing completion
  20. i think the ddp yoga thing is somewhat of a wellness program. i thought it was cool because he's answering fans questions on his youtube channel and 1 guy brought up something about heat between taker and ddp and taker should take the program because his knees are quite messed up. ddp then answers "no heat between taker and me bro. if he wants to, then i'm here for him." he's a guy that doesn't hold grudges against anyone. he's so down to earth speaking of jake, here's a video about a little road block, but i think jake is still in the house and still fighting despite what happened here. dallas giving jake some tough love here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flbXCCrdpos&feature=g-all-u here's a video posted from another guy who's staying at the house. i'm not quite sure what his story is actually. just looks like an overweight guy who wants to lose weight or there's something medically wrong with him. i've been digging through the videos but haven't found much, but here he speaks quite highly of jake. it's really nice
  21. here's a real cool interview with austin with arda (he should also be hired by wwe, imo) austin gives his opinion on the fake heart attack angle, his current knee situation and more http://youtu.be/ksSmhedffcY
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