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Everything posted by khay

  1. "The Vancouver Canucks select with 1st overall pick, Andrei Svechnikov from Barrie Colts." Rasmus Dahlin: "Doh!"
  2. I thought Boeser was deferring the puck to Sedins during PP quite a lot or to Bo during 5-on-5. When he started playing with Baertschi and I think Burmistrov, somehow he started to play with more confidence and seemed like he wanted the puck more. And eventually scored the goal. I think once Boeser plays with confidence and desire to want the puck on his stick, he will take off.
  3. I liked the way he played in Beijing. Sure, he wasn't perfect and lost his cover couple of times but I'd say he showed what he brings to the team, and that's physicality and athleticism. To me, Gudbranson is #3 among our RHD depth, behind Tanev and Stecher. He won't move the puck out like Stecher (good at skating it out) or Tanev (good at holding on to the puck for finding the best timing for an outlet pass) but neither did Willie Mitchell. And Gudbranson as a bottom pair on a non contending team is definitely good by me. I think with a healthy season, he will be able to demonstrate his value to the team. The guy is still young and with additional focus to playing the simple defensive game, I think he can be our Willie Mitchell down the road and can be paired up with more offensively minded defenceman if we ever draft one (I guess one can argue that we already have one in Juolevi).
  4. After watching the game last night (Beijing game), I think Sven will have a big season under Travis Green. A coach that trusts you, and deploys you to your strengths is very important for your development and Sven will get that in Green this season. I think Baertschi and Horvat may be split up though. Despite that, I think Baertschi will have a break out season.
  5. Conditioning was clearly an issue early on. There were so many shifts where he goes hard for 10 seconds, then gets tired so he changes. After few of those shifts, in order to last a full shift, I often noticed him distributing his energy over 30-45 seconds shifts. In the beginning it was deceiving because it looked like Jake was just focussing on being in the right position defensively but eventually, I noticed that it was the conditioning that made him play tentative and not be able to make use of his elite level skating, power, and shots. A truly well conditioned player goes hard on offence, which makes it seem like he gets out of position but then he gets back hard defensively to break up a play. A player that is not well conditioned knows that he cannot put himself out of position or otherwise, it's a goal against, so instead of going for offensive chances, he focusses on being in the right position in case the puck is turned over. The thing is, because the poorly conditioned player does not go for the offensive chances (not being available as a passing option or retrieve the puck deep for example), it leads to higher chance of the puck getting turned over; a case of a self fulfilling prophecies. I think the main reason why Jake was not able to dominate the AHL is also the conditioning. I think during the season, he improved for sure, but it's hard to get in top level shape during the regular season, the AHL is not the NCAA. If Jake has indeed improved his conditioning, I fully expect him to dominate the AHL early on, and then to get an early call up.
  6. I don't think Horvat deserves 7-8 million yet. As much as I love this player, I think you are too high on him. I think with the body of work that he has put on display so far, he is probably worth around 5.5, and at most 6 on a long term deal and around 4 mil on a shorter bridge type deal. Kuznetsov put up 77 pts in 82 games, showing high offensive output that he is capable of, which explains the money. Horvat had 52 points this season, and we don't know how high he can go in terms of offence. We hope it's 70 points but no one knows. Horvat's camp will have to somehow argue that Horvat is capable of Kuznetsov type number without Horvat ever having such a season under his belt. it's going to be a tough for them to build a convincing case as Canucks can always say that there is a risk that Horvat's production may plateau between 50-60 pts and point out that Kuznetsov has actually achieved 77 pts on season, to invalidate any Horvat to Kuznetsov comparison that Horvat's agent will bring it up. Marleau is at a different stage in his career from Horvat and he was a UFA. It's pretty easy to break down any comparison that they bring forward regarding Marleau but if in fact, what they ask for is around 6M for 8 years, then I think that's not a bad deal for the Canucks so they should take it. 6M will not be much in 3 to 4 years from now. If Horvat goes on to score 60+ points next season, then he will for sure get 7-8 mil. So, from Horvat's side, it might be a good idea to take a bridge deal at lower AAV of around 4 mil to prove that he is capable of 60+ points once he is given more offensive opportunities. And then, go for long term deal between 7-8 mil. If Horvat doesn't put up 60+ points next season, they can still go for long term deal at around 5.5-6 mil.
  7. khay

