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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. there's no doubt there's risk man, but people are assuming that Ehlers who is the same size as naslund has more risk than Virtanen just because of size...think about this

    1. All else being equal of course you take a player with size, but operative words here are all else being equal, things never are equal right, that's the trick in drafting!

    2. So there are tradeoffs. But posters here seem to imply that just because a player has more size (even if he has less skill, speed, or hockey iq, that the size translates into some sort of certainty that such player won't bust, or has less probability of busting that said 5'11 player).

    3. This argument is so incredibly silly its beyond belief. NO ONE can predict which players will succeed or not. There are many many many players of all sizes who have busted in the first round, size is not the sole determining factor in NHL transition, if it were well there would be No one under 6'1 in the NHL

    4. While it is an important factor it is no more important that the others I mentioned, along with many many other factors.

    5. When in a position to draft elite skill (which has not been the case for about ten years for us), it is probably logical, strategic, and smart, to look at your FUTURE lineup needs and address those and take the most gifted offensive player available, given the size in the future lineup is certainly not lacking but pure skill is.

    6. I am not saying Ehlers will be Giroux part II, nor will Virtanen be Iginla part II, what I am saying is people need to think about everything in balance vs cherry picking constantly because they have a chubby for a certain player. None of us know who will pan out, but in my view, any kid who is 5'11 and can score more goals than Crosby in his rookie year in the Q should not be 'dismissed' as many here are suggesting. If you've played the game you'd realize what kind of feat that is, ask yourself, would Virtanen have done the same? Unlikely.

    Crosby put up 54 goals and 135 points his rookie year in the Q and he was a year younger than Ehlers is now.

  2. Its pretty simple there is a website that explains how it works in detail, anyways it says that all the finals are scripted and so the players are in on it in the finals everywhere else its just the refs. I keep trying to post the link but it doesnt work.

    That's the biggest joke of an idea, And there is zero way to prove this.

    The WWE is the world biggest stage where the outcome is pre-determined, It is rehearsed daily to make it look as believable as possible, and still any 12 year old kid could tell you it is fake. Now you are saying that a game played on ice with a million different random variables (stanchions) is completely scripted. Give your head a shake. These players must be extremely talented that they can come down the wing and fire a puck 90mph through traffic bank it off a defenders skate, ricochet off the cross bar and purposely have it not go in the net. Or that other guys are willing to purposely lay down, take the 90mph puck in the face and break bones, or back (Raymond) just for entertainment value. On top of that, one small mistake where a goalie is a second off of what is scripted and the game is completely changed. Can’t fix an OT goal that clearly goes in.

    That idea honestly repulses me. I personal have friends that play in the NHL, one of them was on the canucks in 2011. These players work there As$es off to get where they are, they lay their body on the line game in and game out, play through nagging injuries, they even give up a lot in their personal lives, then you go and insult that hard work by believing that all their doings is good providing good theatre from their acting skills.

    If I already didn’t post that Billy Madison video in this vary thread it would have been my only reply to this, “one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.”

    Good day sir.

  3. I dont necessarily think there is any clear cut rigging. I do think the four Canadian teams that lost the cup in 7 games were good enough to win and quite possibly good enough to win in fewer than 7 games. I dont include Ottawa in the conversation because they were wiped out quickly by an obviously stronger Ducks team.

    As for the four Game 7 cup losers, I for one dont think anybody could say that officiating didn't play a noticeable role in the outcomes of those series. That's not to say that the winners are predetermined indefinitely, what I think is that the on-ice officials are instructed by Bettman or one of his cronies to tilt the ice in favor of the league's preferred team without being terribly blatant about it. This has resulted in 4 Final series' which have gone the entire distance with all but the 2011 Canucks losing the cup by 1 goal.

    I think it's very safe to say that Bettman and the NHL are more pleased to have the Rangers, Lightning, Hurricanes, and Bruins win Stanley Cups over any Canadian team. Two original 6, Two sunbelt, who better to win at the expense of the teams from Canada.

    I dont think it is impossible for a Canadian team to win a championship, I just think that the Canadian team will need to be noticeably stronger than their opposition in order to overcome them and the officials. Again I'm not saying that there is any true fix, but Bettman himself does speak of "game management", why not series management as well? The officials do have the ability to give the league's preferred team a helping hand, one example that we've all seen was the Canucks quarterfinal against Chicago in 2011, not to mention last year against San Jose as well. Although if the referees were trying to hide their bias in that series they failed miserably, that was ridiculous.

