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Same with Fedor, he hasn't fought anyone in the last few years.

Wow he beat a big Chinese guy by submission, Legend give me a break.

Randy Couture could beat him.

This is what i hate right here. The loss doesn't bother me. Its dicks like you that bad mouth the greatest MMA fighter alive and of all time based on having no knowledge of the sport. Before Werdum do you know who were the the last 3 guys Fedor fought?

Arlovski (former UFC champ ranked in top 3 at the time)

Tim Sylvia ( Former UFC champ ranked in top 5 at the time)

Brett Rogers (undefeated Top 10 fighter)

To say he's fought nobody in the last few years is ridiculous. And then to say Randy Couture would beat him? Really? His 2 biggest heavyweight wins are against Gonzaga and Sylvia. Who else has he beat at heavyweight thats so great? Look at what Couture is doing/has done recently. Randy fought an over-rated Brandon Vera in a fight where he should've lost but had one of the biggest gift decision wins of the year given to him. Fought a 45 year old Mark Coleman. Really? This guy isn't even ranked in the top 25. Now he's fighting James Toney, a man who hasn't had a single MMA match in his career.

Please whats you're arguement that he fights nobodies? That he fought a giant 7"3 asian guy that weighed at least 100 poinds more then him back in 2007? I can't think of one HW fighter thats fought more top level guys then Fedor has.So please name a few before you bad mouth him or discredit his career.

Edited by themcdeal
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Thanks for that. Loooove how the commentator said TWO completely untrue things after he tapped....

"Fedor has lost for the first time...."

"Finally, Brazilian jiu-jitsu has just dethronecedd the champion...."

Fedor had one loss, albeit on an inadvertent elbow cut. Also, The "champion"? Of WAMMA?? What the hell was he even talking about?

WAMMA (World Alliance of Mixed Martial Arts)

The loss that they were talking about was back in 2000( 10 years ago). 15 seconds into the fight Fedor got cut by an illegal elbow above the eye. Normally this would result in a DQ win for Fedor or a No Contest but the fight was under tournament rules, so one fighter had to advance and one has to be eliminated. So Fedor was given a loss and eliminated in the tournament. Alot of people dont really look at that fight as a loss but a loss is a loss and he has a chance to avenge that loss. 5 years after the original bout, the 2 faced of a again and Fedor layed a pretty big donkey kicking resulting in a corner stoppage after the 1st round.

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This is what i hate right here. The loss doesn't bother me. Its dicks like you that bad mouth the greatest MMA fighter alive and of all time based on having no knowledge of the sport. Before Werdum do you know who were the the last 3 guys Fedor fought?

Arlovski (former UFC champ ranked in top 3 at the time)

Tim Sylvia ( Former UFC champ ranked in top 5 at the time)

Brett Rogers (undefeated Top 10 fighter)

To say he's fought nobody in the last few years is ridiculous. And then to say Randy Couture would beat him? Really? His 2 biggest heavyweight wins are against Gonzaga and Sylvia. Who else has he beat at heavyweight thats so great? Look at what Couture is doing/has done recently. Randy fought an over-rated Brandon Vera in a fight where he should've lost but had one of the biggest gift decision wins of the year given to him. Fought a 45 year old Mark Coleman. Really? This guy isn't even ranked in the top 25. Now he's fighting James Toney, a man who hasn't had a single MMA match in his career.

Please whats you're arguement that he fights nobodies? That he fought a giant 7"3 asian guy that weighed at least 100 poinds more then him back in 2007? I can't think of one HW fighter thats fought more top level guys then Fedor has.So please name a few before you bad mouth him or discredit his career.

I'm sorry but you have to face reality in the last few years, really since his last fight with Noguiera, Fedor has not fought anybody that can prove that he is the best.

