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  1. Watching LA vs DET, something was wrong with a glass panel in the 1st and they froze the game with 1:30 left. Went for intermission, came back and played 1:30, switched sides and went right into 2nd period. Never seen that before.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      I remember that happening in a Canucks game last year, but I can't remember if they switched sides after playing the rest of the previous period's time.

    3. Dazzle


      There's a video on Youtube, though I can't seem to find it anymore, that shows what you're describing. It was a CBC feed with Greg Millen commentating. Basically, they played for the remainder of the period and then switched. I recall him saying that this was very disruptive to the PP that was ongoing.

    4. Dazzle


      Here it is.

      So, it was Jim Hughson that mentioned what I just said above.

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