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Twilight Sparkle

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Everything posted by Twilight Sparkle

  1. LOL never ever mess with Y2J. wonder if Billy had something to say about that jake's got this. can't wait until we hear about scott hall now. orton vs barrett was a pretty good match, i have to say. barrett getting a clean win against a main eventer on tv? guess they're going all in
  2. i can agree with that i actually liked taker's biker phase
  3. at the end of the day, whatever the rock says; it's dated. we've heard it all before. i was a fan of the rock since he joined the nation of domination. back in the day, as a kid, i hated his guts. looking back today, rocky was gold when he was in the nation. he baited the fans in so well with the rocky sucks chants. however, as soon as austin went down and he had to carry the company while he was gone, that's where it all began with the "schtick," and he started working with jericho against triple h and steph and the coporation. at the time, it was great tv, don't get me wrong. but this is 2013, not 2000/2001 but when i was 13/14, i loved the rock's gag. i loved calling people at school a jabroni and stuff like that and calling them a money's ass, but i'm 24 years old now and that stuff is kind of, meh punk may be breaking the 4th wall a little bit, but i really don't care. that's just his character-- that's who he is. classic, old school wrestling and keeping kayfabe, those days are pretty much over with WWE whoring themselves to social media and all of this community stuff they do i'm not making excuses, since i am a cm punk guy, but some people need to get with the times here people can rag on cena for being a nerd for some of the stuff he says, but it's all about delivery. cena is one of the best talkers today, whether you like it or not. same with cm punk, cesaro is starting to grow on me, but the whole, "i don't like you fat, lazy fans" has been done to death. he could do so much more. dolph is pretty good, aj is one of the most important characters on the roster right now, hell i even love vicki guerrero's work. it just takes 2 words for the entire arena to boo her out the building but at the end of the day, the rock is... the rock. one of the icons of the attitude era but that can only get you so far today. he still has a tonne of charisma, but unfortunately, it's still stuck in the year 2000
  4. lol ya but i already see something in langston. he looks like a real force. he reminds me of ron simmons/farooq if you want my honest opinion. not quite there, he's still a pretty young guy (he's actually a really young guy-- still in his mid 20's. barely a prospect), but if someone like ron simmons took him under his wing, he could be a real star
  5. it doesn't matter. everything in the E is so politically correct nowadays so it was a little shocking that he would say something like that it's not only that, but it was his delivery. that was classic CM punk
  6. ya that actually kinda pissed me off. like, i KNEW it was coming, which is what pissed me off. no way ziggs gets over on cena lol
  7. was a pretty horrible show. big show vs. kofi? why? WHY? i agree with mikey2dope. the first half of punk's tirade and getting cheap heat with the fans was meh, but then he went off on rocky and just completely obliterated him. loved that bit about him mentioning God and the whole crowd was all, "whoa. did he really just say that? oh dear"
  8. you should watch the thanksgiving video. i think there was one before that about his day at AA or when he was drunk at the airport, the day after video, or something. he pretty much cuts a promo. it's awesome
  9. cool article a couple days ago about the monday night wars and the day foley won the title http://www.wwe.com/classics/foley-nash-jan-4-1999-26081539 love how nash comes off as a huge douche in his .com interview, but what else is new
  10. khali is just an attraction really. so scott hall is gonna try out ddp yoga
  11. i think you're missing the point of what i'm saying. jerry lawler is not entertaining anymore. he doesn't even attempt to sell the product anymore. he says a couple funny things here and there but there is a time for someone to call it quits. jerry can call it quits whenever he wants. as far as i know he's not in any financial bind. i'm not questioning his loyalty to the compny. not at all. but his entertainment value has dropped significantly over the years, if you want my honest opinion. i love jerry lawler as much as the next guy, he's a legend in the business-- but it should be time for the E to start looking for other commentary talents, which is what i think they're doing with JBL agreed. i'm a wade barrett fan. gotta let the guy talk more thats for sure. hes also one of the few, i'd go to a stretch and say hes the only guy who could make a match with sheamus seem interesting for now lol
  12. also, i forgot, that lawler phoned it in many years ago. he really doesn't care anymore
  13. i can agree. cena, at times, can have some really, g-rated, pathetic, forgettable moments, like last week with his match/segments against del rio and the whole santa claus deal, but you can't deny that his promos have delivery the thing with his promo tonight, it was just the intensity he had. that's his selling point. that's what makes john cena who he is. he can be a nerd most of the time, yeah, but when it's crunch time, he can own anyone on the mic. i'm not the biggest cena fan, i've said this many times, but he's been in the business a long time, he's paid his dues, he's been beat up, like you're supposed to. i actually gained utmost respect for cena after JBL roughed him up years ago, and JBL is known for roughing people up. i always hated cena for the pushes he as given, but looking back at what he's been through, it's some-what deserved. i dont agree with the 10-11 championship reigns, but you can also argue that was when we was trying to find the next break out star. triple h had his run... him putting over randy and batista was nice and all, but his golden years was his feud with shawn michaels. shawn sold HHH as the top guy, imo. one of the best feuds of all time. up there with bret and austin-- at least for as long as i've been watching the product but you can't deny cena has paid his dues, and deserves to be where he is. when he first started out, watch that one match he had with kurt angle. kurt made him look good, i know that, but we all saw, yea john cena can actually wrestle. then his match against lesnar. he got pretty beat up, i can't really remember but i think lesnar actually just busted him open the hard way, and seeing blood in a modern day wwe match is pretty rare, especially lesnar just elbowing the crap balls out of him now, the thing with JTG-- he says one thing on twitter and everyone is just an instant fan of him. i don't get that. i liked cryme tyme, back when they were relevant , but even shad has moved on and has nothing bad to say about anything that happened. however he alluded to cenas politics, which really just makes you wonder, who is john cena? a company guy or just a paranoid dude who plays politics to stay on top? because he's been around around long enough to be "one of the boys"
  14. hell, why not all 3 of them, through the announcer's table. that would really sell ryback to the fans
  15. cena's always been really good on the mic. some cena haters really fail to see that. he may be cookie cutter in the ring but on the mic, he's nearly untouchable
  16. well it's RAW, cable tv. of course they wont have the hottest thing going for them going 1-up on the faces 2 times in the same night i have a feeling dolph and aj were drunking during that last segment-- dolph for sure lol
  17. lol shield attacking sheamus. best part of the night so far. love how aware these guys are then the good guys starts fighting back
  18. freaking ice. slipped and fell awkwardly on my knee. lol owned