Wow, he's beaten Arlovski and Sylivia!!! Two fighters that got cut from the UFC. And Brett Rogers, are you kidding me? Fedor isn't even the best heavyweight in Strikeforce right now let alone the best fighter in the world. Alistar freakin Overeem completely destroyed Rogers unlike Fedor who looked uncomfortably with him. Also do not forget the Fedor was losing to Arlovski before Arlovski jumped in the air with his head stuck out asking to be hit.

Until Fedor fights legit comptetion (ie. Lesnar, hell even Overeem) and wins nobody in the right mind should call him the best fighter in the world. He probably was at one time but not right now

Edited by MauricioShogunRua
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I'm not gonna get into the Fedor argument, it's been done a billion times. Bottom line is this was a very significant moment in MMA history. Dude hasn't lost since December 22, 2000. That's pretty damn crazy.

However, I feel he would get smashed against the likes of a Brock, JDS, Cain, etc.

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I wouldn't draw any deep conclusions until the rematch, and even then Fedor is getting well into the age where fighters start to slip. Most dominant fighters in any fight sport are lucky to dominate for 5 years or less, and that's when they're not at a substancial size disadvantage as Fedor is.

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I'm sorry but you have to face reality in the last few years, really since his last fight with Noguiera, Fedor has not fought anybody that can prove that he is the best.

Wow, he's beaten Arlovski and Sylivia!!! Two fighters that got cut from the UFC. And Brett Rogers, are you kidding me? Fedor isn't even the best heavyweight in Strikeforce right now let alone the best fighter in the world. Alistar freakin Overeem completely destroyed Rogers unlike Fedor who looked uncomfortably with him. Also do not forget the Fedor was losing to Arlovski before Arlovski jumped in the air with his head stuck out asking to be hit.

Until Fedor fights legit comptetion (ie. Lesnar, hell even Overeem) and wins nobody in the right mind should call him the best fighter in the world. He probably was at one time but not right now

See this is what I can't stand. People with little to next to no knowledge of the sport making stupid comments and accusations such as this. If you're gonna make comments like this you better be able to back up your information with facts and have actual knowledge about what you're talkin about. You clearly know nothing about what you're talking about, as each one of your terrible arguements is utterly flawed.

First of all; SYLIVIA AND ARLOVSKI WERE NOT CUT FOM THE UFC. They both left on their own terms. Arlovski was on a 3 fight winning streak in the UFC and one of there most marketable fighters. Why would they let him go? Sylvia left for more money; HE WAS NOT CUT. Just like Werdum cause I'm sure you probably think he was cut by the UFC too. He WAS NOT CUT as well. He left by his own choice..

Please name 1; just one Heavyweight thats fought more Top 10 ranked HW then Fedor has in the last few years. I'll save you the time, because the answer is their aren't any. The supposed guy you're saying isnt fighting top level competition is fighting more top level guys then anyone in the UFC has. Its actually rather humerous really. A guy thats gone undefeated for 10 years has to prove something to Brock freakin Lesnar? Really? Without a doubt Brock is a tremendous athlete, his size, speed and strength are unreal. But who has Brock beaten. NEXT TO NOBODY. The guys got 1 win over a top 10 guy in his career. JUST ONE. So Apparently Fedor has to prove himself to him? The only top 10 HW brock beat is Frank freakin Mir. The biggest gatekeeper in the UFC. So I guess thats all it takes to become the #1 HW in your mind right?

As for Overeem. He's a great fighter but once again how many top 10 guys has he beaten recently besides Rogers? Fujita, Goodridge, Thompson, Sylvester, and Hyun aren't even ranked in the top 30 for Heavyweights in the world. So this is the real competition that Fedor has to prove himself too? When I make these comments, i dont mean to discredit the skill of these fighters. Overeem is a fantastic fighter but im only using this as an arguement to counter your terrible logic and prove how flawed your arguements are.