    Speaking of the on-ice officials, does anyone else find it a little suspicious that they seemingly dont have to be held accountable for their actions? They dont have to be questioned by the media after games, players almost never point the finger at them when their team gets jobbed, they dont get suspended when they clearly appear to be incompetent, and if a coach or GM questions or says any ill word about them then Bettman slaps said coach or GM with a hefty fine.

    It all seems a bit shady to me.

    Fair points that I don't disagree with. I believe the league does have bias on which teams they would prefer to see win games as it helps the NHL out financially to be more successful. I agree that the may have a finger involved in games outcome but to the extent of bias officiating and suspensions. That is all. The thought of the league clear cut rigging/fixing games is where I, and most people need to draw the line. No the NHL does not force Canadian teams to pick bad picks in the draft, no the players are not in on it, no the league doesn’t force teams to trade good players to weaker American teams, and no the league doesn’t decide the winner of each game (although again they may have favorites). There are too many uncontrollable variables that come into play, to move forward with the idea of a clear cut rigging.

  4. Im with you. Except if we take Nylander at 6th, and Ritchie, Ehlers and Virtanen are all still on the board, I wouldnt be doing cartwheels.

    The thing is if our scouts choose Nylander or whoever at 6th, zero people on this board should be upset. These scouts actually watch these kids play in person, not just 1 or two games but multiple times over the last few years. They don't just read stats and scouting reports from the "local" writer, they go and talk to the coaching staff and write their own reports based on what they witnessed themselves.

    Unless anyone on this board is a pro scout and getting a salary for their scouting knowledge than there is zero reason for us

    amateurs to be upset, unless they go way off the board to what other professionals are saying (like the Jankowski pick). I'd say it's pretty clear to who we can narrow down as possible picks at number 6 (Nylander, Ritchie, Ehlers, Virtanen, and I'd even throw Kapanen in that list). We have zero reason to be upset with who our scouts feel is the best pick. They know better than us.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I was screaming for his head at the 2011 trade deadline. This is long overdue.

    Back then, most every player was having a career year. Rather than getting that engine dialed in for the upcoming drag race, Gillis did nothing. I'm still shocked that San Jose laid down at their feet that series, btw.

    From that year on, it was a series of f-ups and some snooze signings, like Stanton and Santorelli, but Gillis's freedom fighters were here defending him.

    Funny, those same posters that put up such a fight, or that were on the fence, are now in here, bleating along with the flow; with the migrating CDC popular opinion. Now, they post admissions. Now, they offer up disappointment with the roster. Now, they turn. Throw in here those fence-sitting parrots of the group and you get a snap-shot of the CDC herd. Black sheep, "troll" posters say, hi.

    What a waste. IMO, Gillis wasted the best years of Luongo, Kesler, Burrows and the now, sea-anchor like, Sedins. He had the horses to run, but did nothing. I use Quinn's 1994 moves as a reference to highlight a balanced team vs what Gillis did. What a waste.

    Whatever roster moves Gillis made here were always a year+ too late... and his dinkish replies to any form of extremely warranted criticism, were straight out of a high school kids mouth. He was one of the worst things to happen to this team, PR wise. So bad, in fact, that #16's fame is needed to champion the massive PR cause. What a free-fall. An epic.

    The stats on the poll suggest that 2/3 are happy with the firing. Way to wake up, CDC. *claps.

    You must be smarter than everyone, calling for the GM's head, who's team happened to be at top of the league in 2011. That would have be a first. Lapierre and Higgins had zero impact on our playoff run, your right he should have went out and got Malkin or crosby to ice the cake. Not to mention that fact that GM you wanted fired won General Manager of the year in 2011.

    • Upvote 1
  6. _____

    As for Q stars this season, what about Louick Marcotte? Plays with Mantha and scored 100pts this season. Undrafted. He's an overager, but who cares? Pick him up and build up hype about him like we did Dane Fox. Or hell, how about Guillaume Gelinas. Same team. Undrafted. 92pts as a defenseman! Marcus Power (Cooler name than Electric Ehl) Undrafted. 109pts! Hype, hype, hype!




