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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. Trevor Linden sent his Assistant GM Lawrence Gillman to Halifax to watch the entire Moose series. I wonder why? :rolleyes:

    This is taken from HF boards. The poll is who do the Canucks take 6th.

    Ehlers is first. In a distant second is Ritchie, in distant third is Nylander and rounding out the bottom is Vitanen.


    Honestly that means zero. A GM wants his assistant to look at a guy who they have the potential to pick. I guarantee Gillman personally has watched/will watch all players ranked in the top 10 before the draft. Their jobs our on the line if they make a bad decision, zero chance they do that without doing their own research.

  2. I'm sick of all the CDC scouts who think they know more than the pro's. Not many pro scouting, in fact i've only seen 1 final scouting report had Ehlers in the top 10. We pick 6th and people want to jump all over him.

  3. Dale Tallon said he sees him going in the top 5.

    The guy has boatloads of speed and skill and is stepping up huge for Halifax.

    Guys like Perlini and Ritchie were pretty average in the playoffs and likely saw their stock drop.

    I've heard Tallon say good things about him but never said he thinks he goes in the top 5. He said they may look into him as an option of a high risk winger But he was also brought up since he was talking about the team already, he didn't go out of his way to talk about him. Unless I'm watching a different video.

    I don't see him going in the top 10, similar to the way shinkaruk fell I can see him dropping to. Lots of potential but high risk, and when you pick in the top 10 you can't afford to miss, especially in a vancouver market Linden would be eating up in 4 years if the kid turned out to be a bust






    All high skilled/ high risk talented forwards pick in the 6-10, lots do turn out but lots don't. As much as people want to down play playing with drouin it does open up room for a small player to skate.

  4. I'm hoping a team ahead of us takes him so we can take Draisaitl, but I wouldn't pass on Ehlers if he was available.

    I really don't understand why so many people are so high on Ehlers, I'm yet to see one final draft list by pro scouts with him in the top 10. We currently look geared to pick 7-9 what would we pick someone projected to be in the 12-15 range.

    Perhaps CDC scouts know something the pro scouts don't???

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  5. With Bostons 4.5m cap penalty next year, Lucic being a fan of Linden, and Jim Benning possibly coming to Vancouver, can we expect a Lucic to Vancouver trade?????

    Probably not.

    "but one can only dream"

    -Pears/Derek Roy/Steven stamkos mullet

    Nope Trevor will sign Iggy and iggy will also bring cammalerri in aswell

    Sedin Sedin Burrows

    Iggy Kesler Cammalerri

    Doesn't help this team get any younger unfortunatly

  6. Perhaps you're referring to Darryl Sutter, who was blissfully unaware that his core has expired and had made bad trade after bad trade. Feaster did nothing but lose.

    I think Faq is aware that we need new franchise players and how to get them in this league. But we'll see.

    No i'm thinking of feaster who attempted to sign O'Rielly and if was successfully not only lose O'reilly on waivers but also lost out on their first round monnahan pick this year.

    I'm thinking of the feaster that traded the 14th overall pick in 2012 and drafted Jankowski instead of picking teravainen, hertl, Maatta, Laughton, Ceci, Wilson, Girgensons, who were all pick right after the 14th overall selection.

  7. If Torts stays I seriously wonder what sort of backing he will get from the players. Next season could be rough

    I just heard on HNIC radio that Kes and sedins have voiced their displeasure about Torts, saying he is worse than AV and brings little to the team in terms of a system. I don't know where there sources are from just thought it was interesting

  8. I totally swear sometimes that CDC is incredibly daft.

    Hello? We have no franchise players. How do you supposed we come about those if not through the draft? Magic?

    Anyway, the losing is going to happen. If Feaster comes in he's going to sign garbage UFA's and pretty much ensure that we continue losing like he did in Calgary, while boldly saying that they're still heading to the playoffs. Did anyone actually believe they were heading to the playoffs though?

    Alternatively, the worst thing we could do is bring in a GM who trades our upcoming picks for players. If that's the case, then we're following the TO model. No thanks.

    I don't care who the GM is. If the plan doesn't include utilizing the 2015 and 16 drafts to restock, then that's a fail.