Lastly as for Fedor lookin uncompfortable against Rogers, what does that have to do with anything. He's not gonna rag doll a guy that outweighs him by over 40 pounds.As i recall that was Fedors first fight ever in a cage, and he still KO'd Rogers. As for loosing to Arlovski, what the hell are you talking about? Arlovski was throwing more strikes but how many of them even laded? I guess since Arlovski was throwing more strikes that weren;t even landing in the entire 3 minute fight which is generally a feeling out process means that Fedor was on his way to loosing right?

"nobody in the right mind should call him the best fighter in the world. He probably was at one time but not right now"

This is the asinine comments I'm talkin about. You clearly know very little about the sport if you're saying he probably was the best at one time. Really dude? Probably? Get real dude and actually pay attention to shi*t before going on forums and bad mouthing one of greatest figures in the sport. Dont even bother trying to argue anymore dude because you couldn't even provide accurate information let alone a strong arguement. I'm walkin away from this.


Edited by themcdeal
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This is what i hate right here. The loss doesn't bother me. Its dicks like you that bad mouth the greatest MMA fighter alive and of all time based on having no knowledge of the sport. Before Werdum do you know who were the the last 3 guys Fedor fought?

Arlovski (former UFC champ ranked in top 3 at the time)

Tim Sylvia ( Former UFC champ ranked in top 5 at the time)

Brett Rogers (undefeated Top 10 fighter)

To say he's fought nobody in the last few years is ridiculous. And then to say Randy Couture would beat him? Really? His 2 biggest heavyweight wins are against Gonzaga and Sylvia. Who else has he beat at heavyweight thats so great? Look at what Couture is doing/has done recently. Randy fought an over-rated Brandon Vera in a fight where he should've lost but had one of the biggest gift decision wins of the year given to him. Fought a 45 year old Mark Coleman. Really? This guy isn't even ranked in the top 25. Now he's fighting James Toney, a man who hasn't had a single MMA match in his career.

Please whats you're arguement that he fights nobodies? That he fought a giant 7"3 asian guy that weighed at least 100 poinds more then him back in 2007? I can't think of one HW fighter thats fought more top level guys then Fedor has.So please name a few before you bad mouth him or discredit his career.

What do Fedor and Jose Canseco have in common? They've both fought Hong-man Choi.

Seriously though, he's fought NOBODY but Arlovski since his epic fight with Cro Cop.

Zulu - lol.

Mark Coleman (2nd time) - really? lol. And in Vegas so Coleman was off the juice.

Mark Hunt - Getting subbed by Barnett earns him a shot at Pride's top heavyweight?

Matt Lindland - Natural 185er.

Hong Man Choi - Biggest MMA win is over JOSE CANCESO. Got heel-hooked by Minowa.

Tim Sylvia - Walking sloth. Leading up to the Fedor fight, he had just been subbed by Big Nogs. He was also dominated by a 44-year old man. And barely beat a 205er by holding him against the cage for 3 rounds. His final fight before the Fedor fight was a sub-loss to Nogs. Imagine that, getting subbed by somebody earns you an immediate shot at Fedor. Was knocked out in 8 seconds by 40-something Ray Mercer in his next fight.

Andrei Arlovski - Other than Werdum, this is the only fighter who deserved to be ranked in the Top-5 at the time he fought Fedor. Arlovski was arguably the #3 or #4 heavyweight at this point and the UFC still wanted him. He wasn't a washout like Big Tim.

Brett Rogers - Spout off about his undefeated record all you want, but he only has one top-20 fighter on his record before fighting Fedor, and that was Arlovski, who was a shell of his former self after the Fedor loss.

And why are you talking about Randy? Randy isn't even a top-10 heavyweight. But Dos Santos, Carwin, Mir, Velasquez, and Brock all are. And I find it funny that you discredit Randy's recent fights while listing Tim Sylvia as a notable Fedor victory. Tim Sylvia also fought Brandon Vera (at HW though) and Tim Sylvia also has a fight against a 40+ boxer on his record. And Tim Sylvia had a loss to the overrated Randy on his record leading up to the Fedor fight.