    Olli Juolevi | #48 | D

    OJ at 200lbs? Let's see him play in the OHL at that weight. He should be able to dominate that league in a convincing fashion before making the jump to the NHL/AHL.
  8. Actually, Nylander scored 20 points in 21 games in draft + 1 year in Sweden. Having said that, Nylander had already played 1 year in top tier with Modo in the year before. So I don't think it's reasonable to expect Pettersson to score at a rate similar to Nylander or even the Sedins, who played at the top league since they were 16/17, but the points will show that his skill is going to translate to the NHL based on players in the past that are of similar type (high sense and skill). I think Pettersson with slim build will take longer than Nylander and will probably take similarly long as the Sedins (3-5 years) before becoming an elite level player. By then, Bo will be 25-27, the prime age.
  9. Yeah i agree. That's why i said near sedin level. But honestly, it's hard to imagine that he'll get .7 ppg in his first season.
  10. Yeah, I think SHL is the better league for Pettersson for now. It let's him develop in a more comfortable environment. If Pettersson gets anywhere between 0.5-0.7 PPG in his first season, then we will know that we have struck gold. Greater than 0.7 PPG and we have near Sedin level prospect.
  11. I don't think they picked Petterson just because he was playing with Dahlen. Playing together sure contributed a lot to JB and his scouts getting large number of viewing on Petterson but if the guy didn't stick out with his elite skill, they would not have picked him. Did Vancouver pick Daniel because he was playing with Henrik?
  12. Not saying Virtanen is a first line player by himself but more that Petterson and Dahlen are the type of skilled players that allows Virtanen to play on the first line and be effective. Like the Sedins brought out the best in Carter and Burrows. I thought we would pick Glass or Makar but with Makar gone, I was thinking that it would be Glass. Initially slightly shocked but I understand the pick. Dahlen-Petterson gives us 2/3 of a line and he brings more of elite level skill than Glass. And with heavy center in Horvat, I think getting the elite skill player makes sense.
  13. I can. I think it will be similarly bad. We will lose at least one quality defenceman either via trade (Edler or Tanev) or expansion draft (Sbisa). We will most likely lose Miller, who kept us in the game late and stole some for us. Henrik and Daniel are one year older. A lot of uncertainties surrounding the new coach, new system, how will the players adapt? Having said that, I think Bo will get around 55-65. 70 points is indicative of a premier centerman in this league, and I don't think Bo is there quite yet. Even if he gets the primary PP time, this is the first time that he will be given such opportunities and it will take time to get set up. Also, I think he will adjust fine to being matched up against the opponent's best players, but as a result his point totals will not increase at the same rate as it has been in the past 2 seasons.
  14. I think Bo will get around 55-65 points next season. His production next season will give us a better understanding of his ceiling. When he came in, he was supposed to be just a third line center. He laughed at those guys that said that by scoring 40 points. Then, he laughed at those guys even more by scoring 52 points, establishing himself as at least a 2C. If he can get 60+ next season with primary PP time and with other teams' focussing in on him, then we will know that we have a 1C in Horvat. This is a first time since Linden, that we have a scoring line centerman that plays the heavy game. If he can get 60+ points next season, we know we have a player near the level of Toewes and Kopitar. Of course, these guys are more like 65-85 point players so I wouldn't put Bo at the same level as these just because of one 60+ point season, but 60+ point season from a 22 year old player is a strong signal of what this player is and will be capable of accomplishing in the future. Can't help but feel excited to see Bo progress next season.
  15. Interesting. Why not both? Tanev can surely land a 10th overall pick, no? That pick can be used for picking Petterson. Adam Larsson and Tanev basically fill the similar role with Tanev having better possession numbers, meaning that he can move the puck better than Larsson wheras Larsson is a heavier player than Tanev. If Larsson got Hall, then, Tanev gets you a top 10 pick. If I were JB, I would work out a trade with LA, Florida, or Carolina and if Petterson is still available at that position, pull the trigger on the trade.
  16. I understand that people are disappointed especially given the fact that the two that were picked soon after have scored 60+ points but hate? Like, it's either you love or hate a player of your favourite team, nothing in the middle? I just don't get why some people would go as far to hate him. Disappointment I get, but man, hate? I'm also disappointed that Jake has not turned out as great as hoped but I am slightly optimistic that he will get better and be an NHL player. I've accepted the fact that the probability of him becoming a top 6 forward is smaller than him becoming a bottom 6 player but I wouldn't hate on him for that. It sucks for him, it sucks for the team, but someone else in the system or a player to be drafted will come through and take one of the top 6 spots. Having Ehlers or Nylander would have left one less hole to fill, but we are far from contending so as long as that spot gets filled out and Jake becomes a good contributor in the bottom 6, I wouldn't be too upset and definitely not go as far as to hate a 20 year old player for that.
  17. khay

