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Twilight Sparkle

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Everything posted by Twilight Sparkle

  1. punk can't seem to catch a break. been working hurt for months now. wouldn't surprise me MacIntyre got hurt taking all those bumps. took one for the team
  2. he's just doing his job. you're supposed to feel uneasy when he starts going off on "jack swagger's america" but we get it now. like i said earlier, just do little heel things to get the crowd behind del rio. if WWE were booking it right, and it's what's worked in the past to really sell a fued, not just from WWE's good guy/bad guy play book, is they have to have swagger look stronger than del rio. so far, i haven't seen that. swagger's character doesn't seem to be a threat at all. you can't really get behind a fued when the heel and the face both come off as equals. no, the heel has to have the upper hand. they have to be a legitimate threat to take the title. you have to make the fans, idk, care, that del rio might lose the title. swagger's got the heat, but no momentum heading in to wrestlemania. i'm sure it'll be one of the sleepers on the card but the lack of story will really take away from, what i'm guessing, they'll have zigs cash in. too predicable i think that segment was just a last minute thing to plug those lame movies if anything and have jericho go out there to carry it. at one point, miz was good. i was getting behind him, but as soon as they turned him face, i just knew that they would make him into a loser. and that sucks for miz for all the PR work he does, but his face turn was what i thought it would be and that really killed his character, if he had one i was listening to an MLW show and konnan brought up a good point on miz. he doesn't look like a guy who can kick anybody's ass
  3. i agree with most of it. only thing i don't like going on is fandango. i found it funny a-train was purposely butchering his name-- completely not selling it lol that highlight reel segment was pretty bad. whoever was telling cole to gut it, i agreed with them. it went on too long. i also agree with colter. dutch can cut a good promo, but the one tonight kind of dragged on a little. we get it, don't have to preach that gimmick anymore. just make del rio's life hell leading up to mania and get the fans behind him. thats all you have to do. ever since mark henry came back, i knew it was going to be him vs ryback since i guess they're turning show face to fued with the shield, who are red hot right now. even having them lose at wrestlemania won't do anything for them as a stable. they need that win to stay hot and a threat, then have them drop at extreme rules or something then think about where you go from there. it'll be interesting to see how the E can keep those guys fresh and interesting after wrestlemania
  4. i'd just think they'd throw the divas in some kind of battle royal or something for the mania cheques. there's nothing going for kaitlin heading in to mania. no momentum or anything to look forward too this ricardo/alberto swagger/colter parody is hilrious, "'murica"
  5. whoa the bellas are back. nice nips lol also wonder if kofi's in the doghouse
  6. i would love that too. i think honky would make a great manager, but i think he's doing just fine working the indies. one of the few legends who's doing well for himself. he's happy and isn't as bitter about things as he was a few years ago
  7. we won't see cool concepts like those again thanks to hogan and those guys. heck i think jim cornette had some influence to the generic promotion tna has become. i used to love tag team wrestling in TNA because their tag matches at least had some psychology. wwe tag team matches are all the same. at least in TNA, you had the motor city machine guns, beer money, i personally loved LAX and who else.. hell, even team canada they should just scrap him already. what a waste of air time. i like the idea of reuniting the new age outlaws. those guys can still go, still get a good crowd reaction and is being brought in to help the tag division to teach these guys what tag team wrestling is about. and billy still looks in good shape that promo by rhodes scholars was hilarious
  8. to TNA's credit, it was decent back 6-7 years ago when they had their own identity with AJ styles as the face of the company and the x division wasn't treated as a joke
  9. the more i see the shield, the more i like them. they're finally billing a heel stable right. daniel brian is still the man. loved that segment on smackdown too
  10. jake was a little before my time but i was mad fer razor ramon
  11. thats the best part. would love to see her sporting a sweden colour scheme for her ring attire. would also like to hear an interview from her to hear her thoughts about being scouted and signed by WWE and how she would learn basic training at NXT. i doubt we'll see her on RAW at all this year. seems like such a sweet girl too. i don't see her as a heel but i'm pretty sure that's where they'll go with her. she's real young too, seems like the E are starting a youth movement for the divas. looks like that division is in a rebuild mode with a hand full of prospects in the pool following her on twitter too
  12. recommend me your favourite STOUT beers :D

    1. Scott Hartnell's Mane

      Scott Hartnell's Mane

      Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout is one of my faves...another great one is Avery Mephistopheles' Stout. Avery is about 17% alcohol by content..so I recommend you start with a Guinness and work your way to either of the ones I mentioned. Avery is a delicious beer...but it is thick and drinks like a liqueur...and you WILL get horrendously drunk.

  13. bully ray is probably the only good thing going for TNA right now also, 28 days left and scott's raised $45,000. they've got this. I just donated 10. not much, but i want scott in the HoF with "Hey Yo. Did y'all come to see the hall of fame? Oorrr... Orrr did you come to see scott hall." I would lose myself for life another note, the E signed a new diva prospect not sure what they could do with an arm wrestling champion, but she is mighty purrty. I would think she'd be a powerhouse diva (seriously, she's a beast from other videos I watched) but what sucks is she'll most likely be a one dimensional heel, since i'm pretty sure that's what they'll book her as. heck, maybe they would just use her to condition the divas since she does bodybuilding
  14. has to be heel doink, though. let's give that group SOME credibility =p
  15. i wont disagree. from small video packages to full out documentaries, the E put a lot of production in to them
  16. cool interview with jericho. if you go to mlw.com you can hear the interview he did with him, uncensored
  17. sean 'x pac' waltman got a wwe legends contract. i'm content with this news WWE's tribute video
  18. you still can't help but wonder... if punk really is the guy to end taker's streak... Taker's legacy would RIP along with paul bearer. there's another tribute they can do. i always thought cena would be the one to end taker's streak, but he's getting that rub from the rock this year, along with the WWE title. Punk really has nothing going for him now. with a 400+ day title run, people are still questioning his legitimacy to face taker. he's had 2 big PPV loses in a row and giving the main event match to cena on RAW, however all of his loses still made him a legitimate threat to his opponent, i don't get why people can't accept the fact that he's a threat to taker now also have to understand that taker does what's right for business. he knows it, the E knows it, you can't draw with "the streak" forever. taker's almost 50, his knees are in bad shape, at some point, you have to move on
  19. out of all of those, i would, surprisingly, have to agree 100% of shane helms (hurricane/gregory helms) of what he said. he was one of the respected men in the business. i loved that shoot he did with cornette saying people were hesitant to rib him cause of his affiliation with taker, but one guy who always got away with anything was owen hart
  20. about to watch snow white and the seven dwarfs. don't judge

  21. Eh, rightfully so. Fans need to stop being stupid while trying to be funny I'm truly saddened by this news. I loved watching his shoot interviews with jim cornette. Paul was a real sweet guy, and damn, he was hilarious RIP: Paul Bearer. Truly a legend in the business
  22. about to watch top gun. GREAT BALLS OF FIRE

    1. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      MAVERICK. The theme song is awesome

    2. Crom!


      I used to have a T-shirt that had the words "Great Balls Of Fire" on it. I wore it for my picture day under a long sleeve button up and when I got the pictures back, all you could see of it was the "Balls".

    3. Twilight Sparkle
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