I get that you love Fedor and all, but open your eyes and look at who he has fought since CroCop. A fight is a fight and anything can happen, but other than the Arlovski fight, you can't tell me that the guys he was fighting were the best competition he could find.

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WAMMA (World Alliance of Mixed Martial Arts)

The loss that they were talking about was back in 2000( 10 years ago). 15 seconds into the fight Fedor got cut by an illegal elbow above the eye. Normally this would result in a DQ win for Fedor or a No Contest but the fight was under tournament rules, so one fighter had to advance and one has to be eliminated. So Fedor was given a loss and eliminated in the tournament. Alot of people dont really look at that fight as a loss but a loss is a loss and he has a chance to avenge that loss. 5 years after the original bout, the 2 faced of a again and Fedor layed a pretty big donkey kicking resulting in a corner stoppage after the 1st round.

Wamma is an absolute joke.



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What do Fedor and Jose Canseco have in common? They've both fought Hong-man Choi.

Seriously though, he's fought NOBODY but Arlovski since his epic fight with Cro Cop.

Zulu - lol. Agreeed

Mark Coleman (2nd time) - really? lol. And in Vegas so Coleman was off the juice. Tough guy and very legit in his prime

Mark Hunt - Getting subbed by Barnett earns him a shot at Pride's top heavyweight? True its dumb that he got a title shot but Hunt beat some very legit guys before geting a shot

Matt Lindland - Natural 185er. One of the top ranked 185 guys. The weight differance was like 15 pounds. Not very much at all.

Hong Man Choi - Biggest MMA win is over JOSE CANCESO. Got heel-hooked by Minowa. This was just a gimmick fight. And dont discredit Minowaman :D

Tim Sylvia - Walking sloth. Leading up to the Fedor fight, he had just been subbed by Big Nogs. He was also dominated by a 44-year old man. And barely beat a 205er by holding him against the cage for 3 rounds. His final fight before the Fedor fight was a sub-loss to Nogs. Imagine that, getting subbed by somebody earns you an immediate shot at Fedor. Was knocked out in 8 seconds by 40-something Ray Mercer in his next fight.

Andrei Arlovski - Other than Werdum, this is the only fighter who deserved to be ranked in the Top-5 at the time he fought Fedor. Arlovski was arguably the #3 or #4 heavyweight at this point and the UFC still wanted him. He wasn't a washout like Big Tim.

Brett Rogers - Spout off about his undefeated record all you want, but he only has one top-20 fighter on his record before fighting Fedor, and that was Arlovski, who was a shell of his former self after the Fedor loss.

And why are you talking about Randy? Randy isn't even a top-10 heavyweight. But Dos Santos, Carwin, Mir, Velasquez, and Brock all are. And I find it funny that you discredit Randy's recent fights while listing Tim Sylvia as a notable Fedor victory. Tim Sylvia also fought Brandon Vera (at HW though) and Tim Sylvia also has a fight against a 40+ boxer on his record. And Tim Sylvia had a loss to the overrated Randy on his record leading up to the Fedor fight.

Sylvia before losing to Fedor Lost to Nog and Couture both top 5 HW at the time. Nothing to be ashamed of. Especially since he was destroying Nog to before he got subbed.

On a sidenote about Randy I only brought that up because the user : CallMeyourDaddy was saying Couture could beat him. I got nothing against Couture but this was only to counter the arguement brought up that Fedor fights cans and couture can beat him. This has nothing to do with Velasquez, Mir, dos santos or carwin.

I get that you love Fedor and all, but open your eyes and look at who he has fought since CroCop. A fight is a fight and anything can happen, but other than the Arlovski fight, you can't tell me that the guys he was fighting were the best competition he could find.

This isn't about me loving Fedor. This is about dumb ignorant fans that are making asinine comments without and logic or proof. To Discredit one of the greatest fighters of all time for little reasoning is stupid. I get people wanna see him in the UFC but the discredit a decade of destruction and hardwork he's put in is just wrong. The sports has evolved in light years over the past decade and almost every fighter failed to keep up. Fedor was one of the very few that was able to, which is beyond ridiculous.