    Seeing a pattern here?

    Legit stars need players to pass to and receive passes from.

    This year featured a Q with a ton of awful teams that did nothing but give up goals. That's gonna boost the stats of those players playing with legit future stars.

    btw Why did Mantha fall to 20th overall? That's ridiculous. But then again, I've heard he's invisible. All he does is score invisible goals?


    got me, but we'll keep that for people for who feel the need to do some digging ;)

  7. You were line mates in junior? You played for Camrose?

    Yep, with the Kodiacs, I even put up better numbers than him. He's now in the NHL making million + a year and i'm well talking hockey on CDC...Played with Glencross in brooks too.

  8. At this point I would be willing to lay 100,000 to 1 odds that he isnt :lol:

    Ehlers is a support piece, on a super star line. He isnt a center. As was mentioned earlier in the thread the guys talent put him in the same category as the others who got 100plus points in their draft years in the Q







    I think the point is pretty much talked out. There is no sure thing in life, but his pedigree speaks for itself. Hes going to be a top line player. Why we wouldnt want an elite level player is beyond me. In my opinion Ritchie is going to be good but not in the same league as Ehlers .

    I wouldn't put to much stock into that stat. Anthony Duclair is less than 6 month older than Ehlers and put up 5 points less than him. People in NYR are going crazy thinking he's the next super star.

  9. speaking of Weise, its too bad he couldnt make that step up because I saw 3rd line potential from him. I am glad he is doing ok in Montreal.

    The problem with Raymond was he just floated around the perimeter and invariably fell down. He never cut to the middle , never fought for the puck in the corners , and never threw a body check.

    I would say he is almost as fast as Ehlers , and both are 6ft but thats where the similarities end. As I recall, Raymond was undrafted in his draft year of 03 and again in 04. He was taken in the second round by us in 05.

    For a second rounder May Ray was worth it. I hope the leafs re sign him . He was a bargain for the salary.

    Raymond always been that way, skate in fast and button hook fall down. His game hasn't change since i played with him. He had decent hand but feds off line mate. cough* me in junior, Demitra/ Kesler in van and Bolland (when he was healthy) in TO. He's never been the go to guy. And if Ehlers is a 6th overall pick, you don't want just another supporting piece to a line, you want a go to player.

    Is he the type of player that can put a team on his back and carry them when things get tough? I honestly don't know. Hopefully our scouts do.

  10. According to the analogy you are putting forth, it means we trade our 6th overall for some 2nd rounder to find those players .

    If thats what you get from it you need a double take, There's a difference between just pure skill and a mixture of skill and size in a player. Yzerman, Zetterberg, Toews, Bergeron, Getzlaf, and the great Forsberg... They have a ton of skill but they are also willing to put their bodies on the line and go out and out battle the other team.

    It doesn't just mean size, Gallagher is only 5 '9 and he plays with ton of heart, doesn't shy after from hitting, he goes in and out battles players twice his size. If he only relied on his skill he be shut down and become a perimeter type player, we got a team full of them. You don't have to be flashy, in fact you rarely see flashy in playoffs

  11. Greasy goals wins playoff games. Skill has been shut down for much of these playoffs. Makes you think what type of player we should be drafting. Someone with skill but also not afraid to get dirty and out battle.

    Crosby zero goals, Malkin zero goals, This goes back to last year against boston. Sounds familiar to another team.

  12. The draft rankings are constantly updated. Especially until the memorial cup is over . Tweaks are even made at the combine.

    The latest draft done was 5 days ago by the hockey writers.


    Ehlers is now ranked 6th. Ritchie 7th and Nylander 8th I do believe.

    Its really a toss up . You can throw all three up in the air and draft them in whatever order you want 6-8

    6th is a long ways from 3rd like Snypers7 said he saw

  13. to quote myself i saw a ranking that had ehlers at 3 recently too

    I’m sorry but you’ll have to have a reliable source for a claim like that








    Highest I’ve seen is since the draft order has been complete is seventh by McKenzie and that was right behind Ritchie who was picked 6th

    I'm not against him/ Ritchie, or Nylander, but is seems like a lot of false claims are being made to support/ discourage each prospect.

  14. That's what the four Game 7 Final losses were for since Canada's last cup win. Make it seem as though Canadian teams have a chance and let them get as close as possible without winning.