    NO if feaster comes in he's going to trade our 1st for a jokinen type player, or sign an offer sheet to a player and end up losing our first overall pick. Feaster is a GM you bring in if you want to remain uncompetative for the next 10 years, not a gm who knows how to properly rebuild

    • Upvote 2
  9. Umnnn....the Canucks were brutal since losing the 2011 SCF.

    MG had 3 years to change the team and it got worse every year.

    Well when your at the top for 2 straight years there's only one way to go. Not to many teams can stay at the top that long.

    Gillis was the only reason this team remained somewhat competative this year. Imagine where this team would be at without the likes of Santo, Tanev, Richardson. When the core was failing it was the money ball depth signings that kept this team in it, without it we'd be even worse off.

    I'm not going to have an opinion on who ever gets hired until they have some time to put their stamp on this team, But one thing is forsure, this team finally has some exciting youth and if we start dealing them to squeak into playoffs next year. I will be one unhappy fan.

    Honestly the more I think about it the more I feel I have to explain this.

    This team was at the top of their game in 2011, players were healthy and in their prime. 2012, we still we president trophy winners but we could all notice a start of decline.

    Gillis has two options at this point:

    Start dealing youth to surround this core with more fire power and remain in the leagues elite, or

    Realize that the core is past it's due and start building towards a transition.

    I'm glad he chose option "b" and realized that by not trading away youth this team would start to fall to middle of the league. What I didn't predict was the top lines slumping so bad that this team failed to make playoffs.

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  10. Pierre LeBrun ‏@Real_ESPNLeBrun · 4m

    Hearing whispers that perhaps change is coming sooner rather than later with the Canucks, perhaps as soon as today or tomorrow...

    Darren Dreger ‏@DarrenDreger · 3m

    @Real_ESPNLeBrun. Very possible. Hearing the same. "Fire Gillis' chant last night didn't help.

    on twitter just now....would not be surprised if there are changes before the end of the season

    They (TSN) has 24hr or else their source is made up. Anyone could predict a change is coming with this team, not really going out on the limb. But the fact that they say "today or tomorrow" would show a clear cut line of them being right or wrong. If proven to be wrong, all 3 need to be put in the Eklund tank for a while.

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  11. "Particularly behind a top guy like Henrik"

    Henrik's not a top line guy anymore.

    He's an average 2nd line centre, currently ranked 40th.

    Daniel's still a 1/2 line forward a tweener at 55th among all wingers.

    Players don't just drop off like that. Especially ones who have the work ethic like the twins, Torts has no idea how to use skill players. Look at Nash and Richards, this team needs a coach who knows how to coach an offensive skill game. Thats the way this team is built.

  12. Great game by Lu .. too bad there was no-one there to swear witness to it all .. pathetic attendance .. move em to Hamilton

    I watched the game the crowed wasn't sold out but is was packed and fans were going nuts. Way louder than Rogers arena.

  13. That was a direct shot at Elliotte Friedman then.

    However, the Canucks brought it all on themselves. To me the heritage classic was a stage to justify the Luongo trade even though Schneider was already dealt. It's all part of the 'shocking' decline of Canadian teams after they reach the finals these days.

    Wondering how low the Canucks have to go before they're finally allowed to rise again. Because this is pretty low.

    I think the fans here are getting tired of even great Canucks teams being disrespected and run over by the NHL bus. The NHL should be careful. They need Vancouver tickets to sell in order to subsidize their southern expansion. Vancouver fans aren't like TO, Edmonton and Calgary fans. There's a lot more to do in Vancouver, for starters, even if the Canucks are the only legit game in town. That factor breeds fickle fans just as it does in LA, SJ and Anaheim, who have been very much spoiled by the league as of late.

    Empty arenas here = Bad for the league. But here's the real problem for the league: We're smart. We know a Calgary approach to team building/declining when we see it. Yeah, some of us will get our jollies when an old man free agent comes into down to prop up an oldish core, but most of us know that will just prolong the suffering a bit longer.

    I think we've suffered long enough. It's time to get some bloody respect from the league. And it's time for the Canucks to get some legit winning-capable players on their team. If that doesn't happen soon, then sorry, but the arenas will start to be quite empty for years and years.

    Basically, give us a cup, Gary. We're due.