    Anton Rodin | RW/LW

    Thanks for the update. It's a good news that his rehab is going well and that he wants to come back. I think we should give him a similar contract. If his knee is back to 100%, then we have ourselves a skilled winger that can at worst, compete for a spot at the training camp and make the younger players work harder to earn a spot and at best case, a top 9 player that will help the team be more competitive.
  18. The problem with this statement is that the Sedins were played as a first line players and yet, their production was that of the second line caliber. I guess what I'm saying is that those scoring numbers would need to be properly normalized to really be useful for evaluating the players. For example, Horvat playing fourth line role in his first season and yet, putting up 25 points in 68 games, a third line player number, is one of the reasons why we were all so excited about him. Sedins putting up second line number when being played as a first liners, is not encouraging. However, I do agree with you that they will bounce back as long as they are deployed in a second line role. As long as they get to play with a skilled player that knows how to get the the puck, then get to spaces to receive the puck back and knows how to shoot the puck, I think they will put up similar numbers as this season despite playing less important minutes. I think for offensive output, I prefer Goldobin, Granlund, then Sutter in that order as Sedins' linemate. For defensive purposes, I prefer Sutter, Granlund, Goldobin in that order. So in other words, I Granlund is a safe choice, whereas Goldobin is a risky choice that could payoff. As for Sutter, a thought occurred to me while watching Kesler shadow McDavid in the playoffs. Sure, Sutter isn't as great a skater as Kesler but he is pretty good himself and he is a great checker that is capable of becoming a very good shutdown centerman and I would prefer Sutter to be used as such rather than playing him on RW for the Sedins, where expectation will be to produce goals. I think the organization/Green should have Sutter hone the art of defence, if so, I think he has the capabilities to reach Malholtra's level in shutdown role and given the fact that he has better offensive instincts than Manny, he will be able to generate offence from defence (turnovers and quick counter attacks) and still be able to put up 15-20 goals regularly. Right now, Sutter is asked to do both and I don't think that's the correct way to use this player.
  19. A legendary player for the Canucks. But I have to say that it seems like he has declined even more so than his brother. To be honest, he was never the same after Ducan Keith elbow.
  20. khay

    Anton Rodin | RW/LW

    I was impressed with Rodin's play despite the limited viewing. If his knee is fine, then the Canucks should offer him a one year contract. Most of the young players are not ready to play next season and it's not like the team is going to be a playoff contender so we could use this to see if Rodin can stick. If so, we get a player that can play a role on the team for the next few years.
  21. Not a bad article considering that it's from Spector but there's one sentence that bothers me... He is flat out lying and doing nothing more than fool himself to soothe himself at night when he says: Uhhhh... Let's be frank here. Nothing took place until lottery ball landed in favour of the Oilers. Then, the suits were changed. The talented managers and coaches only then wanted to come to Edmonton.
  22. He will be a consistent 30 goal scorer for us.
  23. I meant dynamic offensive player as in having multiple tools in the offensive toolbox. Making a key pass, shot selection, moving to spaces, and etc.
  24. Yep. At this point, no need for a bridge because Bo will improve for sure. I would to 8yrs in 5.5 to 6M range.
  25. Good question. I kind of agree. I think Monahan isn't in the same mold as Horvat, the complete player type. He is much more dynamic offensive player though. I think dynamic offensive talents like Gaudreau, Patrick Kane, and etc, they shine the brightest when supported by a complete player and Calgary doesn't quite have that. They might think they do in Monahan but I don't think so. In fact, they haven't had a great center player for a long time, as far as I remember... Iggy is probably the most complete player they have had but he was a winger. Before Iggy... I would have to go back to Nieuwendyk? I don't know, maybe someone who is more knowledgeable in Flames history can comment on this. For the Canucks, before Bo, there was Kesler, then before that Linden. Although many of you hate Kesler, I do think that Kesler is one of the main reasons why we were able to put up president's trophy caliber team. Henrik and Daniel could do their magic offensively and leave real hard and dirty work to Kesler. It helped that we had a coach that could line match like mad. Also, note that in 94, we had Linden alongside dynamic offensive talent in Bure. In 2011, we had Kesler and offensive talents in Sedins. Now, we have Bo. One key piece is there. We now just need an offensive player. If we do, I think we will definitely make at least one trip to the cup final. If we could also insert #1D and/or #1G, then we would make multiple trips to the cup final and will probably end up winning one. I'm slightly optimistic of our future because of Horvat. A foundational piece for sure. And if Demko turns out as #1G and Juolevi becomes at least #2D and in 2017 draft, if we draft that offensive talent... A lot of ifs but those ifs are possible because of a sure thing in Bo Horvat.
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