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Everything posted by Ronalds.Kenins41

  1. Burrows Hansen Higgins are better pretty hard working esp Hansen.
  2. All the 1st round series kinda sucked last year so I don't blame reffing for our loss. Sens vs Habs was pretty bad.
  3. They have good personal just bad systems.
  4. Edmonton's defense style reminds me of every teams defense in 09/10.
  5. Your sig.. I can feel her pain. What ended up happening to her?
  6. Shane G just passed Hutton in votes today and has a 100 vote lead as of now

    1. Coconuts
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Why are they letting fans vote, don't have have a committee vote?

    3. Blueberries


      The votes are only for who makes the Top 10. not who wins the trophy.

  7. First time in the history of the canucks that we are without our coach and top line center

    1. Keslerific


      I like the challenge! guys stepping up could mean more wins =D

  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_and_Canadian_cities_by_number_of_major_professional_sports_franchises
  9. anybody who thinks this unfair should realize that A) Torts could have 10 games but he got 6 B He was going to get suspended anyways automatically because of his actions C) The Roy situation was totally different therefore comparing it to torts makes no sense D) Hartly got fined Considering all of that I think this is pretty fair.
  10. Looking back at it now does anyone find this whole situation a bit funny.
  11. Umm they never call in the guy who is injured in a concussion to a hearing so I don't think they would call in both coaches.
  12. The way he see's through every thread I wouldn't be surprised if he was
  13. Wonder why gilman and bettman were at the hearing?
  14. Hearing is over http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=441650 if you click the link you can see everyone walking into the hearing including Gillis, Torts, Gilman and Bettman.
  15. How do you know this? Show me the article that says this cause I can't find any.
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