    No it was against Biron who said Lack will "never" be a number 1 goalie in the league.

  14. Let me see if I get what you are saying.

    Calgary holding on to their core too long was wrong and did not work out so their GM's were idiots.

    But Gillis holding on to the Canucks core and adding only supplementary pieces is a brilliant way to rebuild?

    You are saying that the two teams are doing the exact same thing. The only thing that makes Gillis right is homerism.

    Gillis may have only traded expendables but he also let some pretty important pieces of the team walk away for nothing without replacing them.

    Lots of people look at best case scenario when it comes to Gillis and the Canucks. What if some or all of our top prospects don't turn out to be core NHL players? That is certainly a possibility.

    Calgary didn't just hold on to their core, they tried to add to it, costing them youth and picks. Calgary's core was never considered elite, hence the 5 playoff apperances in 15 years.

    But again thats not even the main point but the only thing you take out of that. Selective reading....

    The main demise of clagary that you evidently failed to even look at is the fact that Calgary has landed only one single impact player in 15 years of drafting in their first round (multiple pick in the top 10). That player they traded away and now they are left with a 3rd line center as a result. It’s hard to build a team when you have little assets being generated within your own organization. They haven’t been good at drafting nor have they been able to pick up undrafted talent, add that to the fact that Calgary is not a hot spot for UFA’s to sign. You are then left with an old team and zero left in reserve.

    Calgary was simply a poorly run organization, you have to fill up the tank at some point before it eventually will run out. Calgary didn’t have a backup plan to what life after Iggy would be like (unless they thought Jankowski was their saviour).

    Kipper is the best example of not planning for the future, they knew he was going to retire but instead of going out and looking for a goaltender to learn and develop under kipper they went out and picked up a washed back up in Mcdonald. Canucks now have 3 goalies to fight for that number 1 spot over the next 3 years and lack who’s been learning from one of the best, this year.

    Canucks probably could have got more in terms of trading Cory, say a current scorer who’s at the tail end of his prime, but what Gillis do, refilled his tank in one of the deepest drafts,. not just adding on that "missing piece" which everyone seems to thing will put this team over the top. Canucks were rumoured to trade a first/Horvat for a Ladd type player. Would canucks have made the playoffs, sure but we'd also hurt our future. Flames didn't care about their future they wanted playoffs at any cost.

    The first year the flames missed the playoffs, how many players under 25 did they have? Until 2012 when they drafted Baertschi they had no one in there system who had any sort of promise. That’s 3 years of missed playoffs and zero youth in stock and zero youth in their lineup. Canucks are going to be year one in missing playoffs and already have young players making an impact in the NHL, and young players at the top of their current leagues. Even if your opinion of them isn’t very high they are still miles ahead of what flames had at that time. They don't all have to turn out to be NHL regulars but its not a stretch to think 1 or 2 picks exceeds everyones expectations and turns out to be a real bright spot for this teams future.

    But wait your smarter than that, you take the Sedins age with their decline in production and the canucks/flames cup run and draw conclusions. Ignore the fact the canucks were back to back president trophy winners. Ignore the fact that canucks have youth currently in their lineup, Ignore the fact that canucks have 10x the better prospect pool than the flames their first missed playoffs. Ignore the fact that our winning team was built within the last 15 years through our own drafting and player development. Ignore the fact that we have assets to move if need be.

    Like I said both canucks and flames have a “C” in their crest you might want to use that as a statement of how canucks will inevitably become the flames.

    You bring those statements (your opinions) without any sort of factual evidence to back up the “full extent” of your claim (Calgary’s real underlying root of their collapse), and spew it off as it’s supposed to mean something. The only people you will convince are the people who are as clueless as yourself. And Toronto fans, they will believe anything that puts down the canucks.

    Now I’ve seen oldnews post countless times the full extent of the flames situation and then you ignore the cold hard facts and continue rambling on just goes that you don’t have an actually rebuttal to the facts, so instead of admitting defeat, you change topic of just reword what you’ve already been saying. It starts to get a bit redundant.

    It’s not even worth debating about because it’s the same old, same old, each time.