Coleman in his prime, Hunt, Lindland are not joke competition. Lindland is a natural 185 guy sure but look the weight difference Fedor takes on every fight. The guy doesn't cut weight. Hell Anderson Silva weighs about the same as him, but he choose to cut 40 pounds so he can have the biggest advantage possible. I know guys like Zulu and choi by no stretch to the imagination are top level fighter but that wasn't the arguement. It was who has he fought lately? For you to discredit the careers of Arlvoski, Rogers, Sylvia is not really fair. They were all top level guys WHEN THEY FOUGHT FEDOR. Their careers are no where near which they once were but thats not the point.

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Coleman in his prime, Hunt, Lindland are not joke competition. Lindland is a natural 185 guy sure but look the weight difference Fedor takes on every fight. The guy doesn't cut weight. Hell Anderson Silva weighs about the same as him, but he choose to cut 40 pounds so he can have the biggest advantage possible. I know guys like Zulu and choi by no stretch to the imagination are top level fighter but that wasn't the arguement. It was who has he fought lately? For you to discredit the careers of Arlvoski, Rogers, Sylvia is not really fair. They were all top level guys WHEN THEY FOUGHT FEDOR. Their careers are no where near which they once were but thats not the point.

Coleman wasn't in his prime when they fought in Vegas. and I'm not discrediting AA at all. When he fought fought Fedor he was a top-5 heavyweight. Possibly top-3. He was in my top-3. Tim Sylvia was top-10 by default. When Big Tim was the UFC HW champ (2 wins over AA) Pride still existed. The whole "UFC Champ is 1 or 2" rule didn't exist back then. Tim Sylvia was #5 or #6 after his 2nd win over AA. Fedor, Nogs, Mirko, Barnett were all ranked ahead of him. He never moved higher than #5 in the World. He stayed at #5 with his win over Monson. Randy came in after retirement, weighed 50-70 pounds less than him, and embarrassed him. That dropped him to 8 or 9 imo. He beat a LHW in Brandon Vera by holding him against the cage. Kept him at 8 or 9. He was then subbed by Nogs. No shame there, was winning up to the sub. Stays at 8 or 9 or could even be dropped to 10 or 11. He was still top-10, but he was on his way out and barely holding on.

Brett Rogers was NOT a top-10 opponent no matter what any Fedor-loving ranking maker wants you to believe. In MMA there are a bunch of different crowds, but there are two super-crowds; the UFC-lovers and the UFC-haters. UFC-lovers discredit everything outside the UFC. UFC-haters over-rate everything outside the UFC. There are also a huge crowd of Fedor-huggers. And they will do anything they can to validate a Fedor opponent. The combination of UFC-haters/Fedor-huggers have tricked the world into believing that a single win over a ranked fighter makes you a top-10 guy. I would argue for Rogers to break the top-10 if he beat Arlovski before Arlovski had his soul stolen in the Fedor fight, but he didn't. Rogers was barely top-20. He might have been undefeated, but who was he undefeated against?

In my opinion, Fedor has two top-level fights over his last 4; Werdum and AA. Both top-ranked guys. And even then, the Werdum fight was laughed at because it looked so one-sided on paper. Your argument is that no other heavyweight has as many top-10 fights in the same period, but Brock, Mir, Carwin, and Nogs all have at least 2 top-level fights on their record since the beginning of 2008.

People (Fedor fans) have been saying that it doesn't matter who Fedor fights, he stays at #1 until he loses. Now that he's lost, he's still #1 because nobody has the same record as he does. blah blah blah blah blah. The simple fact is this; Fedor is not fighting the best fighters in the world anymore. The UFC owns 8 of the top 10 heavyweight fighters in the World. 7 if you put Overeem in the Top-10. I do/don't because as you said "he hasn't faced any top competition". And after those 3 (Fedor, Werdum, Overeem) the UFC probably has the 17 that make up the top-20. The winner of Brock/Carwin is the #1 heavyweight fighter on the planet. Not the greatest heavyweight of all time, but the best heavyweight fighter in the world right now. Fedor is still great and still one of the p4p kings, but as far as rankings go, he's no longer #1.

