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Twilight Sparkle

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Everything posted by Twilight Sparkle

  1. I think Big E. isn't ready yet. Ryback needs some credibility if they want him to be a top star and push for the world title maybe with henry as champion somewhere down the road another note it was nice seeing the new age outlaws back in action and honkey tonk man. slater sold that guitar shot like money
  2. Pretty good RAW so far. liked the opening segment. Punk and Show had the best opening promos. Orton and Sheamus must have had some pretty lame scripts written up. I know Orton's better than that. I love how Punk's reactions to everyone coming out then Vicki cutting him off. Little things like that is what makes him so awesome. Liked the stare down bet5ween Mark Henry and Ryback. I think that would be a good rub for Ryback defeating Mark Henry who looks to be back in good shape also i like them playing We're All Together Now in the background. RAW IS WAR nostalgia
  3. kind of like how mcmahon "injected a cancer" by reforming the NWO but on a serious note, i hope matt hardy is doing well for himself. last i heard he's trying to get his life cleaned up to go for another run in the business
  4. I was watching the Honky Tonk Man's blog talk radio show, or maybe it was a more recent interview with Road Dogg where they talk about Dutch Mantel (Zeb Colter) and traveling on the road with him. Was a pretty good listen. I didn't realize Zeb was Dutch until someone mentioned it on the comment section when they broke kayfabe and called out Glenn Beck also: epic video
  5. watched just for the piledriver lol nicely executed. you'd think a "no no" like the piledriver would be a finish to the match
  6. I love how Cole just no sells the security kid and the owner lol
  7. well from the looks of it i missed a pretty good RAW. it'll be the same "old school" theme they had a few years ago
  8. #TurtleTooToo

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      I hate him sooo much ! one of the dirtiest players in the league

    2. AppleJack


      Tootoo sucks so much!

  9. i'm down for swagger's new look. that manager of his is a great talker. i mean, i knew they were going to have swagger be "pro american" but with a face turn. i did not expect this lol i want to see more with how they're going to angle this with del rio. last night's raw was pretty good for the most part. i think the main event should have been the 6 man tag. i was shocked when the shield got a clean win on TV. marked out isn't that ricardo's attire when he used to wrestle? someone in the comment said it was some guy named luke hawx. went to his twitter and he mentioned that very same video but played it off as if he weren't in it. he does work for wwe. hmm.
  10. nash went to twitter and bitched about the youtube video so dallas put it on private. there was a second part to it that was put on private as well. i guess i can see where he's coming from
  11. this is hard to watch. pray for scott. *strong language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTy7BNuQOg4
  12. man, once kes and booth get back and hank starts scoring again, look out

  13. that shield promo was awesome. i enjoyed it. love how ambrose looks so demented when he pics up the mic. i totally saw the lights going out when they called out cena, sheamus and ryback also i'm digging dancing tensai. tensai and brodus could be an awesome team if the crowds would shut the hell up with the "albert" chants
  14. jake could cut very well a promo at his own funeral. this is for a high school gig. get this man in the hall already
  15. that was a pretty good raw last night. all i know is i want to see more brad maddox
  16. thanks. but whatever the case is, it's still a change of scenery, you know what i mean
  17. short season or not, it really doesn't matter. you can't expect him to be ready, after being traded, with no real time to gel with the team or the system, or the overall environment of playing for a hockey crazy city. if he's still the same at the end of the season, then maybe i'll start questioning this move. until then, it does take some time to adjust. the sky isn't falling last time i checked, but then again, i'm in canucks talk
  18. stopped watching RAW half way through to watch sportscentre and get ready for the canucks game. there is no way, i mean no way, WWE officials can be content with the crap they're putting on our TV's
  19. oh wow i thought he was just bleeding from biting his lip or something and just spitting out blood to sell the beat down
  20. wasn't a horrible RAW. i didn't almost fall asleep this time. so with ziggs getting screwed over by vicki, doph enters at #1 i guess and goes all the way. dolph for rumble or bust, but we all know cena's gonna win so whatevs. Not ordering.
  21. I'm confused. Is Teemu Selanne 42 or 24 years old? Dude's indestructable

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RockNroLLa.


      you are right they havent been good...they have been great

    3. Ghostsof1915


      I know Bure is viewed as a God. But Selanne is just amazing.

    4. peener


      dude they havent been great they have been amazing

  22. the rock's segment wasn't even that good. just the bit he did with vicki. the show all around just stunk. for some reason, i just had this gut feeling as soon as i heard steel cage match when the show started, i thought to myself, "AJ's gonna climb the cage. that would be pretty cool" but when the match of the night was eve's farewell match...........
  23. no hbk, no austin, no taker. the best they got was flair. what a horrible show. 2 good matches tonight. pretty typical RAW
  24. hell, that was a good diva's match. real good. eve sold that spear like a champ-- supposedly her last match
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