    Wallstreet: “Mortal combat is the best”

    Oldnews:“Actually gross sales and all games review show that donkey Kong is the best game ever”

    Wallstreet: “Donkey Kong sucks, Mortal combat is better”

    Oldnews: “While mortal combat does good at….Donkey Kong is better because (fact, fact, fact)”

    Two days later…

    Wallstreet: Mortal combat is the best

  15. i wonder if Ahlex Edler + a prospect and our 2014 first rounder gets it done

    I would think that would do it. But thats only if Subban comes right out and says "i'm not signing another contract in MTL. Trade me to Vancouver"

    Which wouldn't happen

  16. I would argue that if you see the situations as completely different you lack the foresight to see what is coming. The only real difference between the two situations is where in the timeline the respective teams are. Calgary is obviously further in but if you look back at when it started going downhill for the Flames you will see striking resemblances to where the Canucks are now and have been sliding to for the last few years.

    All the high price, declining production players who are on long deals with NTC are eerily similar to the roster Calgary had when they fell off a cliff. Yes, they hung on too long but what has Gillis done for the last 3 years other than hang onto the same core without really adding anyone significant? He is doing EXACTLY what Calgary has done. He just hasn't been doing it as long as Calgary has been.

    The Canucks youth coming through is much better than it was (a testament to Gillis for sure) but is still massively overrated on CDC. Not every decent prospect we have is going to be an NHL regular next year or the year after.

    I would argue the opposite. The only similarity is the Sedins age as compared to Iginla’s. That’s it, besides the fact that both teams Logos have a “C”. It’s been pointed out over and over on this board how vastly different the two teams are/were and the fact that people are bring up the same argument just shows how little foresight they really have. Quick, without looking it up team me an impact player that flames drafted in the first round from 1999-2012.

    The flames problem is that they were never a top elite team. They had one miracle run where they finished 6th in their conference and they felt they could do it again. They hit their peak in 2006 and gambled on that core, going all in, acquiring players to add the “missing pieces” they felt would put them over the top, Jokinen, Cammalleri. The gambled failed. And it cost the flames youth and picks, similar to what people on CDC call for Gillis to do. Flames tried failed. Calgary’s decline started 15 years ago with terrible drafting, long before Sutter’s final year, long before Feaster. Now take a look at was the canucks have down. The only assets we’ve traded in the last 3 years were expendables. Gillis has been quietly building up for the next core. It’s the reason why this team doesn’t have to go into full rebuild mode.

  17. Why is it everyone outside of Vancouver can see and are saying Torts should stay and be given more time and Gillis should be the one to go. Whereas most Vancouver fans and local media seem to be in complete denial and delusional about it and believe Gillis should stay.

    TSN Insider Panel stated the obvious about the Canucks having pretty much nothing in the way of young prospects, but most on here and local media claim the cupboard is full of good young talent. What are you guys seriously smoking? Dane Fox? The kid maybe be good scorer in junior but it's completely different game from the pro's.

    It doesn't take genius to see whomever was coaching this team right now the results would be the same. So lets say Torts gets fired and another coach is hired, Gillis stays and keeps pretty much the same roster and again you get the same results next season where they miss the playoffs again. What's excuse then? When you could have made the GM change following this season instead of wasting another year with virtually the same team and another coach.

    You mean TSN said that. no way, Why would those "cough" Toronto homers "cough" say something like that. It's not like they aren't trying to distract local "toronto" viewers about the disaster the leafs are in. Our prospect pool is as deep as it's been in the last 10 years, Deeper than the leafs, deeper than the flames, who've misses playoffs 4 years straight. But yet lets talk about canucks and make fun of their team. That does seem like an eastern media thing to do..

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  18. The franchise has made a series of critical errors from key personnel decisions (Ehrhoff,Salo,Hodgson,Ballard,Booth,etc.) to the loss of draft picks culminating in the choice of coach as the crowning accomplishment.

    Ha. the only critical error out of the mentioned was the deal for Ballard.

    We must be really missing Ehrhoff, his long contract and his big 6 goals this year

    Maybe the critical error was letting the injury prone Salo and his whopping 4 goals leave the team.

    Was it the loss of draft picks (which one was it again?) Fox, Tanev, Lack, Eriksson, Stanton, Lain

    Because It sure wasn't us getting Kassian or trading away Sturm and Samuelson. Both deals are turning out to be in our favour.

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