    This is my point exactly, to what extent is the league rigging? Is it to the point where you believe they determined each canadian team to lose in game 7. If you truly believe that than do you feel the players themself were also in on it? 94 canucks were an inch away from tying that game. 2004 iggy must have purposely let vincent walk around him, 2006 Roloson must have purposely went down with an injury, 2011 Luongo must have been on it as well. Each game 7 wasn't like one weird bounce or one players extra effort on a shift, a bounce off a stick/foot/stanchion, a goalie miscuing and the game could have went the other way an a canadian team would have won. Flames were 2 more inches in the net and they would have been clear cut winners in game 6

    This is where you need a clear stand in order to state something otherwise there is no black and white to be right or wrong. So what is it? Did the league determine that each canadian team would lose exactly in game 7? If so how do they determine that outcome without player also being in on it?

    The league may have favourite or personal bias on which teams they want to win, but to commit to a statement that each game is rigged in order to determine that outcome is a big claim and unfortunately never stand up.

  15. Sure. My implication was what one could do. I mean I'm sure in this thread somewhere someone has brought up Montreal being helped by the league. Probably due to advertising. I mean it's probably the most common and simple theories about why the Canadiens have so many cups...in the tinfoil world of course.

    Also 6 teams won a cup in 20 years. wowzers. This is what I mean. It's so easy to just be able to pull things out to "prove" a point. How many years since all 6 of those teams won at least 2 cups?

    TML is doing a great job but he's doing it on purpose. Quite frankly the guys a genius with this thread. He's managed to make people who agree with him and disagree with him look silly. So many rabbit holes; mad respect to him.

    I thought nomorebettman was good but jesus.

    It's easy to say your right when you don't really have stance to have a line drawn in the sand, as in the case with TML.

    Is everything rigged?

    Are players in on it?

    Are owners in on it?

    Is it just the refs?

    Is the league completely rigged to the point when they know who's going to win each game, including regular season?

    Are all goals scored played out exactly how the league wants it?

    Or is it simply that the league has some bias towards some teams but the refs/suspensions are as far as they go to get involved with the game outcomes?

    I've seen TML say things to the point where "the league doesn't allow canadian NHL teams pick the good players in the draft".

    Or that the league only allows the big american teams to use PED's and not canadian.

    Or that Luongo and canucks players were also in on it (the rigging), and hence why we lot in the finals.

    It's like saying the canucks are a good team. There is no determent to what "good" equals, Good could mean anything. As long as I never draw a line in the sand I could never be wrong.

    Same is the case as saying the league is rigged. To what extent? Until someone makes that stand it's pointless to continue to argue with anyone.

  16. Love this series.

    It's a team with Superstars vs a Hardworking Grind it out team.

    Paul Martin is almost single-handedly outscoring Crosby, Neal and Malkin combined.

    Just goes to show you that anyone can be shutdown. People get on the Sedins all the time for not producing against LA or Boston.

    Look what happened to Crosby, Malkin etc. during their series vs Boston.

    Thats playoff hockey and it's exciting. You can rely on just skill to win a 7 game series, its a war and when things get tuff you need the players that are willing to pay the price in order to win. Grind, bang, and get the garbage goals.

    You can't play soft in playoffs, you need players to finish every check so that by game 3-4 players are double glancing to make sure someones not coming. The canucks since Jan, I think I only saw Booth out there finishing his checks. We need more of that with a combination of skill.

    Sharks have a really good mixture, that fourth line with Torres and Brown has got in the heads of the Kings.

    Glad to see the Blue Jackets fans get rewarded with their first home ice playoff win. They deserved in, and in exciting fashion too.

  17. Gillis was a cancer. I've never been so happy someone was fired. Too bad it came a year too late. Otherwise we would still have AV as coach (who was never the problem), and we would still have the opportunity to have handled our goaltending situation properly (ie. Still have Luongo and Schneider to deal with in the hopes of getting more back in return)... That being said, that's not what happened and here we are...

    On a related note I'm so stoked to have Trevor Linden signed on as our new President! If anybody can turn this team back around into something we can all be proud of it's Linden! The future is bright!

    Go Canucks Go! :towel:

    Couldn't have happened, cap was dropping and we couldn't afford to have 10 million wrapped up in two starting goalies.

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