And while I agree that people who completely go off the deep-end trying to discredit Fedor are annoying, people who go the other way with their ridiculous nuthugging are just as annoying. Fedor still holds the title of best HW of all-time. But he is no longer the current best heavyweight.

edit: just read the italics in the quote box. I agree with a lot of it. I too wanted to see him in the UFC. And don't dislike him at all. He's one of the very best fighters and people in the sport. But the people behind him (M-1) are an embarrassment and his hardcore fans are almost as bad as BJ Penn fans. Anyways, sorry for lumping you in with the "huggers", I've read so much garbage since the loss from both sides of the fence and just jumped in. Should've read more of the back-posts before responding to you.

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See this is what I can't stand. People with little to next to no knowledge of the sport making stupid comments and accusations such as this. If you're gonna make comments like this you better be able to back up your information with facts and have actual knowledge about what you're talkin about. You clearly know nothing about what you're talking about, as each one of your terrible arguements is utterly flawed.

First of all; SYLIVIA AND ARLOVSKI WERE NOT CUT FOM THE UFC. They both left on their own terms. Arlovski was on a 3 fight winning streak in the UFC and one of there most marketable fighters. Why would they let him go? Sylvia left for more money; HE WAS NOT CUT. Just like Werdum cause I'm sure you probably think he was cut by the UFC too. He WAS NOT CUT as well. He left by his own choice..

Please name 1; just one Heavyweight thats fought more Top 10 ranked HW then Fedor has in the last few years. I'll save you the time, because the answer is their aren't any. The supposed guy you're saying isnt fighting top level competition is fighting more top level guys then anyone in the UFC has. Its actually rather humerous really. A guy thats gone undefeated for 10 years has to prove something to Brock freakin Lesnar? Really? Without a doubt Brock is a tremendous athlete, his size, speed and strength are unreal. But who has Brock beaten. NEXT TO NOBODY. The guys got 1 win over a top 10 guy in his career. JUST ONE. So Apparently Fedor has to prove himself to him? The only top 10 HW brock beat is Frank freakin Mir. The biggest gatekeeper in the UFC. So I guess thats all it takes to become the #1 HW in your mind right?

As for Overeem. He's a great fighter but once again how many top 10 guys has he beaten recently besides Rogers? Fujita, Goodridge, Thompson, Sylvester, and Hyun aren't even ranked in the top 30 for Heavyweights in the world. So this is the real competition that Fedor has to prove himself too? When I make these comments, i dont mean to discredit the skill of these fighters. Overeem is a fantastic fighter but im only using this as an arguement to counter your terrible logic and prove how flawed your arguements are.

Lastly as for Fedor lookin uncompfortable against Rogers, what does that have to do with anything. He's not gonna rag doll a guy that outweighs him by over 40 pounds.As i recall that was Fedors first fight ever in a cage, and he still KO'd Rogers. As for loosing to Arlovski, what the hell are you talking about? Arlovski was throwing more strikes but how many of them even laded? I guess since Arlovski was throwing more strikes that weren;t even landing in the entire 3 minute fight which is generally a feeling out process means that Fedor was on his way to loosing right?

"nobody in the right mind should call him the best fighter in the world. He probably was at one time but not right now"

This is the asinine comments I'm talkin about. You clearly know very little about the sport if you're saying he probably was the best at one time. Really dude? Probably? Get real dude and actually pay attention to shi*t before going on forums and bad mouthing one of greatest figures in the sport. Dont even bother trying to argue anymore dude because you couldn't even provide accurate information let alone a strong arguement. I'm walkin away from this.