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      cant skate or what ? lolz

    2. -Vintage Canuck-

      -Vintage Canuck-

      Raymond, is that you?

    3. Rockeh


      Did the exact same thing today lol.. except it was my sloped driveway :(

  19. to the dismay of people, i'm going to compare aces & 8's to the shield at least the thing about the shield... WWE at least got to the point of who they are and what their motives are. they attack ryback because he's randomly pushed to main event status against CM punk, who's beaten everyone and was the champ for a full year. the "justice" angle is just that. they're a bunch of young guys who went through the indies, blah blah, paid their dues from that to WWE's camp program and they want to make a name for themselves. they don't wear masks, we all know who they are and, after TLC, these guys can all work. they all worked together in a great match. no sucky backstage, you know, b-rated cop interrogation bits of who they are, and what do you guys want, they made their motives known right away and that's how you get behind a faction; you know who they are and you know what they're doing... most importantly, how well can these guys work. watch TLC whereas TNA let aces & 8's get stale to the point... no one cared anymore. they dragged that thing on way too long and last i heard aces and 8's did a bit where they had strippers and all this garbage. attitude era is gone people. it's not coming back. and i guess tna is trying that route because they're on a cable network barely anyone watches, cateriing to people who prefer to live in the past
  20. i have no idea what they're doing with him. i mean, for comedic purposes, the main event 10/10
  21. for some reason, i like brad maddox. he seems to have some charisma. he's pretty funny
  22. Palm Bay Ruby Grapefruit Sunrise... is awesome

    1. SkeeterHansen


      Atta boy Olias...gotta let the inner 14 year old girl live a little!!

    2. Twilight Sparkle
  23. alberto runs over santa with his car? that's kinda funny i'm just ughhh watching right now and have to see sheamus vs big show for the 20th time. like cooooommmmeee ooonnnn. move on
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