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Twilight Sparkle

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Everything posted by Twilight Sparkle

  1. bologna fudgin' mustard (took me about a minute to get that right since i was spelling 'fudgin' "wrong") i'm glad i didn't tune in to see that show. however, i did see that train wreck of "son of a bee sting" .
  2. halloween night, malcolm in the middle and beer. life is good.

    1. Biasbieksa


      no. Life is unfair

    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      i see wut you did there

  3. not at all. i love 3mb. i'd love to see more random attacks then maybe ally themselves with team punk at SS maybe? also about kennedy, didn't know cena had a problem but i always knew orton was a bitch. actually now that i think of it i remember hearing an interview on youtube with konan saying kennedy, or someone else, pretty sure it was kennedy was fired cause of orton
  4. heres the thing. john cena has been stale since about 2008. from what i remember the last really interesting character wwe let slip away was mr. kennedy (TNA: ken anderson). he was on his way of being the next big superstar. the crowd really ate up the whole "Mrrrrrrr. Kennedaaaaaayyyy" bit. just with the changing of the times, we can't have solid hardcore matches anymore because that would imply various weapon shots to the head-- which is a big no-no in the E nowadays. while it was funny with crash defending the title at, like, a chuck-e cheese you can't really replicate that kind of stuff again without the hardcore charm. while you can do weapon shots away from the head, it takes away a bit of the realism because then you'll have fans wanting blood, and if you can't get blood in a hardcore match.... before i'd want a hardcore division back, i'd like to see something of a cruiserweight division back. i, like many others out there, yearn for a fast-paced match. we don't get a whole lot of those anymore. it's always the same spots, same finishes, moving at a snail's pace
  5. oh ok so those raw appearances counted towards his deal then? hmm. he didn't make that many appearances other than the 2 ppv's and a few RAW shows. i guess i can see them saving a couple for the rumble then the road to mania. but the only way SS will be any good now is if he makes an appearance to help team punk :|
  6. what were the terms for lesnar's contract? like, how many appearances did he sign for? there was extreme rules and summer slam so far. him appearing at a big PPV like survivor series would be nice. or the rumble perhaps
  7. it doesn't take a genius to figure this out. the E needs to be rebuilt. the crowd completely was just out of it last night. they were so bored they tried to make a jerry springer atmosphere with the whole aj/cena thing, which i really don't care about. it's really just an excuse to have cena on tv. they could have come up with something way better than this. but whatever gets aj on my tv screen, doesn't matter to me I don't know who's in charge of writing or if vince/steph are just filtering way too much, or if old guys like Hayes need to step down. i heard in an interview of an old wwe writer (he wasn't a bitter psycho, this one) who said that hayes overworks himself and at times is super stressed out. i wouldn't completely blame the writers first. i would consider first that steph is making too many changes and vince is filtering to much since everything still goes through him first. who knows maybe vince doesn't have that much influence anymore. but something is up back there the booking needs a complete overhaul since everyone is just tired of the same old stuff week, after week. it was okay back in 2006-2007 but enough is enough. the E just doesn't create stories anymore. they can't stay committed to something before completely changing everything. last night ,i didn't know that was beth phoenix's last match. she was one of the most, perhaps the most, decorated diva in the last 5 years. i still remember the first ever divas tables match she was in. she was good but it's a shame she won't be remember like trish and lita since the eras have completely changed and recent;y they just don't know how to use the divas. forget about using the divas for a moment, they don't even know how to use their main talent. the guys who are supposed to draw money honestly, i'm getting tired of punk's title reign. all they're doing is making him look like a joke week after week. he's the champion, he's a heel. good heels just dominate and kick the piss out of people. guys like austin and michaels-- they weren't overly huge guys but their title reigns had meaning. michaels was a cowardly eel, but he played the part well. again, completely different era but that's irrelevant. they were still dominant champions and punk is a coward. we all know punk is a pretty strong guy, has the talent to challenge anyone but has to be brought down and kept silent. i'm not comparing punk to austin or michaels in star power (how can one make such a comparison when they won't let him say or do anything), but how a title reign is supposed to be. he's held the belt for almost 1 year but hasn't done much to show for it. the E is just keeping it on him since that's the hottest, and most important streak going, but in the end they're only hurting punk and the title and the product overall since everything is knitted closley together on boring stories, boring matches and lack of talent knowledge
  8. well i know i'm not ordering survivor series thats for sure
  9. really boring raw. but sheamus is strong. holy crappo lifted show up with pretty much one arm also i can't decide... biggest crowd reaction... orton or aj winning the first part of her match...
  10. since cesaro ditched aksana he's starting to grow on me
  11. every ppv is basically the same. couple good matches, then the rest full of weak finishes
  12. my biggest complaint about the cesaro/gabriel match was these 2 guys are young and obviously have the energy to put on an exciting show, but the match was too damn slow. i like justin gabriel. the guy was so fast early in the match my stream almost couldn't keep up and this ryback video package looks pretty much looks like brock lesnars here comes the pain promo
  13. orton/del rio match was pretty good. nice seeing del rio with a more diverse move set. tag match was pretty good. weak finish
  14. i have friends and family in price rupert. tsunami warning. thats scary
  15. lilz the guy who did stone cold et also does a wicked mankind xD
  16. i actually sit through the whole thing since there's nothing better on that interests me
  17. they really need to scrap the 3 hour shows. it's really too much
  18. during 1997 they had some awesome tag matches, on RAW. normally went 10-15 mins. all quality... at least the ones that i remember. i think with the teams that really mattered, like LOD and the Nation really got to work the airtime, or the nation and the DOA. oh right there was also the los boricuas after savio vega was kicked from the nation lol. the gang wars storyline was pretty good. i think during that time those matches got the air time i love how tna tries to do what wwe does and try to bring in "celebrities." i've never watched 1 episode of big brother either :D
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