OMG Arlovski had a three fight win streak in the UFC against no names, who even at that time were nobodies. His one good win came against Werdum, and it was fight in which thy pretty much ran around and got booed out of the arena.

And don't get me started on Sylvia. He had lost two of his last three (Only win coming against Vera) before he fought Fedor. And after losing to Fedor, he lost to RAY MERCER. The same guy freakin Kimbo Slice beat via Guillotine Choke.

At the very least you can say about the previous two fighters was they were once very good or at least had beaten some dangerous fighters. But Brett Rogers beat Arlovski at a point in his career where he was clearly done. Also it was apparent that Arlovski was looking past Rogers, either that or he sucks. Rogers came in their blindly swinging like it was street fight and caught Arlovski who defended himself horribly.

Can you honestly say by looking at his past three victories he is the best in the world?? During his days in Pride he probably was, but now he lacks the motivation and honestly the skill (which has steadly declined) to be in the conversation for best pound for pound. Who knows maybe this loss to Werdum, who was released by the UFC following his loss to JDS (I actually checked this time) will light a fire in him and get him going.

But for the time being he is not the best MMA fighter in the world.

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This thread turned into a Heavyweight argument thread. :D

Come on guys, everybody knows that Big Country Roy would demolish Fedor, Arlovski, Lesnar, Carwin, Rogers, Overeem, Mir and anyone you guys are arguing are the best! :P

I'm actually semi-excited to see Roy take on Dos Santos next..I hope Dos Santos destroys him.

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This thread turned into a Heavyweight argument thread. :D

Come on guys, everybody knows that Big Country Roy would demolish Fedor, Arlovski, Lesnar, Carwin, Rogers, Overeem, Mir and anyone you guys are arguing are the best! :P

I'm actually semi-excited to see Roy take on Dos Santos next..I hope Dos Santos destroys him.


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Same with Fedor, he hasn't fought anyone in the last few years.

Wow he beat a big Chinese guy by submission, Legend give me a break.

Randy Couture could beat him.

UFC fanboys are hilarious. How about just being a fan of MMA in general and actually knowing something before you post stuff like this? It could go a long way.

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First of all; SYLIVIA AND ARLOVSKI WERE NOT CUT FOM THE UFC. They both left on their own terms. Arlovski was on a 3 fight winning streak in the UFC and one of there most marketable fighters. Why would they let him go? Sylvia left for more money; HE WAS NOT CUT. Just like Werdum cause I'm sure you probably think he was cut by the UFC too. He WAS NOT CUT as well. He left by his own choice..

I thought Werdum was released by the UFC after he lost to JDS?

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I'm pretty sick of the whole Fedor argument....

As for the loss last night... I actually don't think it looks as bad as people are making it out to be. He got tapped out... that can really happen to anyone. Just like anyone can get KO'd by the right punch at the right time. Now, if Werdum completely dominated Fedor for 2 rounds THEN tapped him.. I would be in a lot more shock. Fedor was winning the fight, got over confident, and got tapped. Big deal.

Huge congrats to Werdum though.. he did what he was supposed to do. He must be on cloud 9 right now.

Edited by cadillaccts
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I'm pretty sick of the whole Fedor argument....

As for the loss last night... I actually don't think it looks as bad as people are making it out to be. He got tapped out... that can really happen to anyone. Just like anyone can get KO'd by the right punch at the right time. Now, if Werdum completely dominated Fedor for 2 rounds THEN tapped him.. I would be in a lot more shock. Fedor was winning the fight, got over confident, and got tapped. Big deal.

Huge congrats to Werdum though.. he did what he was supposed to do. He must be on cloud 9 right now.

I agree with you that his can happen to anybody no better how talented but how can you say Fedor was winning the fight?

They stood up for like 20 second, then Werdum dropped to guard to lure in Fedor, it's not if Fedor was dominating him but then got caught in a submission hold. (ie. Lesnar vs Mir 1)

Edited by MauricioShogunRua
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